Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 14 1911/2011
Hop Bottom - Prof. Bull, of the Hop Bottom High School, surprised his friends last week by taking unto himself a bride, the lady being a native of Wilkes-Barre. The honeymoon is being spent in Mansfield. The boys met the train at Foster and gave the bride and groom a quick, but warn reception. ALSO The roads between here and Brooklyn are not only bad, but they are thoroughly depraved. The Brooklyn Express was obliged to go around by the Lindaville road during the last few days. ALSO Commencement exercises of the high school were held April 3 in the Universalist church. The graduates were Mildred Carpenter, Helen Jeffers and Lillian Ross.
South Auburn - After six months almost continuous cold weather, all are anxious for warm weather, which seems rather slow in coming. The roads are in very bad condition, which makes it especially hard for our R. F. D .carriers. We certainly appreciate having our mail brought to our door.
Herrick Twp. - On March 28, at the home of Mrs. Julia Walker, there was a notable gathering the like of which very few persons will ever have the privilege to enjoy. On that day the many friends and relatives of Mrs. Walker gave her a surprise party in honor of her 90th birthday. It is now more than 62 years since she came as a bride, the wife of Seth Walker, to a rude cabin in the primeval forest. The cabin burned in a few years destroying nearly everything the industrious young couple had gathered. But they soon built the house in which they lived together over 50 years, and where Mrs. Walker expects to live the remainder of her days. Her husband died July 1, 1910, and she has one daughter living, 9 grandchildren and 20 or more great-grandchildren.
Jackson - Myron French Post No. 572, G.A.R., will celebrate their 25th anniversary at Roberts Hall on Saturday, April 15.
Ararat Summit - Joseph Zaverl, prop. Of the Ararat Hotel, is ill at this writing. ALSO The M. E. Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. Emmerson Stone for dinner on Wednesday, April 12, 1911. Bring needle and thimble.
Flynn - Our expectations of the two joyful events which were to take place after Easter, have certainly fell through, because the young ladies have declared that it's all off.
Montrose - The many thieving depredations around our village during the last two or three weeks had greatly incensed the residents, particularly the business people and when the report became current Sunday morning, that the perpetrator of these amateurish thieving pranks had been apprehended by Chief Warren Tingley, a feeling of relief was evident. The eye of suspicion had been for some time quite pointedly in the direction of Frank Tallon. He was detected, last Saturday night, peering into the windows of different business places and when he reached the alley at the rear of the Democrat building, he was nabbed by Chief Tingley and on his person were found two chisels, which it is presumed he used in his expeditions. Tallon pleaded guilty and was given 60 days in jail.
Susquehanna - On the farm of M. M. Benson at Susquehanna next Wednesday afternoon, commencing at 1 o'clock, will be given a public demonstration in tree trimming, spraying for injurious pests and fungus diseases and general horticultural work. The State is furnishing some well trained men to give this instruction.
Hallstead - The Herbeck-Demmer Cutglass Co., is moving its plant from Honesdale to Hallstead, where there has been built a new concrete factory building. This will make a fine industry for Hallstead and will employ in the neighborhood of 100 men. The firm manufactures a fine quality of glassware and does a large business, labor troubles in Honesdale causing their removal. The concrete work on the Hallstead building was done by Gordon DePue, of Montrose.
Great Bend - Albert Bolt has purchased the Carlisle block on Main street. He will repair it and move in about May 1.
Tunkhannock/Lenox - A bottle picked up by Fred Rought, of Nicholson, on an island in Tunkhannock creek just below the Bacontown mill, contained a note with the address of Miss Gertrude Cameron, of Lenox. By a mere coincidence, the note was found on the 5th anniversary of the date the bottle was thrown into the stream, the note bearing the date of Marcy 27, 1906. It had traveled but ten miles in all that time. As Rought is a married man, there was nothing in the way of romance about the incident. Tunkhannock Republican. The blamed chump! Now if Mr. Rought had any "sporting blood" he would have immediately consigned the bottle again to the deep, and allowed some old bachelor or forlorn single man to have discovered it. Fred ain't no assistant of Dan Cupid's. [Gertrude Cameron never married]
Fair Hill - The funeral of F. P. Shelp was held Wednesday afternoon at his late home, the services being conducted by Rev. Unangst. Mr. Shelp was a man of sterling qualities and will be greatly missed in this place.
Quaker Lake - The stork paid a visit to our community, leaving a little baby girl with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Walsh.
Lawsville - Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Northrop have moved to Binghamton, where he has a position as motorman.
Forest City - Michael Salajda's fate will rest with jury. Prisoner charged with murder of John Polica in Forest City on the night of October 26th last. It seemed that Polica was paying too much attention to Salajda's wife. Attorneys made brilliant arguments before jury. Closing pleas expected today.
Franklin Forks/Lawsville - Thomas Jefferson Depue, aged 80 years, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. L. Bailey, at Franklin Forks, on Tuesday, April 11, from heart failure. Deceased was for many years a resident of Fairdale and the funeral will be held from the Fairdale church this afternoon at 1 o'clock and interment made in the cemetery at that place.
Compiled By: Betty Smith