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April 20 1906/2006

Auburn/Rush - Auburn township is preparing to erect a high school building at Auburn Centre and Rush township expects to open one in the Grange Hall at Lawton, next September.

Dimock - J. H. Cokely, formerly of this county and who has relatives in Dimock, is a resident of terror-stricken San Francisco. His acquaintances here are hoping that all is well with him at this time.

Montrose - Undertaker J. C. VanCampen received his new funeral car from the makers, James Cunningham Son & Co., of Rochester, NY. It is a modern eight-column, rubber-tired car and plainly, yet elaborately constructed, being a model of neatness in tasty design and careful workmanship. The heavy hangings in the interior of the car and about the driver's seat produce a rich and pleasing effect, while several ingenious devices add to its value and usefulness to the funeral director and assists in facilitating the movement of a funeral cortege without unnecessary delay. Mr. VanCampen has his place of business on South Main Street open, in the basement of Mrs. Jessie B. James' millinery store, and intends, besides doing furniture repairing, to carry a fine line of carpets.

Middletown - The ground is broken for the new schoolhouse and the framed timbers are on the ground. The skimming station has been erected at the Bisbee pond and rumor says there will be a store near by.

Lathrop - T. J. Davies, Esq., of Montrose, received word that the appeal taken by the Carlucci Stone Co., before the Supreme Court, has been reversed and that he has therefore won a signal victory, as the verdict of the jury was $15,000, the largest amount ever awarded in this county. In 1904 Leroy T. Welch brought an action against the stone company alleging that he had sustained injuries at one of the quarries operated by that company in this county. The amount claimed was $50,000. Welch claimed that stones and dirt caved in upon him while he was at work. The jury returned a verdict in favor of Welch for $15,000 and the Carlucci Stone company appealed.

Silver Lake - A boiler in the Rose sawmill, that has been in use for 15 years, was repaired for the first time recently. The mil is now running on full time. There is a large number of logs to be sawed, some very large ones--but not as large as some cut near Montrose--one log having furnished 20 cords of stove wood, it is said by one who saw it.

Hallstead - Three youths from Hallstead, aged about 15 years, while returning from Great Bend on Thursday evening, near 'Lavers' bridge, about one-half mile south of the town, were held up by two foot pads, who wore masks, and whom they did not know. The boys were relieved of what spare cash they had, amounting in all to about 95 cents. AND John Harley, supported by an excellent company of artists, will present his drama, entitled, "A Foxy Tramp," for one night only, at Clune's Opera House, on April 20.

Susquehanna - The Erie has 38 engines stored on sidetracks here. They have all been over-hauled and in first class condition. AND Several holdups have occurred in our town of late and it is about time it was stopped in one way or another. The wrong man will be stopped if this thing keeps up, and a little cold lead may stop it. We understand several have applied to the authorities for permission to carry a revolver. Mr. Watrous was held up on Sunday morning, but escaped from the gang without contributing.

Lanesboro - It is said the tannery property has been purchased by Matthew Stipp, of Scranton, and that it will be transformed into a silk mill.

Lenox - The frost is all out of the ground and our roads will soon be passable again. AND W. B. Manzer recently sold his pacing colt for $200 to a party from down the valley. Will understands the method of raising good horses.

South Montrose - We are again without a blacksmith at this place, George Tesford, having gone back to his farm in Springville.

Thompson - Sugar makers have seemed to thrive, notwithstanding the dark, damp weather of last week. They are delivering the full amount of sugar at good prices.

Uniondale - On account of lack of interest, the public library is closed for the present.

Bridgewater Twp. - Jasper Jennings wrote the following on the history of Bridgewater Township: When the first grist mill was built at the outlet of Jones lake, near Montrose, by Bela Jones, Abinoam Hinds went to Philadelphia with a yoke of oxen and his horses and carted the mill stones from that distant city to their destination. He also brought the first load of goods from New York city, to be sold by Isaac Post, at Montrose. The first pioneer in the township was Stephen Wilson, who came in 1798. His was the first orchard in Bridgewater and he grew the trees from seed. The first child born was Almeda Wilson in 1800. Daniel Foster built the first saw mill and John Reynolds built the first fulling and woolen factory. They came in 1800. Joshua Raynsford taught the first school in 1803.

Forest City - The Muchitz Hotel, corner of Main and Center Streets, has a fine table board and light, warm and airy rooms with reasonable terms. W. F. Tell, Proprietor, welcomes country and transient trade. The Freedman House, on Main Street, is a well-heated establishment with electric lights. The bar is stocked with the choicest wines and liquors. Fell Beer on tap. Rates are $2 a day.

News Brief: AWFUL! Earthquake at San Francisco/City on Fire/Hundreds, Perhaps Thousands Killed. At 5:10 a.m., April 18, San Francisco was visited by the worst earthquake in the history of the Pacific coast, and one of the worst in the records of authentic history. The shock lasted for three minutes. Buildings in the business center toppled,the water mains burst, great fissures opened in the earth and fires immediately broke out. The large steel and iron-framed buildings held together and did not fall, although they were practically wrecked inside. All the frame and brick and stone structures in the business district were practically demolished. Immediately after the shock fires broke out in all directions, and owing to the lack of water, the flames swept over the ruins, practically unchecked. The loss of life is 1000 or more. The confusion is frightful.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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