Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 21 1905/2005
Birchardville - We had a small-sized 4th of July celebration upon receipt of the news of Milton E. Birchard's nomination for Register and Recorder. The church bell was rung and all were happy and joined in the racket. Milton is in every way worthy of the place.
Hop Bottom - The milling and feed business heretofore conducted at Foster Station, under the name of Foster Mill, M. Merithew, agent, will hereafter be conducted by Frank R. Zimmerman, to whom has been transferred the property and business. Mr. Zimmerman was for over 12 years with the Empire Mill and Elevator Co., Binghamton.
Oakley, Harford Twp. - W. H. Wilmarth is hired by H.W. Jeffers to take down buildings at the Orphan School and erect them on the farm of Watson Jeffers this spring.
Thompson - Miss Madge E. Brown, of the township, who closed a term as principal of the graded school in this borough, the 7th inst. [present month], began a term in the school at Medina, N.Y., Monday morning. She had several flattering offers from other places. AND One can go to New York and back from here much easier and quicker than he can make the trip to Montrose.
South Gibson - Mrs. Alvira Pickering passed her 90th birthday on April 10. She is well and in possession of all her faculties. AND Commencing the first of May, the Department at Washington has ordered that a free rural mail service be extended between Kingsley Post office and South Gibson.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - Some of the people here are putting teams on the grading for the new railroad--four dollars per day.
Hallstead - A temporary bridge has been erected over the Harmony creek, near Hallstead, where the bridge went out this spring, by contractor A.J. Cosgriff, of New Milford. A permanent structure will be put up as soon as possible, and the commissioners are in hopes to find the superstructure, which was washed down the creek, uninjured and capable of further use, thus incurring less expenditure of the county's moneys. It is thought that it may be necessary to raise the bridge a number of feet higher than its present level in order to prevent a repetition of this spring's disaster. The abutments are in good condition and were little damaged by the high water. AND Preparations are being made to put a swift ball team in the field this season. A dancing pavilion, swings, etc., will be erected at Riverside Park to further attract the followers of the game.
Brooklyn - Miss Alice Lee has been spending a few days at Dr. Wilson's. Miss Lee's literary ability is becoming pretty well known, as we often see articles from her pen in some of our leading magazines. AND Fred P. Miller, now Corporal in the signal corps, U.S.A., visited his parents last week. Mr. Miller enlisted in the service on April 7, 1902 in Chicago. Has been at Washington, D.C., Kansas, New York, San Francisco and assisted in the laying of the ocean cable from Seattle to Valdee, Alaska, during which time they were shipwrecked, having run into an immense iceberg. Mr. Miller plans to enlist again for 3 years.
Montrose - There is altogether too much fast driving on the main traveled streets of the town and many narrow escapes, especially among the children, are reported. One such instance of a little girl of Maple street being very nearly run over by a young man who was out for a drive, is reported, and frequently even older, and many times feeble and aged people, have their lives endangered by these drivers of the 2:22 class. Small children playing in the street may often escape the attention of the driver, who is generally giving most of his attention to his equine's "fine points," and for the safety of the pedestrians, in general, they should curb their steeds and moderate their speed.
Forest City - The Bell Company has put in operation its new system by the use of which they dispense with a central operator. An automatic arrangement makes connections. The system is a new invention and the Forest City plant is the fourth to be installed east of Chicago.
Susquehanna - Isaac Lauder Son & Co., of Binghamton, will conduct the marble and granite works, formerly conducted by the late E. J. Matthews. AND Bake Sale and Rubber Donation: In Falkenbury Block, Erie Avenue, April 29th, everybody come, bring your old rubbers [boots], your husband's rubbers, and your children's rubbers and patronize the bake sale, for the benefit of the City Hospital.
Lawton - Work on the New York, Pennsylvania & Southwestern Railway is now progressing rapidly. Nearly every mile of road between Williamsport and Lawton has been touched in spots by the grading contractors. The Lawton & Meryall sections are being graded by Allen, Donally & Co. While the McGowan Coon Co. is working heavy rock cuts south of the river below Wyalusing. Ten carloads of culvert pipe were received last week for use on the grade construction. It says, too, that the line down Choconut creek to St. Joseph's will be the first section on which ties and rails will be laid.
Kingsley - M. J. Corbet & Son, of Conklin, has purchased the wood acid factory here, formerly owned by the Ballard-Rought Chemical Co., and are making extensive repairs; they expect to commence operations soon under the name of the Kingsley Chemical Co.
New Milford - The firm of the New Milford Hardware Company has been dissolved. Charles Phelps retiring from the firm and A.C. Risby continuing the business.
Brackney - The death of Mrs. Minnie C., wife of Tracy Gage, aged 27 years, occurred at her home last Sunday evening. Besides her husband, she is survived by four children, two of whom were born on the 10th inst., her mother, five brothers and four sisters. The funeral was largely attended from St. Augustine's Catholic church, at Silver Lake, on Wednesday morning, her pastor, Rev. Father John J. Lally, officiating.
News Brief: Gov. Pennypacker has signed the act, which makes it unlawful for boys under 16 to visit pool rooms, billiard rooms, bowling saloons and ten-pin alleys--Good Law.
Compiled By: Betty Smith