Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 15 1892/1992
Brooklyn - The Susquehanna County Bee Keepers Association will meet at Bullard's Hotel in Brooklyn on Thursday, May 5, at 10 AM, at which time the officers for the coming year will be elected. All interested are invited. H.M. Seely Sec.
New Milford- New Milford enjoys the novelty of having two rival companies seeking a charter for a water company to supply that Borough with water. One is a home company, the other is composed of a company of capitalists from Scranton. Just as the home company had the organization completed, ready to ask for a charter, the Scranton company broke in upon them and gave notice that they too would apply for a charter. Both companies have the same date fixed upon which they will apply to the Governor for a charter.
Harford - We were looking over Capt. Sweet's herd of 16 cows, and were struck with the cleanliness of their stables and the tidy appearance of each cow. Nearly every one was as clean as can be found in midsummer. They are curried every day. Their very faces show contentment. To us, a contented, motherly looking cow of ten years, that has given up the follies of young life, is an attractive animal. AND Rev. Anson Titus sends us the following from the records of the First Church of Attleboro, Mass., concerning one of our Nine Partners: "Baptized, Nov 7, 1773, Ezekiel, son of John Titus, deceased, who was dedicated to God in baptism by his grandfather, John Titus, to whose care he was committed before the death of his father."
Clifford - Rev. Sidney W. Rivenburgh, on account of his poor health, has left his work as Missionary in India and returned to his father's home.
Franklin Forks - The boys of Franklin Forks, that went to North Dakota, have written their friends speaking well of the country and liking it first-class.
Herrick Center-The Erie Station Was broken into last Thursday night. The locks to all the cases were forced. Nothing was missed except a C.O.D. package containing a watch.
Montrose - While one of the popular members of Montrose Separate Company was riding out with a young lady recently, he was suddenly seized with a desire to show his military training. He selected the "arm exercise," and this, to an unobserved bystander, looked like a deliberate attempt to embrace the young lady. Such ignorance on the part of the bystander is indeed painful, and our boys should not attempt military maneuvering while riding with their best girls, until the people get better acquainted with military tactics.
News Briefs- A Chautauqua dress reformer asserts that "corsets have filled more graves than whiskey." These early spring days afford a good time to remove rubbish from cellars and front yards. Where there is any room, set out fruit trees, shrubs, or vines. If everyone will endeavor to make their premises healthy and attractive, it will be a decided help to village improvement, and to an advanced physical and moral culture.
Susquehanna County - Court Proceedings: The following persons were naturalized citizens of the United States: Daniel R. Bowen, Clifford; Michael Hurley, Susquehanna.
Compiled By: Betty Smith