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April 19 1895/1995

Silver Lake – The strange sight is men breaking roads with saws, the snow having thawed and frozen till it had to be sawed out in blocks.

Heart Lake – The forty-first wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cobb, of Heart Lake, was pleasantly celebrated by their friends, March 30, in the way of a surprise meeting.

Franklin – We understand that Herry Beebe is about to double up; good luck, Harry. AND C.H. Welch had the misfortune to lose a cow the other day; got her neck broke by fighting.

Montrose – Montrose 2’s want and need a new improved hose wagon; the community’s want and need is the same. The effect is that all will pull together and the object will soon be a present reality. 2’s will be happy and so will the people, for a splendid addition will be made to the town’s fire fighting equipment. Go to the Reception next Wednesday evening. AND There are seven men now living in Montrose that were born in the same year – 1826, and have consequently attained their sixty-ninth year in life. They are C.N. Stoddard, R.S. Searle, Milton Roy, S.M. Wilson, T.A. Lyons, Appolos Stone and Jacob Titman. Miss Emily C. Blackman was also born in ’26.

Susquehanna – At about 5 o’clock (April 10) this evening the Susquehanna half of the Susquehanna-Oakland iron bridge went down with a crash. Several persons were upon the structure, but all escaped except Arthur Christian of the Oakland side, who hung to the railing and went into the river with the bridge. He lodged in a tree several rods from shore and was rescued with difficulty in about two hours. There were several very narrow escapes. The excitement during the rescue was intense. The bridge had just been made a free bridge by the Grand Jury of the county, but was still the property of the Susquehanna Bridge Company.

Uniondale – Prof. A.W. Larrabee entertained some of his friends on Friday eve., by serving warm sugar. Among those present were: Ira Thomas, Wm. Tucker, Chas. Lockwood, Andrew Corey, Bert Carpenter, Harry Coleman. The boys said the wax was good, but the pan got afire. AND N. Furman was attacked on Friday night by two white caps, but Nate got out of that in a hurry.

Middletown – J.P. Curley, of Middletown, was in Montrose the first of the week, and took a steam engine back with him – for his creamery company, we suspect.

Springville – The Grange has secured control of the old M.E. church for the purpose of fitting it up as a hall for holding the meetings of the Grange. A part of it is also to be fitted up as a store room for staple articles.

Gelatt – The death of Deacon W.H. Pope, an aged citizen of Gelatt, occurred Friday, April 5th. Mr. Pope was one of the pioneer settlers in Gibson township and was held in high esteem by a large circle of friends. He had reared a large family, the surviving being Mrs. J.B. Barnes and M.H. Pope, of Susquehanna; ex-Sheriff E.P. Pope, of Montrose; W.W. Pope and Miss Mary Pope, of Gelatt.

News Brief – The Easter bonnet is ready to go out on dress parade and like its lovely wearer will be “just too sweet for anything”

     One of the greatest mistakes of Americans is the overheating of their houses. It produces all sorts of ills, and the skill of the best doctors is not enough to counteract its evils.

     It is a fact that many good items are lost to newspapers every week by the modesty of the people who fail to tell the editor of things concerning themselves. The right way to do is to stop an editor on the street or any place you may happen to meet him and tell him you have been on a visit, have relatives or friends visiting you, that your wife entertained company – or anything that is in any way a matter of news. If you have done anything mean, of course, keep it to yourself, for there are always people who are ready to tell that.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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