Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 18 1919/2019
Friendsville – Orange A. Baldwin died at his home near here on April 15, 1919, after a prolonged illness of heart trouble. Mr. Baldwin was one of the best known and most highly respected farmers of that section. His age was 75 years. His widow and three daughters survive: Mrs. A. B. Cole, Montrose; Mrs. Geo. Bennett, Rushville, and Miss Juliette Baldwin, at home. The funeral will be held in the Baptist church at Birchardville with interment in the cemetery at that place. Mr. Baldwin was a Civil War veteran, serving in Co. H, 143rd Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers.
Harford – Miss Gertrude Powers, of Lenox, and Merritt Payne, of the township, were united in marriage on Wednesday evening, April 2, at the home of the bride, by Rev. Rinker. ALSO Dandelions and horse radish is the treat now.
Clifford – The Rev. Harold Strathern is holding evangelistic meetings in the Baptist church. Cottage prayer meetings are being held and on Friday evening his subject will be: “The Greatest Sin in Clifford.” Saturday evening there will be a concert by local talent.
Susquehanna – The Hotel Oakland, at the corner of Main street and Erie avenue, is to be remodeled and converted into a theatre. The work is to be done as soon as possible and Landlord McGinty says that when the country goes “dry” July 1, he expects the Oakland Theatre will quickly take the place of what is now the Hotel Oakland.
Forest City – Another Forest City soldier has been cited as one of the real heroes of the great war. Sergeant Hugh Johnston has received from the War department, a Distinguished Service Cross. The department makes the following report: “Sergeant Hugh Johnston, Company D, 325th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near S. Juvin, France, on October 11, 1918. Voluntarily leaving shelter, Sergeant Johnston crawled out into the open under heavy enemy fire to the aid of a wounded soldier. While administering first aid to the latter, he was himself wounded, but he nevertheless attempted to carry his comrade to safety, and in so doing he received a second wound.” He has returned to this country and is in a hospital recovering from his wounds.
Montrose – Plans are being made for a meeting at the library on Friday evening, April 25, for the purpose of organizing a humane society. All interested are urged to show their interest by attending this meeting. Well informed speakers will present the objects and purposes of the work. ALSO Next Wednesday evening Montrose Hose and Chemical Co., No. 2, will conduct one of its famous suppers, which will be followed by a dance. Supper will be served in Colonial Hall and such preparations have been made that it will be the usual “rousing success.” This company, for fifty years, has aided on many occasions in subduing flames that threatened to bring wide-spread disaster and the gratefulness of the community has often been shown in these annual suppers, when all contributed food and money to their aid, knowing full well that in the strength of the company depends the protection of their homes and property. The supper will cost 50 cents a plate, and the good, old-fashioned chicken pie will form one of the principal entrees. The dance music will be by Beuckmann’s orchestra of three pieces. Tickets, $1, plus war tax.
Kingsley – Mrs. Jennie L. Tiffany has just recently received from the D.L.&W. Railroad Co., a check for $3,147.79, in full payment of her claim against the company for damages done to her lands, and which case has been in litigation in our courts for some time. J. M. Kelly was Mrs. Tiffany’s attorney in the trial of the suit.
Franklin Hill – The farm house on the William Clifford farm was burned Sunday morning of last week. The previous afternoon Stephen Davey, of Hallstead, had moved to the farm and built a fire in the kitchen stove. The chimney burned out in the afternoon, but it was thought all danger of fire was over. A smoldering ember doubtless started the conflagration. Most of the household goods were removed before the fire gained to a great headway.
Uniondale – Last night a reception was tendered the young men who have returned from the service. Those who saw service overseas were: Erwin Potter, Bennie Westgate, Robert Spencer, Harry Payne, and Prof. Clarence Phillips and Archie Swingle, who were in the camps.
Birchardville – We are very glad to welcome Dr. and Mrs. Newman in our midst, as this community was in great need of a good physician.
Gibson – Nearly 50 relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Estabrook gathered at their home on Monday afternoon to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. The bride appeared in a dress she had worn 50 years ago. This aged couple has lived in this community all their lives. Dainty refreshments were served. Mr. Philander Tiffany voiced the sentiments of all present in a few well-chosen words of esteem and good wishes.
New Milford – Williams Bros., of New Milford, will hold a big Holstein sale on April 30, at the Lewis House barn.
Thompson – The drama, “What Happened to Braggs,” given by students of Thompson High School, on Friday night, was a decided success, nearly 250 attending and none went away feeling that they were not justified in coming. Net proceeds of $46.93 were realized. Those who had roles were: Clinton Lewis, Raymond Leach, Willard Callendar, Helen Craft, Rexford Gulley, Marian Smith, and Clyde Crosier.
East Rush – Earl Robertson and Glenn Quick went fishing over to White’s pond, one night last week, and hauled in about 50 bullheads.
Silver Lake - A number of young people were entertained at J. M. Murphy’s, Friday evening, in honor of Privates Charles Bone and Edward Howard, who have just recently returned from overseas.
News Brief: Under automatic control, an air plane capable of carrying a heavy load and without any human being aboard to guide it, has made a trip of more than 100 miles and landed within a very short distance of the point it was sent to reach. The invention of the automatic control, which has been kept secret until now, was mentioned by Newton D. Baker, secretary of war, in a speech at Fort Worth, Texas, while he and General Peyton C. March, chief of staff of the United States army, were in Fort Worth to inspect Camp Bowie.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, April 17, 1819.
*ACADEMY. Public notice is hereby given, that the Susquehanna Academy, in the village of Montrose, is now open for the reception of schollars from abroad. The Trustees having completed the building for the accommodation of a number of schools, and having obtained a competent number of good teachers, the principal of whom is Wm. Jessup, a graduate of Yale College, flatter themselves that from the healthy situation of the village, the moderate price of board and tuition, and the attention that will be paid to the morals of those young Ladies and Gentleman whose education shall be entrusted to this Seminary, that it will receive a liberal patronage from an enlightened and an intelligent public. The price of tuition for the higher branches of the Mathematicks and the learned languages 4 dls. Per quarter—for English Grammar and Geography 3 dols. Do. For reading, writing & common arithmetic 2 dls. Do. And for reading and spelling $1.50 ct. By order of the President, J. W. Raynsford, Secretary.
Compiled By: Betty Smith