Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 23 1897/1997
Oakland – Rev. Fred L.C. Ehinger, of Carbondale, pastor of the Lutheran church in that city, will hold German and English services in the Oakland Evangelical church on Sunday May 2nd, to ascertain whether this field should be recommended as a part of the present Carbondale Mission of the Lutheran Ministorium of Pennsylvania.
Herrick Centre – Miss Franc Clancey closed a term of school Wednesday.
Harford – Charles Townsend's thrilling drama “Tony, The Convict" was well presented by the Kingsley Dramatic Club, at Odd Fellow Hall, Harford, April 15. Music furnished by the Kingsley Orchestra. Although the weather was very bad, the attendance was good. All parts were well sustained and showed evidence of much ability, aided by careful preparation. Special mention is due the costumes of the ladies, particularly in the fifth act.
Springville – Mr. A. Drake went to Montrose one day last week and purchased a wheel. He took his first ride last Saturday, to Niven, to visit his parents.
Montrose – All persons interested in the organization in this borough of a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals are requested to meet at Village Hall Monday evening, April 26, at 8. AND Rev. E.K. Thomas, pastor of the Baptist church, preached a very interesting and instructive sermon to the Needle Workers of the Zion church, Sunday afternoon. Their work is now ready for the weaver.
Rush – Lee Hickok, having closed his school, has gone to Factoryville to work for R. Wilcox. Clifton Hickok, after the close of his term as teacher, has rolled up his sleeves and gone to work in his father's blacksmith shop.
Forest City – W.H. Leek, who has conducted a butcher business for the past 10 years, has sold out to L.M. LaBar. The latter takes possession today. While his patrons will regret Mr. Leek's retirement, they will find in his successor a man qualified to meat their every want.
Jackson [North Jackson] – Herbert, a young son of Mr. Elbert Whitney of Jackson, was serious, if not fatally injured near Gelatt, Saturday, April 16. While engaged with a young companion in driving a colt in a dog can and in fixing a strap, the colt suddenly kicked and the boy received a terrible blow on the forehead, fracturing the skull. He was at once removed to his home and Dr. Benson was summoned, who removed the pieces of fractured bone and dressed the wound. At this writing the result of his injuries in uncertain, but his recovery is possible.
Susquehanna – Moody relief corps, of Susquehanna, will purchase markers for the graves of the soldiers buried in the several cemeteries of that place. AND H.F. Spencer, who for years operated a gristmill at Starrucca, is about to build a steam mill on Main Street.
Hop Bottom – The Hop Bottom post office was broken into one night last week but the thieves were scared away by Mrs. Fassett, the postmistress, it is reported, firing three shots from a revolver at them. Probably that office will not be disturbed again.
New Milford – C.W. Squires, E.C. Tourje and B.A. Smith, New Milford township supervisors, went to Owego and negotiated with the Owego Bridge Co. for a new iron bridge, to take the place of the old wooden structure which spans the creek East of the railroad, near the mill at Tingley.
Middletown – The residence of Laurence Curley, near the Rush line, was destroyed by fire, together with its contents on Sunday, April 12th. The family, [Mr. Curley, an aged man, his two sons, a son's wife, and an aunt] were all asleep and were awakened by the roar of the flames, the breaking glass of the windows and the fierce heat, which gave them no lime to don clothing, only to find a quilt to wrap around them, whilst the men secured their pantaloons. They had neither shoes nor stockings and in this plight had to seek the hospitable shelter of their neighbor, Mark Golden. The outbuilding, containing wagons, harness, farming tools and machinery, was totally destroyed, with its contents. They saved 20 tubs of butter and a barrel of pork out of the cellar, which was all they had time for. Mr. Curley was one of the pioneers of Middletown, settling there in 1841.
Lathrop – Adelbert Waterman has bought 42 acres of land, part of Bronson's lower place. Adelbert is in earnest—preparing to plan an orchard and says he has pitched his tent for life.
Gunn Hill – Mrs. J.E. Davis has been suffering with the toothache.
Jersey Hill – When you want to buy dry goods and groceries, call at J.C. Cooper's, near the Jersey Hill creamery.
Compiled By: Betty Smith