Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 2 1897/1997
Susquehanna – At a meeting of the Graded School principals of Susquehanna County, held in this place on Saturday last, Superintendent Moxley presiding, a Teachers' Association was organized with the following officers: President, Supt. C.E. Moxley, Hallstead; 1st Vice Pres. Prof. B.E. James, Montrose; 2nd Vice Pres Prof. C.T. Thorpe, Forest City; 3d Vice Pres Miss Zorn, Susquehanna; Treasurer, Prof. Barrett, Thompson; Secretary, Prof. H.J. Risk, Susquehanna. The subject of a uniform system of grading was discussed, and a committee was appointed to report upon a system, at the next meeting, to be held in Hallstead on the third Friday in September.
Rush – Miss Libby Smith will continue her millinery business in her new home near Shoemaker's mill, where she invites her patrons to examine her fine line of goods.
Forest City – The electric lights recently put in at Forest City are not satisfactory and will probably not be accepted by the borough authorities. AND The Council has appointed the committees for the coming year. They are as follows: Corn. on streets, Michael Haley, A. Bennett and Robert Hullah; on fire, Bennett and Hullah; Sanitary Corn., Haley and Bennett; purchasing and auditing corn., J.F. Wellbrock and John Lynch; Burgess Walker, Councilmen Budd and Wellbrock were appointed to draw up an ordinance for the approval of the street railway people.
Montrose – Large crowds blocked the space in front of H.P. Read's store on Monday and Tuesday of this week, while a juggler gave exhibitions of the magic art in the front window. The entertainments were a success, but nonetheless was the bargain sale, which was in progress inside, where the counters were thronged with eager buyers.
Hallstead – The Hallstead Herald is authority for the statement that the famous "belled heron" has made its appearance in this county. The bird has a bell shaped attachment to its wings, which produces a peculiar noise as it passes through the air.
Birchardville – The Fessenden saw mill, more popularly known as the E.M. Day mill, at Birchardville, burned up this morning. Origin not known. Loss heavy as it had but lately been equipped with new machinery. No insurance. Elder W.C. Tilden's house, which is near by, was on fire several times but was saved.
Herrick Centre – John Mury is doing quite a business clipping horses nowadays.
Tunkhannock – J. Wood Platt, of Tunkhannock, furnishes the following item in the Sunday Scranton Republican. It may not be generally known but it is a fact that the lumber that went into the building of Libby prison [notorious Civil War prison] grew in Wyoming county, was rafted down the river by Bishop Jennings and sold to go to Richmond, Va., to a tobacco manufacturer named Libby, and that it is fact entered into the construction of the now infamous or famous building. The lumber was run down the river in charge of Jerry Beers, an old time rafts man of Mehoopany, now deceased. These facts were furnished by Dr. John Denison, if Tunkhannock, who had it from Mr. Beers.
Harford – The following is a list of what Fred Hartweg, the baker at the Harford Orphan School furnishes for the dining table every week: 368 two and a quarter pound loaves of wheat bread: 240 two pound loaves of wheat bread; 50 two pound loaves of graham bread, one batch of drop cakes for all, a batch each of ginger nuts, cup cakes, apple cakes, cinnamon rolls, cottage pudding; 396 buns and rolls and 94 pies.
New Milford – A new stone quarry will be opened this spring. Mr. Shields, Jr., of Nicholson, and J.N. Nelson have leased the Patrick Hand quarry, which was opened a few years ago and abandoned. It is located in the hillside opposite the depot and Mr. Nelson says there is something in it. We hope he may be a good prophet. The same parties may open a quarry on land of M.J. Crane, east of town, near the .old Moss pond. It is claimed that the outlook is very bright at New Milford.
Lenox – The sugar party given by the Epworth League at Glenwood Friday evening was a success. Many laughable costumes were gotten up but John Hardy "took the cake" for being the worst dressed person present.
Flynn – This weather puts one in mind of spring. Soon we will hear the peepers [or frogs] and next in order will be the Middletown ball nine.
Gunn Hill – Eggs 10 cts, butter 12 cts. Good Republican prices.
Auburn – C.E. Voss has traded his gray horse for a fine span of blacks, which will look quite nobby when put before that fine carriage.
Compiled By: Betty Smith