Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 16 1897/1997
New Milford – H.C. Dowling. Jr., is the new proprietor of the well known Eagle Hotel, so long conducted by the Phinneys. AND The base ball club are to have a benefit hop at the Opera House in the near future for the purpose of raising funds to purchase new uniforms.
Stevens Point – Will Carnegie has a new horse.
Alford – Guy Titus has the job of icing the milk cars for the season.
Lynn – Hiram Fish has the largest woodpile in Lynn. AND Many thanks to William Smales and Lewis Taylor for their kindness in cutting wood, doing chores and other work for the writer during his late illness.
Springville – The graded school was closed on Friday last with graduating exercises in the evening. The class was Nelson Sheldon, Burt Taylor, Carl Churchill, Lena Lyman, Katie Stilwell, Grace Fish.
Hallstead – A number of our people are arranging to attend the demonstration in New York City on the transfer of the remains of General Grant to the permanent tomb recently completed. ANDThe borough council held a meeting on Monday evening and it was decided that the borough ordinance forbidding bicyclists riding on the sidewalks would be enforced after the 19th inst. All persons caught violating the ordinance after that date will be arrested and fined.
Forest City – Forest City people are becoming enthusiastic over the matter of paving their streets.
Susquehanna – A meeting of the Presbyterian congregation will be held this evening to take final action in the matter of erecting a new church edifice. About $5,000 has already been subscribed and the prospects appear to be very favorable.
Lanesboro – Fred H. Pride's two steamers, the "Erminie" and the "Idlewild," are being fitted up for the coming season.
Rush – The following local clipped from the News, of Walker, Linn Co., la., refers to our young townsman, Arthur G. Gary, who has been attending denial college in Iowa. We are glad to see our Rush young men giving good account of themselves. "Dr. A.G. Gary, dentist, has permanently located in Walker and is prepared to do all kinds of dental work neatly and promptly." Office with Dr. Osincup over Chappell's store. AND Jerome Kinney has purchased an extra heavy pair of western horses for his teaming business; they have such large feet it should entitle him to a rebate of road tax.
Montrose – A number of cans of young trout, for stocking our streams, will arrive by the L&M RR on Monday afternoon. The persons who have received notice of the fact should be promptly on hand to take care of them.
Harford – The annual examinations and commencement exercises of the Harford Soldiers' Orphan School, will take place on Thursday and Friday, May 6th and 7th. Governor Hastings and others of the State Commission of Soldiers' Orphans Schools will be present
Brooklyn – A plaid, all wool horse blanket was lost from the Brooklyn stage on Monday evening, the 13th inst., between Brooklyn and Foster, on the down trip. The finder will be suitably rewarded if he returns the same to F.J. Gere.
Dimock – ON Tuesday about noon, Mrs. Hiram Blakeslee discovered smoke issuing from the roof of her barn, which soon started in a lively blaze. The alarm was given and immediately responded to. A few pails of water extinguished the flames. There was a strong breeze at the time, and it would have been a disastrous fire but for the timely assistance. Dimock has no fire department, but it's got good neighbors.
Silver Lake – Report of the McCormick school, for term ending April 1st, '97, those receiving 100 per cent in spelling, Gertrude McGraw, Nancy Quinlivan, Katie Hannigan, Agnes McGraw, Mary Quinlivan, Anna McGraw, Serenus McGraw, Leo McCormick, Charlie McGraw. Theresa McGraw, Teacher.
South Gibson – Department President, Fannie Boyden, will institute a Womans' Relief Corps in South Gibson, on Wednesday next.
Compiled By: Betty Smith