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April 16 1909/2009

Oakley, Harford Twp. - The maple sugar season is over and the crop was a large one. E. E. Titus and W. H. Wilmarth made 100 gallons of a fine quality of syrup.

New Milford - George Hendrickson, of Binghamton, an old New Milford boy who has followed the circus business for many years, was in town Monday calling on old friends before taking his departure for Bridgeport, Conn., where he will join the Buffalo Bill show. ALSO Leonard Strange, a young man aged 24 years, was cremated in the fire which destroyed the Lackawanna House at New Milford Wednesday night. The fire started shortly after 11 p.m. in the two story wooden structure which is located near the tracks, being differently known as the Allen House, Crane House and more recently the Lackawanna House. The fire originated in a stove in the kitchen and the interior was soon a seething mass of flames. The New Milford fire department soon had their hose laid and a fire engine was sent up from Hallstead on a special train. Many of the guests made their escape scantily attired, climbing through windows. The body of Strange was found in the ruins in the morning. He was an employee in Crossley's sawmill, living in New Milford his entire life. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Watson Granger

Montrose - Mr. Jesse Thompson, of Montrose, and Miss Ella Cuff, of Wilkes-Barre, were married at the African Methodist-Episcopal Zion Church by Rev. Mr. Caines, on the evening of April 14. The church was well decorated. The bride was given away by her brother, Milton Cuff of Wilkes-Barre, with Miss Georgie Reed for maid of honor. The bride was dressed in grey and brown silk and her maid of honor in blue. The ushers were Isaiah Spence, Price Smith, Gabriel Edwards and Luther Smith. The wedding march was played by Mr. Henry Naylor. Although the night was very stormy about 300 people attended the ceremony. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the groom on Chenango street.

Brooklyn - S. J. Bailey has secured the right of way, most of the way, for a railroad. The track is to be standard gauge and gasoline motors are to be used. The connection will be made with the D. L. and W. about one mile north of Foster [Hop Bottom]; the Brooklyn road to use the east bound siding from there to the station. The milk cans will be hauled up to Brooklyn and coal, lumber and all car lots will be allowed without breaking bulks. It is a fine thing for Brooklyn and the road is all built on paper and we trust that in the near future it will be a visible fact. No doubt it will be a paying investment.

Great Bend - The Chapot Brothers' chamois factory at Great Bend is booming and an enlargement of the factory is contemplated in the addition of another story to the building. The demand for the product grows and lately a branch factory was established at Glover, NY, where John Chapot and his family removed this week so that he will be in touch with the work.

Thompson - Guy L. Foster, of the firm of Foster Brothers at the corner store, who has been a Pullman car conductor on the Erie, has quit that position and is now helping his brother, Arthur E., conduct their business, which has grown to be quite extensive and thriving.

Springville - Mrs. Mary Gavitte was greatly surprised to have a few of her lady friends and neighbors drop in on Friday last for a little visit and stay to tea, each lady taking something dainty to tempt the appetite. The occasion being Mrs. G.'s birthday.

Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. - Peter Kintner and wife were called to the bedside of their mother, Mrs. Henry Kintner, of Auburn Corners, who was stricken with a stroke of paralysis last Sunday morning while at the barn doing chores. She was found by a little grand-daughter, in the cow stable, in an unconscious condition and her recovery is very doubtful, as she is an old lady. Much sympathy is felt for her.

Susquehanna - Col. William Telford, one of the oldest and best known residents of Susquehanna, died April 12, 1909. For many years the colonel was a potent factor in the business life of Susquehanna, embarking in the hotel business and later entered the furniture and undertaking business. Col. Telford was born in Ireland in 1840 and came to America in 1852, locating at Norwich, NY. In 1859 he went to Towanda to engage in the marble business and in 1861 organized the Goodrich Guards of that place. During the Civil War he enlisted in Co. G. 50th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers and while captain of the company, he also acted as major of the regiment, eventually promoted to lieutenant-colonel in 1865. He was taken prisoner at Spottsylvania Court House in 1864, escaping three times from the Confederate prison at Columbia, S. C., only to be recaptured again. The fourth attempt proved successful. He reported to General Sherman at Savannah, where he met army officers to whom he gave valuable information respecting the enemy's lines and fortifications. His wife, before it was known that he had made his escape, had effected a prisoner exchange for him. With remarkable persistency she pursued her objective until she gained an interview with President Lincoln. The colonel was in thirty-two important battles and after the war he returned to Bradford County and soon thereafter came to Susquehanna. The Telford Guards were so named in his honor. He was at one time deputy sheriff of Susquehanna County.

Forest Lake - John Kane, a resident of Forest Lake, met with a distressing accident near Forest City, and as a result is confined in Emergency Hospital, Carbondale, suffering from severe injuries. Mr. Kane was in the act of passing under a standing train of cars on the D & H track when he was caught, the train having suddenly started while he was under it. He was dragged for a considerable distance and about the only serious injury he sustained was a badly crushed foot. His clothes were badly torn while being dragged and he also received minor cuts and bruises. The man's form dragging along the ground was noticed by a member of the crew, who immediately stopped the train. He will probably recover.

Forest City - The Forest City breaker recently made a new record when 1220 cars of coal were put through the big colliery and prepared for market in one day. The output for the day was 3037 tons. That is something better than two cars or five tons a minute.

Rush - The farm house on the Estus farm near East Rush was burned to the ground with its contents. The family was at supper when the blaze was discovered but the wind was blowing so fiercely at the time that it fanned the blaze into a fury of flames, the family barely escaping with what little they could pick up after securing articles of clothing. So rapidly did the flames eat into the timbers that eyewitnesses said the house appeared to melt down and in a few minutes was a mass of embers.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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