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April 21 1893/1993

Jackson - The farmers met in Roberts' Hall, on Wednesday, and the large number present showed a good amount of interest in the business of agricultural pursuits. When the fact is considered that all are dependent upon the farmer, it is all-important that they should be skilled in their business and be able to get the best possible returns for the labor done. When the farmer prospers the world prospers.

Clifford - Mr. Lott, who resides near the West Clifford Church, has a fine residence of fine artistic design, which cost $1,700 the building above the cellar.

Harford - We are once more pleased to hear the whistle from the Guile tannery. While it is a reminder of morning, noon, and night, it also tells us there is employment for willing hands.

Friendsville - Dr. E.B. Joachim will be at Hotel Ryan, Thursday and Friday, April 27 and 28, where all who wish teeth extracted by the famous Odontunder process will do well to visit him.

Lynn - When you want teeth extracted call on J.P. Lewis, at his residence or at the shoe shop.

Susquehanna - Saturday evening last, in response to a call for a meeting to organize for further effort looking toward a county bridge across the Susquehanna River between Oakland and Susquehanna boroughs, the Town Hall in Oakland was filled to its utmost capacity by interested citizens of the two boroughs. The meeting was addressed by Messers S. Birdsall, C. Boyden, R.B. Thompson, L. Fincenoir, C. Westfall, R. Mannering, and others. Photo appearing with article: Baby engine used around the Erie Shops, Susquehanna, Pa. One of the smallest engines in practical use. From a postcard dated 1908.

Montrose - Some six cans of brook trout will arrive in Montrose via the 2:37 train on the L&M, on Monday, the 24th inst., consigned to some half a dozen gentlemen who are interested in the propagation of this beautiful specimen of the finny tribe in our streams. They will be placed in Pettis creek. Fall brook, and Snake creek, and all persons are forbidden to fish in these streams and branches under penalty of the law, until April 1895. The law will be strictly enforced. No fooling, depend upon it.

Lanesboro - it is rumored that soon another one of our highly esteemed and accomplished young ladies is to be led to the Alter by a prosperous physician from Binghamton, NY. We can hardly spare so many of our best young ladies.

Forest City - The subject of dividing the borough into two wards has again been revived, and it is hoped that the division can be made before the election next fall.

Thompson - Charlie Crosier and Miss Blanche Davis have embarked on the matrimonial sea. May joy attend them is our wish.

Susquehanna County - Under the act of the legislature, a rebate of one dollar is allowed on the farmers’ road tax for every four trees planted by the roadside. Every farmer should take advantage of this provision. Very little plowing has been done as yet, the weather having been entirely too cold and wet. Several farmers near Friendsville commenced operations along this line on Monday. Each good citizen should see to it that his premises are cleaned up as early this spring as possible, as germs of many diseases lurk in piles of decayed vegetables. The Susquehanna Journal reports one death in that borough from diphtheria, and one in Oakland from the same disease.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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