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April 23 1910/2010

Susquehanna - Fred Langford, who conducts the Langford Hotel, while out in his new automobile last week, met with an accident which completely demolished the car, but fortunately the occupants were uninjured. They were on their way to Windsor when the auto struck a post which was placed there temporarily in making new roads. Mr. Langford has only had the car about six weeks.

Hop Bottom - The Adams Orchestra of Factoryville will furnish music for the Hop Bottom High School Alumni banquet, April 22. Mr. Adams is becoming associated with the better class of musicians and his music is always tasteful and appropriate and is becoming popular. The musical part of the Alumni banquet will be a treat.

Hallstead - Mrs. Henry Smith was struck a glancing blow by an engine drawing passenger train, as it passed eastbound at the rate of 50 miles an hour in Great Bend. As a result she is now at the Moses Taylor Hospital, in Scranton, where it may be necessary to amputate the left leg. Her husband is suffering from a severe bruise and cut of the wrist, received from the engine as he was swinging Mrs. Smith from before the train to a place of safety. ALSO Willard Tillyou, an employee of the American Chair Manufacturing company dropped dead at his work in the factory Monday morning. He was about 55 years of age and is survived by his wife and several step children.

Kingsley - Some one with a very epicurean taste made two or three attempts to steal some choice hams and bacon from J. J. Wagner on a recent night. Mr. Wagner was awakened by the barking of his dog, and it was a very fortunate "bark" too, for it scared away some one who was just upon the point of taking off with 13 choice hams and bacon which Mr. Wagner was curing in his smoke house. Mr. Wagner saw somebody making large tracks across the country, and his faithful dog followed the intruder across the hills, and had Mr. Wagner got hold of his double barrel shot gun, it would have been a different story.

Brooklyn - F. B. Miller returned from Toronto Veterinary College from which institution he has just graduated. Mr. Miller will practice his profession here in his hometown and vicinity.

Ararat - The house of Dallas Carpenter, at Burnwood, was burned so quickly Saturday evening that help could not save his invalid wife, who has been a victim of paralysis nearly a year and she was burned up. Sparks from the Erie engine, which ignited the straw that filled the cellar hatchway, is thought to be the cause of the fire.

Carbondale - While endeavoring to reach a high note, while singing a solo in the Grace Episcopal church, Miss Minnie Smith struck her head against a lighted gas jet, igniting a large picture hat. Immediately the feathered plumage was a mass of flame, and cries of horror were heard throughout the church; but a panic was averted when the soloist coolly removed her headgear and handed it to one of the male members of the choir, who hurriedly carried it outside, but too late to save the Easter chanticleer.

Forest City - Frank Lavendowski, a bright young man who had charge of the jigs in the Forest City breaker was, on Friday, caught in the machinery and badly injured about the lower portions of his body. He was taken to Emergency hospital but expired in a few hours. He was 18 years and 6 months old. ALSO Aleck Mansfield, a well known citizen for 26 years, was instantly killed by a fall of rock in the old Slope. Deceased was born in Germany 56 years ago and came to Forest City in the early 80's.

Uniondale -Fishermen are plentiful but trout seem to be scarce. The drought killed many of the fish last fall, but the fish lies seem to have survived. They have come out of cold storage as fresh as when put in last spring. ALSO Dan Gibson has purchased the John Thomas farm of 30 acres in town. Price $3000. Dan is a hustler; he owns one-half the town now and is talking of buying the other half next week.

New Milford - W. B. Phinney, proprietor of the Eagle Hotel, died at Glenmary Sanitarium, Owego, NY, last Saturday. The remains were brought home and the funeral was held from the house on Tuesday.

Heart Lake - Levi Campbell, of Binghamton, has purchased a lot at the Lake and will build a cottage in the near future.

Choconut - The managers of the Choconut Valley creamery expect to have it ready to open in a few days. They have been making repairs on the building, putting in a new concrete floor and doing some other repairing.

Auburn Four Corners - Under the auspices of the county W. C. T. U., Miss Hendrick, of Gould, NY, gave a very interesting and inspiring temperance address at the M. E. church, Monday evening. An effort is being made to organize a union in this place.

Montrose - A chorus of 100 voices, accompanied by a 16 piece orchestra, will be heard in Mendelssohn's, "Elijah," his most famous musical composition, at the Palace Skating Rink on April 29th. Tickets are on sale for 50 cents each. Jenny Lind, the world famous soprano and personal friend of Mendelssohn, first sang it in 1845 and it appears that certain melodies, especially in "Hear ye, Israel," were written having her wonderful voice in mind.

News Brief - President Taft was hissed while speaking before the National American Woman's Suffrage Association at the Arlington hotel in Washington. It was a good sized hiss that started in the back of the auditorium and quickly spread to other parts. It came when Mr. Taft was giving his reason for opposing woman's suffrage. Explaining his opposition to the suffrage movement, the president said: "If I could be sure that women as a class in the community, including all the intelligent women most desirable as political constituents, would exercise the franchise, I should be in favor of it. At present there is considerable doubt upon this point. In certain states which have tried it women's suffrage has not been a failure. It has not made, I think, any substantial difference in politics. My impression is that the task before you in securing what you think ought to be granted in respect to political rights of women is not in convincing the men, but it is in convincing the majority of your own class of the wisdom of extending the suffrage to them and of their duty to exercise it."

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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