Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 20 1917/2017
Brooklyn – Mr. Pratt had a peculiar automobile accident on the state road, near J. S. Wright’s. He lost control of the steering gear and the machine, a Ford, left the road and ran against one of the monuments of the sluice and landed some distance away in the ditch. Mr. Pratt’s companion went through the windshield and was seriously cut about the face. The Ford was put out of commission. ALSO Considerable excitement prevailed in town last Thursday afternoon when it was discovered that fire was rapidly spreading through the fields back of the Van Auken property and threatened to reach the Barnes’ peach orchard and the woods beyond. The men of the town, with the help of the High School boys, succeeded in putting it out before much damage was done.
Great Bend – Frederick Von Bergan, the 8 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Von Bergan, was instantly killed by the accidental discharge of a revolver in the hands of his friend, William Kuhn, Tuesday afternoon. The boys found the pistol, an old weapon, in a chest in Dr. Kuhn’s barn. They were examining it and while in the hands of the Kuhn boy it suddenly went off and into the breast of Frederick, near the heart. The frightened boy ran to his mother and Dr. Merrell went to the scene, but the child was beyond any human aid.
Lynn, Springville Township – Word was received here from Gordon H. Fish that he had been ordered from the training station at Newport to a ship, “Blakely.” If more had Gordon’s spirit of bravery there would be no need of drafting. ALSO In Springville – Misfortune pursues some people relentlessly as in the case of John Decker. A few weeks ago his wife died suddenly, and on Monday afternoon his house was consumed by fire. Much sympathy is felt for the family.
New Milford – The roads have been the worst for years, so many bad places several feet deep and rods long that should have been filled with stone. If every farmer would turn the water off the road it would help, and the road taxes would go farther. Put up the flag and then help on the roads a little. ALSO The United States Court Jury awarded Mrs. Jessie Darrow, $6,790 in her suit against Postal Telegraph-Cable Company of New York, for the death of her husband, Ellis Darrow, who was killed while working on the wires of the defendant company at New Milford. She brought suit for $15,000. Paul J. Sherwood was her attorney.
West Lenox – The funeral of Joseph Bennett was held from his late home on Tuesday afternoon, April 10. Rev. J.W. Bailey, of Nicholson, conducted the services. Interment in the Tower Cemetery. Mr. Bennett had lived in this place all his life—86 years—and will be greatly missed.
Montrose – Carr Pross, Donald Smith and Newell Washburn left on Monday morning for New York, where they will take examinations for the coast defense work of the U.S. Navy. Later reports state all were successful and are in training at Newport, RI. ALSO Mrs. James Webb was quite seriously hurt yesterday morning by being thrown out of the wagon at the creamery. The horse was frightened by a cake of ice, which was thrown down. Mr. Webb had stepped out of the wagon and had only one line. This turned the horse around which got away. Mrs. Webb had several ribs broken and received several bruises. She was taken to the home of Mr. Evans, where Dr. W.W. Preston attended her.
Uniondale – F.M. Davis expects to have the band soon organized. It is 19 years or more since the Uniondale band was organized and like other organizations it has had many removals. Many of the old players are still here and it is expected that they will come to Mr. Davis’ rescue and assist in keeping up the work necessary for the life of a lively band.
Nicholson - The machine gun company of Captain Harry S. Sisk is stationed here to guard the big bridge, the tunnel and the bridge at Kingsley. The men sleep in tents and take their meals at Hotel Almont. The company recently returned from service at Texas.
Lakeside, New Milford Twp. – E. E. Mosher, who has conducted a general store here for the past 18 years, has sold his stock and good will to Walter Brink, of Endicott, who will conduct the business. Mr. Mosher will remain at Lakeside for the present, at least.
Dimock – Miss Mary Calby, daughter of Lawrence and Betsy Calby, died at her home in this place, Monday, shortly before noon. The funeral was held from her late home on Wednesday morning. Burial in the family plot in St. Bonaventure’s cemetery in Auburn. The deceased leaves to survive her an aged mother and two brothers, Michael and James. She was about 50 years of age.
Thompson – All those who were made happy by the arrival of April 15th [fishing season] and started out early in the snow storm with their fishing rods, were Dr. McNamara, Dr. Barnes, George Gelatt, D. Benedict, C. Lamont, W. Spencer, A. Brundage, P Smith, H. Swingle and L. Mead. However, they did not get a bite. Nothing strange, as some of them were so excited they forgot their bait, and you could not expect the wily beauties to be much enticed with a bare hook.
Forest City – Rev. A. Yanusas, pastor of St. Anthony’s church, delivered a patriotic address to his congregation Sunday. In speaking of the European war and its sufferers he paid glowing tribute to the American people for their liberality toward the Lithuanians. When Russia was the aggressor, Lithuanians found a refuge in America, where they might avail themselves of the privileges of citizenship and equal rights. He said America was the asylum for the oppressed of all nations. The persecuted of Europe found peace of mind and person in America’s domain. No Siberia for them. With open arms the emigrant is received and granted the privileges accorded the citizens of the land. He advised his congregation to stand as a unit and if required the Lithuanians would be found at the front for the preservation of the country that the principles of right and justice be not set aside. To die for this country in her defense is glorious and praiseworthy.
News Brief: Two farmers were overheard talking the other day, and both said that they thought they were going to lose their hired men, who have got the war fever and want to enlist. That will be one of the things to contend with in food production on the farms. It will be as patriotic a duty for some to enlist in farm work as it will to enlist for the fighting line.
200 Years Ago from the Centinel, Montrose, Pa, April 19, 1817.
*All our last year’s subscribers will be considered subscribers still unless they give us notice that they wish to have their papers discontinued and pay up all arrearages. Persons who have received the Centinel by a post-rider can still have them forwarded to any post office they may choose, by sending us information.
*Take Notice. All persons will take notice that the Milford and Owego Township road from Montrose to Caleb Bush’s farm, will not be open for travelling this summer, on account of the inconvenience in clearing and keeping it open whilst constructing it. And I hereby notify Samuel Scott and Olive Dean that they must open the roat of said road thro’ their respective enclosures by the first day of May next. JOHN STREET, Bridgewater, April 19, 1917.
*Proprietors of the School in Montrose, take Notice. Proprietors of the School in Montrose are informed that a school will commence on Monday next in the house lately occupied by Rufus Bowman, on the Avenue; said school will be taught by Miss Stephens. C. CARR, J. CLARK, Committee.
*MARRIED – In Choconut on the 10th inst. by the Rev. D. Dimock, Mr. George Griswould to Miss Betsey Rose.
Compiled By: Betty Smith