Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 19 1901/2001
Herrick Center - The store of W. H. Fletcher was broken into last Friday night and the safe was wrecked by a charge of dynamite and riffled but fortunately no money was secured. The burglars took the money box and pocketbook to the old tannery sheds and searched them, but when no money was found they left them, leaving the pocketbook on the stone wall by the roadside. There was a large mastiff dog in the store but it is supposed they chloroformed him as the dog did not act right the next day. Several townsmen heard the explosion but did not think what it was at the time. No trace of the burglars has been found as yet.
Lanesboro - The Lanesboro macadam road idea seems to have been snowed under, by public sentiment. The majority of tax-payers are in favor of liquidating the present borough indebtedness before going to the expense of purchasing a stone crusher, etc. AND Messers. C. D. and D. S. Burton have established a boat livery. They have purchased several high-grade Saint Lawrence river, and steel non-sinkable boats.
Harford - W. S. Sophia, Harford's prosperous market gardener, served lettuce of his own raising for dinner Tuesday. Has anyone beaten that?
Forest Lake - Someone broke into Slatter Bros.' Sugar house and took about three gallons of maple sugar. AND Michael Ryan gave his friends a dance Friday night.
Susquehanna - The Young Men's Library Association has received a supply of new books. AND Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" will appear in Hogan Opera House.
Bradley Corners (New Milford Twp.) - Mrs. John Moffatt has lost her fine young gobbler. Throat trouble was the cause of its death.
Silver Lake - Silver Lake is not yet free from ice; this is much later than it usually disappears. AND The marriage of Miss Margaret Kanane and John Gillooley, both of Silver Lake, was solemnized on Wednesday last, in St. Augustine's Catholic Church, in that place. The bride is a popular young lady, a former student of the Montrose High School and for several years has been a successful teacher in this county.
Franklin Forks - O. H. Summers' house, where A. E. Stockholm lives, caught fire from sparks from the shingle mill but the bucket brigade soon put it out. It is the second time it has caught fire from the same source.
Hopbottom - A good, neat, tidy girl wanted for general housework in a family of two, $2 per week. Address Box 64, Hopbottom. AND Harriet Smith Merrill, wife of the late A. B. Merrill, died April 16, 1901. She was born in New London, Conn., Jan. 30, 1811, and came to Susquehanna county with her parents, Elihu B. and Fanny Mack Smith, in the year 1814. Her home since that time has been in Brooklyn and Hopbottom. Amos, her husband, died March 27, 1885.
Hallstead - The Mountain Valley people will not have to climb the hill much longer to get to and from their homes. They will have a new road which follows the creek all the way up the glen coming out near the school house and P. K. Osterhout's . It will be a great improvement when finished. AND A fire was started on the hill near Steam Hollow and got to spreading; and before it could be put out the old school house was burned to the ground. Archie Fish's house caught fire several times but was put out.
Birchardville - The people of Birchardville are greatly excited over the prospects of a railroad connecting this place with Binghamton and Williamsport. Arrangements are being made to secure right of way.
Lynn - Our new millinery shop in the Sheldon building presents a very pleasing effect. Mrs. Avery has just returned from the city and has a large assortment of fashionable and up-to-date head gear.
Montrose - Commencement exercises of the Montrose High School will occur on the evening of May 9th. The graduating class of 1901 numbers 16, as follows: Bessie Miller, Agnes Summers, May Porter, Julia Wheaton, Belle Patrick, Mara Judson, Mabel Hillis, Carrie Decker, Fred Booth, Harry Patrick, Charles W. Finn, Percy Turrell, Arthur Duel, Ray Dawley, Elbert Blakeslee and Fred Brewster.
Heart Lake - Harvey Griffing was in Montrose Saturday. He is making preparations for the coming season at Heart Lake, and will be well prepared to take care of the pleasure seekers at that increasingly popular resort.
Ararat - O. F. Potter and Bliss Bloxham took in the excursion to New York last week. Plug hats! Oh my!
Fairdale - Olmstead and Downer are sawing wood by steam for Shelp and Risley. They saw the pole wood very fast.
Brackney - When our boys go out calling they should return in due time, for a dark night necessitates borrowing a lantern.
Brooklyn - Ami Ely has begun operations on his reservoir, which will supply water for several families in town. A large windmill will pump the water into the reservoir.
Rush - The new M.E. church is nearly completed. Watch for the announcement of the church fair, which will take place some time in May.
News Brief - An exceptional case of twins is reported from a town in Warren County, PA. One was born a few minutes before midnight on Dec. 31, 1900; the other a few minutes past 12 o'clock on the morning of Jan. 1, 1901. The town is divided as to whether the boys should be considered twins or simply brothers, and when the birthday should be celebrated-the children having been born not only on different days, months and years, but one is of the 19th and the other the 20th century.
Compiled By: Betty Smith