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April 22 1904/2004

South Gibson - Our little village seems to have taken boom this spring; every house and barn occupied and still others are seeking for rooms to rent. We have four stores, well fitted with general merchandise, one drug store, two millinery shops, a cheese and butter factory, two blacksmith shops and wagon shop, one furniture store and harness shop, one depot (where wagons and farm implements are sold), one butcher shop, and a shoemaker shop. We also have a good gristmill and an undertaking shop. Among our citizens are carpenters, paper hangers, masons and dressmakers.

North Bridgewater - S. W. Youngs believes in being up to date; as the ground was covered with snow, April 20th, he was out driving, with sleigh bells. Seventeen years ago, last Saturday, we had 14" of snow fall. The couple of inches, which fell Wednesday, are mild in comparison, but then we can do without that kind of mildness.

Forest City - George W. Maxey, a freshman in the law department of the University of Pennsylvania, has won the Frazer prize of $75.

Montrose - Mrs. W. H. Dennis, Jr.'s. handsome horse, "Don" had a narrow escape from drowning Sunday afternoon in an old fire cistern, containing 12 ft. of water, in front of Capt. Dennis' residence on South Main St. Capt. Dennis drove up in front of the house and was very much startled to see the horse's hind quarters sink suddenly out of sight, but quickly jumping from the wagon he held the animal's head and kept it from slipping backward into the water until assistance arrived. The horse is fortunately none the worse for his experience, with the exception of a slight lameness from the strain. The committee on streets has fenced the cistern in and at the council meeting next Monday evening action will be taken as to its repair and maintenance or abolishment. AND At about 2:30 yesterday afternoon fire was discovered in S. A. Dawley's wagon shop, near the Montrose House barn, but prompt action on the part of Rough & Ready Fire company (A) No. 1, prevented much loss. No. 1, it is claimed, was on the way to the fire before the alarm was sounded, and did very effective work. No. 2 company was right on the scene, too, but as the hose-drying tower is not yet completed, they deemed it more wise to be discreet than valorous, so refrained from wetting the hose, which is no easy task to dry under the present conditions. This is the second fire within almost a week's time. Now look out for the proverbial third one.

Susquehanna - It is not likely that the Erie will enlarge its West Susquehanna yards this year. The company is reducing expenses all along the line.

Auburn Corners - Daisy, the faithful family horse belonging to L. W. Titman, after days of severe suffering with rheumatism, died last week.

New Milford - M. A. Blair, of Hopbottom, has purchased the old established J. C. McConnell drug store, taking possession on Monday. Mr. Blair is a practical pharmacist, and a business man of abundant experience. He will be a desirable acquisition to the business interests of the town. He will continue his drug business at Hopbottom until such time as he may find a purchaser. E. C. Tingley, for seven years a clerk in McConnell's drug store, has accepted a fine position in a large drug house in Hyde Park.

Loomis Lake - Dr. E. E. Tower is busily engaged in vaccinating cattle for black-leg in Forest Lake, Lawsville, Heart Lake, Brooklyn, Gibson, New Milford and Harford, under the directions of the State Board.

Brooklyn - The Methodist Church, Rev. John B. Sumner, pastor, will, in a few months, celebrate its 100th anniversary.

Birchardville - W. A. Pickett had a wood-bee Wednesday and had a nice lot of wood cut and Mrs. Pickett had a nice lot of rags sewed. Those there were: V. E. Cobb, Walter Brink, Myron Strange, Gordon Bennett, Chester Bennett, Nathan Babcock, Floyd Ball, Art Hoag, Leon Wood. The ladies were: Mrs. V. E. Cobb, Mrs. Dorr Brink and three daughters, Mrs. Nathan Babcock and daughter, Miss Will Babcock, Mrs. Minnie Bennett. AND Charley Burr had the misfortune of having his dogs and cats bitten by the mad dog that went through this place. His cat was the last one to go mad; it was taken Saturday and was not found until Monday, when it was killed. Mr. Brailey killed his dog. Wm. Flynn and R. Turrell killed theirs. Mr. Brailey and Mr. Turrell saw the mad dog and theirs fighting. We hope there will be no more of the kind.

Springville - Miss Lena Lyman, accompanied by her sister, returned to East Stroudsburg to pursue their studies in the school there. Misses Nellie Setser, Mabel Pritchard, Lou Squiers, Maude Hinkley and Nellie Marcey will all attend the same school.

Ararat - The death of Mrs. John Keenan occurred at the home of her mother, Mrs. John Terry, April 3d, after a long illness. She leaves a husband and 7 children, the oldest being 12 years. The funeral was held from the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday; interment in the cemetery close by. The sympathy of the entire community is with this distressed family.

Friendsville - Our school, which has been successfully conducted by Miss Agnes Sweeney, closed last Friday afternoon, followed in the evening by an entertainment in which some of the young people of the town took part. The numerous recitations and dialogues, in which the comic and pathetic elements blended, were much appreciated. And particularly interesting was the music, especially the singing which called forth much applause from the large and appreciative audience.

News Brief - Richard Vanderpool, Bradford county's oldest resident, died at the county house Tuesday night of last week. He was born April 11, 1799, and was therefore in his 106th year. He was married twice and was the father of 20 children. AND Drink water and get typhoid; drink milk and get tuberculosis; drink whisky and get delirium tremens; eat soup and get Bright's disease, eat meat and get apoplexy; eat oysters and get toxemia; eat vegetables and get weak; eat dessert and get paresis; smoke cigarettes and die early; smoke cigars and get catarrh; drink coffee and get nervous prostration. In fact, you should eat nothing (except beans, which make you strong; rice to sleep well; apples to be brainy; oranges to be cheerful; and drink hot water to banish the dark brown taste in your mouth.) AND The Soldier's Monument is soon to be brightened and completed in accordance with original plans. It was intended that each town's soldiers [who died in service] should have their names inscribed in the tablets, set aside for each town, but this work was never completed. It was erected by popular subscription and a good many towns gave nothing. The Grand Jury recommended the Commissioner's complete it.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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