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April 13 1900/2000

Susquehanna - The sound of the fiddle is again heard in the land. Arrangements will be made at once for a post-Lenten hop, to be held under the auspices of the various societies connected with Christ Episcopal Church. AND - Phoenix-like, the Susquehanna "Transcript", on Saturday, arose from its ashes and greeted its numerous readers.

East Rush - Easter services were held at the church last Sunday. How many children under 12 years old can tell what Easter means, and why they eat eggs on that day?

Springville - Tennyson Meserole and Floyd Kellogg have gone west; Meserole to Nebraska and Kellogg to Toledo, Ohio. AND - The new meat market with William Lathrop and Pierce Kinney as proprietors seems to be doing a good business.

New Milford - Easter services were well attended at several churches. St. Mark's Episcopal church was well filled, the decorations were very fine, the altar was beautifully decorated with cut flowers and palms and potted plants were tastefully arranged around the church. The Rev. Bishop delivered an eloquent sermon and a fine musical program was given under the direction of the organist, Mrs. L. G. McCollum. Mr. McCollum sang a solo, "Christ Is Risen," and Miss Nina Taft sang during the offertory. At the Presbyterian church fine music and decorations of potted plants were of a pleasing nature. The M.E. church and Baptists were in accordance with the day.

Friendsville - The person who took the shafts from the wagon standing by the side of the road near Friendsville, last Saturday night, will please return same to Buffum's store and save further trouble.

Little Meadows - Ex-Sheriff Ward Deuel and family have taken up their residence here, where they formerly resided.

Montrose - On their appearance at Village Hall on Tuesday evening, Guy Brothers' famous minstrels not only fully sustained the high reputation which they had already gained, but won additional laurels from the hands of Montrose people. The entertainment was filled with fun, pathos and melody, and from first to last afforded rich enjoyment to an audience which taxed to the limit the capacity of the auditorium. If the management of Village Hall shall continue to furnish from time to time attractions up to the standard set by Guy Brothers, there will be no trouble in securing packed houses as often as the opportunity shall offer. It was demonstrated on Tuesday evening that the ideal for which the Village Improvement Society is striving--a cozy, well appointed play house or public hall, is rapidly nearing realization.

Birchardville - The Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. F. E. Ball on Wednesday. There were 26 present and sewed 26 lbs. of rags, besides a lot of visiting.

Jersey Hill (Auburn Twp.) - Harry Bertholf of East Rush has purchased the store belonging to J. N. LaRue. AND - Miss Electa White has returned home from Adrian, Mich., where she has been studying music and elocution and soon expects to go to Denver, Colorado to visit her brother, A. N. White.

Silver Lake - The news of the death of Rev. Father Jas. McCabe, which occurred at Warren Centre on the 8th inst., threw a gloom over the services at St. Augustine's Catholic Church in this place. Father McCabe formerly resided in the township, where he had many relatives and friends. He was born in Ireland 62 years ago and came to America early in youth. He had been a priest 31 years, receiving his first instructions in the old Catholic College at St. Joseph (since destroyed by fire and never rebuilt). Many from this vicinity attended his funeral from St. Patrick's Church in Binghamton, NY.

Hallstead/Great Bend - The bus line between Great Bend and Hallstead has been purchased by Fred Simpson, who for 15 years has been the driver. Universal esteem and good will is felt for the new owner. AND - Today S. H. Tubbs closes his business control of the Mitchell House, where for a year he has kept one of the best hotels in the county. AND - The silk mill continues to quietly continue operations notwithstanding all adverse reports.

Glenwood - The young man who got a pair of boots by false pretense, then hid them in a barn to avoid payment, had better pay up or leave the ranch.

Apolacon - Miss Susie Murphy closed a very successful term of school on Wednesday last.

Thomson - Smith French met with an accident. While at the depot turning around, the axle broke, capsizing the wagon and Mr. French injuring his ankle and some bruises otherwise. Dr. MacNamara was called and dressed the wounds. The horses broke loose from the wagon and ran without much damage.

Brooklyn - Lester Tewksbury has taken possession of the Bullard hotel and is prepared to attend to the wants of the travelling public.

Clifford - L. E. Bennett made his first trip with his butcher wagon last week AND - Rurie Bennett got one rib and breast bone broken by a horse while showing how a horse ought to be shod.

Lynn - On Tuesday, April 10, 1900, the 50th mile stone was passed in the wedded life of Mr. and Mrs. Preston T. Maryott. Among those present we must mention Mrs. Julanie Brush (nee Rosengrant) the bridesmaid on this day 50 years ago, Philander and Theron Strickland, brothers of Mrs. Maryott and with her the only survivors of a large family, and Anson Maryott, only brother of Mr. Maryott. Of the large family only two daughters and one grand- daughter were present, others residing in the far west. "The Golden Wedding," composed by Mrs. Vernie Maryott Ready, of Kansas, was read.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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