Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 21 1922/2022
Susquehanna – Erie shops have laid off most of [their] men within the past few days. On April 3rd notices were posted in the round houses that owing to the business depression seventy firemen would be laid off. Girls having clerical positions have been put on short working schedules and quite a number of engineers, conductors, trainmen and yardmen have been laid off owing to lack of work. Twenty engineers, some of whom have been running engines for years, were set back by firing. It is expected within a day or two many trainmen and firemen on the Allegheny & Buffalo division will be laid off. ALSO The funeral of “Big” Murphy, who died at the Barnes hospital last week from wounds inflicted by the police [in the shoot-out in Lanesboro], was held from the Roman Catholic church and burial made in the Laurel Hill cemetery.
Lanesboro – J. H. Whittington has patented a new automatic screw driver which is now being manufactured by the Whittington Company of Lanesboro and is now developing a country-wide demand for same. The automatic screw driver contains no rackets, pawls, cams, slides or dogs, nor anything else to operate. Mr. Whittington, the patentee of the screw driver, is also the inventor of an extension ladder, combination locks, coaster brakes, bicycle cranks, head lamp brackets, seat post expander and pipe vise.
Brooklyn – Prof. Hamlin E. Cogswell, a well-known musician, died at Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimore, April 3rd. He organized and was leader of the old Brooklyn Cornet Band, which captured third prize at the Centennial celebration in Philadelphia in 1876. He was a noted composer, having written several famous selections, including the old Montrose Quickstep, known to practically every band man of the United States. Among the surviving members of the old Brooklyn Cornet Band are: W.A. Stephens, Lester Tewksbury, Frank Tewksbury, of Binghamton; N. G. Kent and Arthur H. Palmer, of California; Curtis Birch, of Tunkhannock; Addison Birch, of Glen Castle, NY, W. B. Chase, of Carbondale; Nelson Oakley of Sacramento, Calif. [Photographs of Hamlin Cogswell and the old Brooklyn Cornet Band are on display in the Susquehanna County Court House, first floor hall, with a number of other 19thand early 20th century bands.]
Springville – Miss Ruth Strickland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Strickland and Adrian Quick, of Nicholson, were married in the M. E. church at 1:15 p.m., Wednesday, April 5th. Dinner was served in the church parlors to a large number of relatives and guests. Mr. Quick has taken possession of the store purchased of Mr. Reynolds and is ready for patronage. Mr. Reynolds is now engaged in the egg business in Montrose.
Forest City – The hay mow in J. P. Murray’s livery barn collapsed Friday afternoon. A supporting rod broke and down came tons of baled hay. Geo. Fives was caught by the fall and sustained two broken bones of the right foot. Barney Conrad’s buggy was reduced to kindling wood and considerable damage was done to articles on the first floor. Four persons were in the lay loft at the time of the collapse and all escaped injury.
Great Bend – F. S. Barnes, one of Great Bend’s most highly esteemed residents, was called for jury duty Monday, but was excused by Judge Smith owing to Mr. Barnes’ age and the fact that he does not hear well. Mr. Barnes, for a score of years, had charge of the freight and express at Hallstead and was locally famous for his courtesy to the D. & L.’s patrons. He is very well preserved for one of his age, being in his 79thyear.
Clifford – W. S. Spedding, of the Clifford Hotel, famed for its very fine table and considered one of the best hostelries in the county, has a garden and yard a sight to behold in the summer. We’ve set our heart on taking dinner with W. S. when his yellow bantam sweet corn is prime for picking.
South Auburn – Mrs. William Overfield was in Montrose last week, serving on the jury. She has the honor of being the first lady from South Auburn to serve in that capacity.
Forest Lake – Thomas Booth, one of Forest Lake’s oldest and most highly esteemed citizens, passed away April 10, 1922. He was a native of England, having been born at Nottingham, in 1839. Death was due to complications which followed an injury to his hip, sustained from a fall on the ice during the past winter. The fall occurred just one week after the death of his brother, William Booth.
Dimock – Miss Pauline Mills, of Mill City, spent the week-end with her family here. Her mother, Mrs. Lizzie Mills, accompanied her back to Mill City, where she will spend several days with her two daughters.
Marriage Licenses: Guy D, Ely and Ruth L. Howard, both of Dimock; Cornelius J. Pluckett and Kathryn E. Sullivan, both of Hallstead; Frank Telban, and Mary Slopnick, both of Forest City.
Two Hundred Years Ago from the Susquehanna County Herald, April 20, 1822.
A Squall a-head. All persons indebted to the Subscriber, in any manner whatsoever, are hereby notified, that immediate payment must be made, as the ship wants repairs. The subscriber still continues his business as a Saddler and Harness Maker; and thankful for past favours, offers his further services at his house in Montrose. N. B.—An Apprentice and Journeyman in the above business are wanted—Enquire of WILLIAM TURRELL, April 19, 1822.
YOUNG HIGHLANDER. YOUNG HIGHLANDER will stand the ensuing season, at the following places: On the first Monday in May at the stable of Isaac Post, Montrose, from 9 A.M. until 3 P.M.—On Tuesday, at the stable of Samuel Yeomans in Waterford, from 6 A.M. until 2 P. M.—On Wednesday, at the stable of Spencer Hickcox in Springville, until 12. On Thursday, at the stable of Jabez A. Birchard, Middletown, from 6 A.M. until 12.—On Friday, at the stable of Thomas Christian, Middletown, from 6 A.M. until 12. On Saturday at the stable of Isaac Post, Montrose, from 6 o’clock morning until 6 in the evening—and continue his route through the season as above.
Compiled By: Betty Smith