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April 14 1922/2022

Montrose – About 6 o’clock on Tuesday a team, drawing a platform spring wagon, was seen to be tearing up Church street. When they reached Morris’ drug store, the right front wheel caught the right front wheel of W. W. Nash’s Ford delivery truck. The impact was so great that Miss Grace Gay was hurled ten or more feet into the air. She struck on the concrete pavement with great force, just back of the flying hoofs of the horses. Much to the astonishment of the eye-witnesses, Miss Gay stood up almost immediately. The thought had flashed across everyone’s mind that she was killed. The cause of the runaway was a loose neckyoke, which slipped back and caused the traces to drag. This frightened the spirited horses and they began running below Cooley’s store. Miss Gay sustained but slight injuries, her arm and hand being bruised. When the collision occurred, the front wheels became detached from the body of the wagon and the pole and other parts were broken. The horses were stopped a short distance up the street. Mr. Nash’s Ford was damaged slightly.

Herrick Center – The school building, together with all of its contents, was destroyed by fire early Sunday morning. The loss is estimated at $20,000, less than one-third of which was covered by insurance. The building was a fine brick structure erected in 1901 and was also used as a community center. It is expected that the district will secure temporary quarters to continue school for the balance of the term.

Springville – Miss Miriam Lathrop, librarian, announces that the library will now be open on Tuesday and Friday afternoons, and from May 1st to Oct 1st, also Saturday evening from 7 until 9 o’clock.

Forest Lake Twp. – Rev. Asa Warner died at the home of his sister, Mrs. David Wheatcroft, on March 15. He was in his 80th year. When his country called for help he enlisted as a private soldier in March of 1861 and was honorably discharged as first sergeant on June 12, 1865. At the age of 18 he united with the Methodist church, where he is known for his faithfulness, both spiritual and financial, having carried the keys of the church for nearly 50 years.

Forest City – Notice is hereby given that dumping ashes will be permitted on Tuesdays and Fridays and on North Susquehanna street dumping ground only. All spoiled meats and vegetables must be burned and covered with not less than two feet of dirt. This must be obeyed to prevent spreading disease. Dumping ashes and tin cans or other nuisance on bridge to Brownsdale, or North and South Main streets and West Dundaff street is strictly forbidden.

Clifford – The Hasbrouck brothers have taken possession of the E. E. Finn store. Glen Hasbrouck and wife arrived with their goods from Binghamton, the first of the week.

Burnwood – Spring is here, Summer is coming, Hurry up boys! Get the baseball humming.

Fairdale – Mr. & Mrs. Joe West have moved from Hop Bottom to this place, where he has bought the store of D. M. Roe and is now at the stand doing business.

Dimock – Joseph Dixon has opened a barbershop in the east end of the Berry wagon shop, near the community building. ALSO James Gavitt, a veteran of the Civil War, is poorly, not being able to leave his room.

Lanesboro – The Lanesboro Furniture Manufacturing Co. has started business. A number of lathes and woodworking machines have been installed to manufacture various articles of furniture.

Jackson – Two New Milford electricians, DeWitt Vailes and Bruce Frink, wired the Central Hotel and the hotel barn last week, finishing the work of installing the new lighting system for Roberts Bros.

Beech Grove, Auburn Twp. – Mrs. Lucetta Lyons Bolles passed away. She was born on Spring Hill, June 24, 1848 and married George W. Bolles on Dec. 3, 1870. She graduated from the Mansfield State Normal school in 1859. To Mr. and Mrs. Bolles were born three sons, Henry, Roy and Leo. Her husband preceded her in death three years ago.

County Wide News – Superintendents of Sunday schools, teachers in the public schools, in fact, anyone who is interested in the cause of temperance and prohibition, are asked to take the pledge, together with sheets of white paper, to schools, Sunday schools and public places in the town or neighborhood, asking for signers, using one side of the paper only. The pledge is the famous document of Frances E. Willard, called the Polyglot petition, already signed by more than 7½ million people. ALSO Michael O’Shaughnessy was sentenced to the Eastern penitentiary for not less than three years or more than five years on the charge of felonious use of explosives, breaking and entering, and not less than 15 years or more than 18 years in separate and solitary confinement at labor. He was on parole when he was captured in the sensational gunfight with police and detectives in Lanesboro. ALSO A WARNING! To feel tired before exertion is not laziness—it’s a sign that the system lacks vitality and needs the tonic effect of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Sufferers should not delay. Get rid of that tired feeling by beginning to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla today.

TWO HUNDRED YEARS AGO NOTICE! A meeting of the Stockholders of the Susquehanna Academy will be held at the Academy, on Wednesday the 17th. Inst., at 3 o’clock, P.M., for the purpose of electing fourteen trustees for the Academy for the ensuing year. DAVIS DIMOCK, President of the Board. April 11, 1822.

BUTTER- The following is given as an improved method of preventing the bitter taste which butter has at this period of the year from cattle feeding on turnips, cabbages, leaves of trees, &c. Boil two ounces of salt petre in a quart of water and put 2 or more spoonfuls according to the quantity of milk into a pail, before milking; if this is done constantly, it will prevent the taste of turnips, but will not be effected if even once neglected. This has been proved by twenty years experience, and if it does not succeed, the farmers may rest assured that the fault arises from the neglect of the dairymaid.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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