Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 19 1912/2012
The Titanic Sinks: Loss of Life Heavy. 1525 Probably Dead in Iceberg Disaster. Only 675 are saved. Survivors are mostly women and children. - The greatest marine disaster in the history of the world occurred last Sunday night, when the Titanic, of the White Star line, the biggest and finest of ocean steamships, shattered herself against an iceberg and sank with about 1525 of her passengers and crew in less than four hours. At first it was said that all the passengers and the crew had been taken off from the Titanic. Then A. S. Franklin, vice president of the International Merchant Marines made the admission that it “could not be definitely stated that no lives had been lost.” [It is reported that Rev. Stuart Holden, of England, the distinguished minister who has been in Montrose twice as a speaker at the Bible Conference, had secured berths on the Titanic on its fatal trip, but could not take passage owing to the illness of his wife. Later it was reported that Mr. Holden was, after all, on the ship and among the lost.]
Heart Lake - Newell S. Harrison, aged 72 years, died at his home near here, April 12, 1912. Mr. Harrison was a veteran of the Civil War, enlisting in Co. F, 7th Regt., P. V. I., on June 13, 1861. He was captured at Spotsylvania, in the Wilderness campaign, May 5, 1864, and for eight months was confined in Salisbury prison, being released the following February. He was discharged from the service May 11, 1865, having served four years, and passing through such great battles as the Peninsula Campaign, Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, the Wilderness and numerous other engagements. Brother members of Four Brothers Post, G. A. R., acted as bearers.
Montrose - Bissell & Cooley, automobile dealers, have added the Chalmers line to their Reo and Buick agencies. They have recently received a Chalmers “36”, which is one of the newest models from their factory, and equipped with 4 forward speeds, and compressed air starter. Sells for $1935. ALSO At a special meeting of Rough and Ready Hose Co., No. 1, held Tuesday evening, a committee consisting of H. E. Taylor, D. R. Cook and R. D. Cruser was appointed to sell the entire property of the company and the money realized by this sale to be applied on the indebtedness of the company. An adjourned meeting will be held Friday evening, April 26. All members of the company interested in its welfare are urged to be present.
Prospect Hill, Jessup Twp. - Harry Palmer and E. J. Stockholm are suffering with bruises caused by running off the bank near Russell Very’s while returning from election Saturday evening.
Nicholson - A correspondent writing for the Philadelphia North American says: Prompted by nickelodeon, no doubt, two Nicholson boys, Harry Moore and Howard Casterlin, with visions of fighting wild Injuns, left home but came to grief in Buffalo, where the police found young Casterlin in a hospital with a broken ankle and Moore staying with his pal. Moore’s father took them home and it is likely that they will in the future leave Injun fighting to the movies exclusively.
New Milford - David B. Taft, who was formerly a director in the North--Eastern Pennsylvania Telephone Co., died of heart failure his home in New Milford. He was born in Harford and spent most of his life there and at Gibson and New Milford. Mr. Taft was a genial man and his host of friends along the line of the North-Eastern will be sorry to learn of his death.
South Montrose - Percy Ballentine, of Louden Hill Farm, has presented his brother--in--law, Norman H. Parke, general manager of the Black Horn Leather Co., of Great Bend, a new 2-passenger automobile. It arrived two weeks ago, and is a Ford model of 1912.
Hopbottom - On Friday evening, April 26, Mrs. Mollie Kent, of Montrose, will present “The Taming of the Shrew” in monologue, at the Universalist church, this being the first number of a series of entertainments to be given under the auspices of the Ladies’ Literary Club.
Kingsley - Machinery and laborers for work on the new cut--off of the Lackawanna are arriving, thus preceding the official purchase of the right of way from the property holders. ALSO In East Kingsley, Daniel Little, of Binghamton, has been spending a few days with his nephew, E. N. Hammond, and has been renewing his age by doing the stunt of his boyhood days, helping to make maple syrup. All men who were brought up on a farm, no matter what their business is in after years, have a longing for the woods when spring comes.
Harford - Monday last a party of friends tendered Mrs. T. Glenn Sophia a birthday surprise. The event was heralded by a magnificent electrical display and heavy cannonading. The party broke up just before midnight and the verdict was that birthdays should come oftener.
Forest City - Miss Matilda Arrowsmith, of the Warren tract, and William J. Murray, formerly of Wellsley, Mass, who has resided here for some time, were united in marriage in Christ Episcopal church last evening. The couple was attended by Miss Lillian Wood and Wm. Arrowsmith.
Royal, Clifford Twp. - George Hankinson has enlivened our town by furnishing a beautiful gas light in front of his hotel. Many thanks to George.
Franklin Twp. - Our old friend N. W. Scott, who always takes a great interest in the farms, relates a visit to Michael Kane’s in Franklin, and in remarking upon Mr. Kane’s handsome herd of Holsteins describes his stables as “cleaner than the average kitchen.” Mr. Scott also tells us of making a purchase while there of a bushel of apples and says Mr. Kane’s bushel was so liberal that it was necessary to put the side boards on the measure.
Springville - School closed last week; the graduating class consisted of four young ladies, Misses Bernice Sheldon, Meta Greenwood, Irene Lake and Marian Lott.
News Briefs - Their principal prejudice against the split--log drag is that it is cheap, but as a road maker it has no equal on common dirt roads. The best dirt roads in Pennsylvania are those on which these drags are used after every rain. When each farmer owns, and uses a log drag after rain, instead of sitting in the barn door waiting for the fields to dry off, then will the question of better roads be solved. Drag, brothers, drag your roads carefully for at least a half an hour, after every shower. ALSO Declaring that his wife Mary beat him on the head with a poker when he remonstrated with her for espousing the cause of woman’s suffrage, James Rideout, of Chester, PA, had her arrested. Rideout displayed a gash six inches long in his scalp.
Compiled By: Betty Smith