Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
April 18 1913/2013
Forest Lake - There is to be held at Forest Lake Baptist church, April 22, at 7:30, a unique temperance meeting called a Temperance Entertainment. A full house expected; children especially will be interested.
Montrose - Dr. Jared Grover Baldwin died on April 11, at his home on East 41st St., New York City, at the age of 86. He was the second oldest practicing homeopathic physician in that city. Dr. Baldwin was born in Montrose, July 18, 1827 and was a grandson of a veteran of the Revolutionary war. He was the attending physician in the family of Jay Gould for many years and was a physician of note. He was a brother in-law of Isaac Harris, of Montrose. ALSO: Last week Sheriff Reynolds sold about 400 chickens, alleged to have been stolen by Clarence Dann and Ralph Decker, formerly of Wallsville, but who negotiated for the rental of Jonathan F. Gardner’s farm in Bridgewater. The young men claimed to be married and moved some furniture to the Gardner farm, claiming they were going into the poultry business. Their wives were to come later. The State constabulary got on the trail of the two young chaps, who kept out of sight. The two young men have been raiding hen roosts around Factoryville for the past year, it is claimed. Edward Decker, a brother of Ralph, has been arrested and held under $500 bail as being implicated in the theft of the chickens.
Harford - Report says that Ray Lindsey has bought the wagon shop of Mrs. Osterhout, and will put in machinery and start up some sort of industry there.
Middletown Twp. - Mrs. T. D. Birkbeck died at her home here after a short illness of jaundice at the age of 71 years. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Doud, who were among the early settlers of Little Meadows. ALSO: Mrs. Martin Curley, Sr., died April 6, one of Middletown’s most respected Christian ladies. Her whole life had been spent in acts of charity and the welfare of the church. She had passed the 50th anniversary of her married life and was about 74. She is survived by her husband and one daughter, Mrs. Thomas Guiton. The funeral was held at St. John’s church at Flynn.
New Milford - The residence of Homer VanCott, together with its contents, was destroyed by fire yesterday afternoon. But little of the furniture was saved. There was a partial insurance. ALSO: The sink hole near Summit bridge, which has been causing contractors on the Lackawanna cut--off so much trouble to fill, has at last been filled. Twenty thousand carloads, or about 40,000 cubic yards of earth and rock were dumped into this hole, which was not over 150 ft. by 50 ft. in size. Although this sink hole is filled, it is believed another has been encountered near this point which will cause trouble. When the main line of the Lackawanna was laid years ago, similar difficulties were met with near this same locality.
Brooklyn - C. N. Jewett, son of B. R. Jewett, after working six years on the farms in the vicinity of his home, now plans to rent for a year, with the privilege of buying, the Rodney J. Jewett farm in that place, which was cleared by his great-great-grandfather 100 years ago, and has since been in the family. The prospective owner starts with a good fund of farm knowledge. The hope of this country is in our young men of such type staying on the farm.
Uniondale/Forest City - Bert Corey, of Uniondale, one of the chief witnesses against P. F. Morrison, of Forest City, charged with jury fixing, failed to appear before the court at the hearing Wednesday morning. District Attorney Ferguson stated he had received a letter from Corey telling him that he (Corey) would be killed if he testified against Morrison. Whether or not the letter was a joke, Corey took it in earnest and disappeared from Uniondale a week ago. The case was postponed and the sheriff is looking for the defaulting witness.
Nicholson - The work of erecting the big Lackawanna concrete bridge here will soon be shown in moving pictures. Photographers for motion picture houses have been photographing the various phases of the work there and along the cut-off.
Elk Lake - Floyd, the 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Cronk, went to school four years and has not been absent a day and his little brother, Fay, has attended school three years without being absent or tardy. That is pretty good for small boys who have to walk about two miles to school.
Ainey - Mrs. George Osborne underwent an operation last Thursday at her home. It was performed by Dr. Niles and Dr. Shupp, of Nicholson, and she is improving.
Lanesboro - A dispatch says that Miss Amy Burhight, aged 35, is dead and Albert Denny, aged 35, a fireman for the D.L.&W. railroad, is expected to die as a result of eating what they took to be “arbutus” while walking along the banks of the Susquehanna river in Lanesboro, last Tuesday. The couple went picking arbutus and ate some of the flowers, it is claimed. They then started to walk towards the Lanesboro station, Miss Burhight complained of being ill and was seized with convulsions, dying later.
Springville - Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Aldrich are to build them a fine new home in Springville village this summer, one which will have the modern conveniences and be an ornament to the town. They have been highly successful farmers during the more active part of their married life, but lately sold their farm for a tidy sum.
Jackson - The Jackson library has been closed for lack of patronage and the books are packed. Anyone having books belonging to the library please return them.
Hallstead - A furniture van belonging to Mike Howard, of Binghamton, came here after a load of household goods belonging to Walter Cox, who is moving to Binghamton. The driver started on his return trip but the roads between Hallstead and Riverside were in a horrible condition and several times during the afternoon the load became stranded. Finally the van went into the mud axle deep near Riverside and remained there until nearly midnight, when with the aid of four teams of horses, the load was hauled out of the mud and finally reached the good roads.
News Brief - Thousands of farmers, and others, have found dynamite quickly effective and a great money saver in tree planting, ditch digging and many other purposes. We direct attention to those interested, to an announcement of E. I. DuPont Co. Their booklet sheds much light on the use of dynamite in farming and may be had for the asking.
Compiled By: Betty Smith