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April 13 1917/2017

Montrose – Charles Mackey and Wilbur Pross, who went to New York, Monday, have enlisted in the Mosquito Fleet, which comprises a dozen or more submarine chasers, to guard the coast. Mr. Mackey is a son of the late Dr. C.D. Mackey, a student of Cornell and Mr. Pross is the eldest son of Cashier C.F. Pross, of the Farmers National Bank. ALSO The Beach Manufacturing Co. is moving from its old quarters in the remnant of the machine shop and foundry, to their new plant near the Lehigh Valley station. The new concrete and steel main structure is practically completed.

Springville – The engagement of Cora Lee and Ernest Marcy was publicly announced when a variety shower was given them at the home of George Lee. ALSO Handrick Miles has gone to Montrose and the farm he left he rented to Boyd Welch and on April 4, about 4 or 5 o’clock, a fire was discovered in the barn. A shed attached was also consumed with a horse, cow and four yearlings. The other cattle happened to be out, as also was the team. They are preparing to erect a new barn.

Hallstead – Perhaps few dealers in horses in this section of the country are better or more favorably known than is James Florence.  He gives notice that he will arrive with thirty head of Missouri horses about April 30.

Uniondale – A solid train, consisting of 33 cars of ammunition, passed through here Thursday morning enroute for Boston.

East Rush – Another one of Wm. Quick’s children has the scarlet fever.  It seems queer that an M.D., of Binghamton, should let a patient run at large with this dreaded disease and endanger a whole neighborhood, as was this case.

Harford – Our young men are all afire with patriotism and stand ready to obey the first call that comes to them to serve in their country’s cause. Stanley Adams, private of the Thirteenth Regiment, spent a day with this father and friends before going to the front again with his regiment. ALSO James W. Evans received word that his oldest brother, David, of South Wales, died on Feb. 17th, at the age of 80 years. A few days previous to his death, his only son died at the front.

Jackson – Ray Roberts has been elected cashier of the City National Bank, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of LeGrand Benson. Jackson township has furnished three cashiers to county banks, the late Charles E. Moxley, LeGrand Benson and now Ray F. Roberts.

Gelatt – Wednesday April 4, being the 50th anniversary of the marriage of George B. Milliken and Maggie Smiley, relatives and friends met with them to help celebrate the day. After a bounteous dinner, the guests were invited to the parlor, where Warren Mumford, of Starrucca, made a speech and presented Mr. and Mrs. Milliken with several presents and a sum of money. Mr. Milliken responded with a short speech of thanks, after which there was singing and all returned to their homes.

East Kingsley – The family of Alonzo Loomis are peculiarly and sadly afflicted. Mrs. Loomis has been helpless, in bed for the past six years. Mr. Loomis, who is past 80 years of age, has been helpless I bed for the past year. Their daughter, Miss Nellie Loomis, has been their faithful nurse all this time. Their only son, Eugene, whose home is on the opposite side of the road from his parents, has been failing in health for some time, since the death of their infant son. Both families have the sympathy of the entire community.

Brooklyn – Dr. T.O. Williams is enjoying an extensive and profitable practice, but if the country needs him he will respond to the call. He is a Spanish War veteran and has had hospital practice.

Dimock – Wallace Fish, who is past 81 years old, seems to be smart and active for a man of his advanced years, cutting his own wood, attending to his poultry and fires, doing his trading at the store and also making daily trips to the post-office for his mail. ALSO Perry Mills is the new clerk at the post-office and store of W.J. Cronk.

New Milford – J.A. McConnell is in fairly good health after his severe illness of several months ago. He has lived on the New Milford hill, his farm bordering on the old stage road, for more than 40 years, coming there from Brooklyn township. All of the older generation of farmers and neighbors, the Gunns, Chapmans, Harding’s, Beebes, Franks, Kimbers and others who were his early associates, have moved or passed away.

The War Effort: It has been a common thing this week to see small groups of young men gather on the sidewalks. If you stopped to listen to their excited conversation you would find they were talking about enlisting. The entire Senior class of boys planned to enlist in a body on Tuesday morning, making their plans to go to Scranton to enroll. Principal Hess and the school board finally dissuaded them from taking the step, urging the boys to wait until after graduation.

Crystal Lake – Ms. John Nelson, near this place, was shot in the arm by her 5-year-old grandson, who secured a revolver from a bureau drawer on the second floor. Mrs. Nelson was sitting in a chair knitting and the youngster made his way up stairs and got the gun and returned to the first floor and started playing with the weapon, finally pulling the trigger. The bullet entered his grandmother’s arm and she fell over in a faint and was found by a neighbor, who was attracted by the child’s cries.

Forest City – With commendable zeal and fervent patriotism the Boy Scouts have, through energetic work, arranged that old glory shall float at the high school building. The boys made a canvass of our citizens who liberally subscribed to a fund for the purpose of buying a flag. It will be of first quality and will measure 6’ x 12’ and as soon as the school board can secure a suitable pole the flag will be unfurled. ALSO Thomas boys had some experience trying to run their auto from Forest City to Crystal Inn on Sunday evening. They encountered snowdrifts several feet high but managed to reach home at a late hour by going through the fields.

200 Years Ago from the Centinel, April 12, 1817.

*Abolition of Slavery. The House of Assembly of the state of New York, on the 12th ult. In committee of the whole, Mr. Walbridge in the chair, had under consideration the bill for the abolition of slavery within that state, when after animated discussion, the question on the clause declaring all negroes, malatoe and mustees within the state, free, after the 4th day of July, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, was carried in the affirmative by a large majority.

  *Halloo, Journeymen!  I want to procure a first rate workman at the Cabinet Making Business; also a first rate workman at Chair Making; to whom I will give good wages and constant employ—None other need apply.  Garner Isbell, Jr., Montrose

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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