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April 13 1894/1994

Rush - Mr. Amos Bunnell, aged 90, is making his semiannual pilgrimage to visit his Forest Lake friends. He makes the journey on foot,

Lawsville - The heaviest snowstorm of the year began on Tuesday morning, melting during the day as it fell. It continued to fall during the night and on Wednesday morning was fully a foot deep and still snowing.

Friendsville - Miss Katie McMahan, our popular stage driver, enjoyed a pleasant trip to Montrose on Sunday evening, and back to her home in this place.

Jersey Hill - The Postmaster General has changed the name of the post office at Rush 4 Corners to Rushboro.

Union Dale - Waldron's glass blowers have been giving exhibitions of their wonderful Skill in glass blowing, during the last week, to a large audience each night, making our people happy by their beautiful and artistic work. The baby contest created quite an excitement, there being so many nice babies in Uniondale. So it was hard to tell which one would get the prize, until after the voles were counted. Tickets were 5-cents for the baby contest, and a short time before the poles were to close money was used quite freely to buy votes. The result was that Claud Lockwood, a bright little fellow, got 409 votes, a majority over the next highest of 224.

Montrose - The walls of the halls in the courthouse have been freshly kalsomined, thus obliterating, all the unsightly pencil marks, etc., that have adorned them for so long. A reward of $5.00 has now been offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone caught making marks of any description on any of the interior walls of the Court House.

Lake View - Early Tuesday morning, April 3rd, the building occupied by E. Sweet as a store and cigar factory, at Lake View, was destroyed by fire. The fire was discovered breaking through the roof. The people gathered quickly, and although they were unable to save the building, they succeeded in removing nearly all the contents, which were more or less damaged. It is said that there was insurance on the goods but not on the building.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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