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April 21 1899/1999

Harford - Dr. Wirt H. Conklin of Montrose has a larger contract for dental work on hand just now than often falls to the lot of a county practitioner. He will visit the Soldiers' Orphan School and perform whatever dental work is needed by the army of students of that institution. He expects that the work in hand will occupy about three weeks of almost steady "pull."

Thompson - The reported killing of Archie Crozier, as noted in our last issue, was based upon mistaken identification; the body was identified as that of Crozier, but further investigation showed that the unfortunate man was Judson Tingley. Mr. Tingley was a relative of County Commissioner Tingley.

Lanesboro - Sunday night, between 11 and 12 o'clock, the residence of Mr. Silas J. Benedict was entirely destroyed by fire, together with part of the household furniture. Mr. Benedict's household effects was packed in readiness for his removal to Lake View.

Franklin - Mrs. D.O. Turrell died suddenly at her home on Saturday last; twin babies survived their mother but a few hours. Mrs. Turrell had been subject to heart trouble and to this her death was partially due.

Susquehanna - A large number of city people charmed with the unexcelled picturesqueness of the vicinage, will spend the summer in this place. AND Rev. Linnaberry, the new pastor of the Avenue church, will endeavor to unite the two warring Methodist churches in Oakland. He has tackled a job. AND There are about 1100 men employed in the Erie shops at this time.

Rush - Veteran Barney Kirkhuff was buried on last Thursday at Jersey Hill Cemetery. Funeral services at the house, Rev. Millard officiating, assisted by the choir of the Baptist church. Mr. Kirkhuff was a member of Co. D, 50th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers (Civil War), and a soldier who knew no fear, was wounded early in the service.

Silver Lake - Mr. James West received a visit two weeks since from an old friend, James Locke. The Locke family formerly lived in Choconut this county and were among its first settlers. Edmund Lock, the father, removed with his family to Union, NY. After his death his sons went to Iowa, and three of the brothers served in the Civil War. Gilbert and Parmenas were severely wounded in the battle of Gettysburg. Gilbert died soon after the close of the war, and Parmenas, who will be remembered by many in Montrose, where he lived for some years, now lives in Texas. James B. and his son are prominent bankers in Des Moines, Ia. [The grave of John Locke, Revolutionary War veteran, was restored by Dayton Birchard several years ago. It is located in Choconut Twp.].

Herrick Centre - Daniel Gettle, Jr., gave a tea party Saturday to the boys and girls of the town.

Little Meadows - Miss Kate Bergen, a fashionable dressmaker from Friendsville, has opened a shop in a part of Mrs. Woolhiser's house.

Auburn - Rob Gyles, our new supervisor, is setting a good example by working the roads so early, thus preventing the destruction made by the spring rains, and also giving pleasure to the traveling public.

Lenoxville - Another fine time was enjoyed by all who attended the party at John Bennett's. John is still in the lead for dancing.

Montrose - Norman Stewart has purchased a fine new rubber-tire buggy. AND E. C. Sherman, of the Montrose Klondike party, who has been very sick for a couple of months, has recovered, we learn through Mr. Harry Taylor, who had a recent letter from him. Jas. Harrington in a letter home of the same date, said that James Stoddard, whose supply of tobacco was temporarily exhausted, was smoking a combination of tea and coffee.

Hallstead - James T. DuBois, U.S. Consul General to Switzerland, and family, sail to New York the last of May and will arrive in Hallstead the first of June and take up their residence on the mountain. Mr. DuBois expects to make many improvements on his mountain home during the summer.

Forest City - Irving Reese, son of T. J. Reese, was seriously injured at No. 2 shaft. He was employed as a doortender, but at the time of the accident was engaged in driving a team of mules attached to a trip of cars. His light went out and in some manner he stumbled and fell between the cars. He received a severe wound and his left arm was badly bruised.

Brookdale - April 13th, seventeen ladies met at Mrs. Mary VanLoan's and helped her sew carpet rags. They also organized a society called the Helping Hand with nine charter members. The husband of each lady was invited to spend the evening. Cake and ice cream were served.

Brooklyn - The ladies of the M.E. Aid Society met with Mrs. Chas. Rosengrant last Thursday, and decided to paint their church. They will let the contract to the lowest bidder, he to furnish lead and oil of the best quality. For further information inquire of Mrs. F. T. Austin, Mrs. O. M. Doloway, Mrs. L. S. Ely.

South Gibson - We learn that J. H. Pritchard will aspire to the Republican nomination for Sheriff.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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