Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 15 1899/1999
Hallstead - The band has been reorganized and now has 27 members, including a number of the famous musicians of the Thirteenth Regiment band. AND Wood Bros. complete this week the frescoing and decoration of the Baptist Church.
North Jackson - Charles French died at his home on Feb. 19th, 1899, age 89 years, 6 months and 10 days. He was the third child of Ephraim and Priscilla French, who at the time of his birth (1809) resided in West Dummerston, Vt. In 1835 he came to Jackson, the roads being almost impassible, and eleven days were consumed. In later years he often referred to this time with the remark, "We can now cross the Continent in less time than it took us to travel 220 miles."
Susquehanna - Four residents of the county met tragic deaths during the week. Early on Monday Leroy Phillips, 25, a young man employed in the Erie boiler shops, was caught between the "baby" shop engine and a tank which he was repairing, in the round house, and [was] terribly injured; he died two hours later. On the evening of the same day John Minehan, 20, was fatally injured in the Erie yard and lived but a short time. Archie Crozier, of Thomson, was struck by a train on the Jefferson Branch and instantly killed; and Judson Tingley, of Herrick Centre, was struck and killed by the D. & H. night express between Forest City and Carbondale. AND The operetta "The Merry Milkmaids" will soon be produced here, under the auspices of Christ Episcopal church.
Forest Lake - Our old stage driver, Connie Mack, drove through this place on Wednesday, enroute for Montrose on business. AND John Howard, agent for the Carpenter organ, is doing a large business in the western part of the county selling organs. Reed Very, of Fairdale, is working for him.
Uniondale - Mrs. L.P. Norton has had a very severe time with the quinsy--so bad that she had to rest from talking at two different times.
East Rush - Some miscreant entered Geo. Fargo's barn Friday night and took his horse out and rode as far as Rush and there turned it loose.
Middletown Centre - The house of Lawrence Curley, about four miles from here, was destroyed by fire together with its contents on Sunday morning. AND After the Republican caucus in Middletown, it was declared, "this is the greatest crop of Republicans ever harvested in our town."
Little Meadows - John Gould expects soon to start out on the road selling patent medicine.
Montrose - No, that military-looking man marching up Public Avenue Monday afternoon wasn't a member of Co. G, and he didn't have a gun. It was simply Banker Gilbert with a fish pole over his shoulder. AND On Wednesday evening Deputy Postmaster Bostwick and his wife discovered two men forcing an entrance into Lake's meat market. Leaving his wife on watch he hastened to notify Officer Tingley, but not finding him other help was summoned. However, on reaching the market the birds had flown. Thursday morning an investigation showed that several hams were missing and a little quiet detective work was all it required to fix suspicion upon two local characters. It is believed that their escapade was the result of a too generous imbibing of ardent spirits, for in their sober moments they manifested deep repentance. The stolen hams, we understand, were returned.
Auburn - A little five year old daughter of John Carney can repeat the name of each President back to Washington and also the name of each county in this state as fast as any one can read them on paper. How many grown people can do it?
Lynn - There is a new firm at Lynn. Herbert Fish had planned to sell his mercantile business to Lyman and Stephens. But when April 1st came they were not ready to take it so Mr. Fish sold one-half to J.A. Lyman, retaining the other half, the new firm being Fish & Lyman.
Harford - A carload of 130 barrels of flour has just been received at the Harford Orphan School. Mr. Hartweg, the baker, uses five barrels of flour a week.
Great Bend - On the new money orders and other blanks issued by the government for Great Bend post office, Great Bend is spelled "Greatbend," which does not meet with the approval of many of the people, who will continue to write it with a "big B."
Clifford - Dr. Gardner, after a few days of sickness, expired Sunday morning, April 5th, 1899. Funeral at the house on Wednesday. Interment in the Clifford Valley cemetery. Mr. Gardner was the only Doctor we had in the place and will be much missed. There is a good opening for some other doctor here.
South Jessup - Herbert Fargo, of Elk Lake, passed through this place last week, delivering garden seed.
Springville - On Tuesday evening, a little after 8 o'clock, fire was discovered in Tucker's shingle and planing mills, situated two miles east of this village, and before any assistance could be given the entire structure, together with the machinery, was a mass of ruins.
State and County News: The bill making bridges county instead of town charges passed both houses of the Pennsylvania legislature and now awaits the Governor's approval. The bill was championed by residents of Hallstead, Great Bend and Susquehanna, and E.R.W. Searle, Esq., interested himself in its behalf, visiting Harrisburg and working heroically for its passage.
Compiled By: Betty Smith