Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 12 1918/2018
Forest City – The school directors of Susquehanna county proved their interest in education by braving the blizzard and coming to Montrose, 174 strong, to elect a Superintendent of Schools for the county. Miss Clara Winans, the assistant superintendent; F.H. Taylor, principal of the Forest city schools and A.A. Killian, principal of the Susquehanna schools, were nominated for the office, Miss Winans withdrew. The result was 97 votes for Taylor and 77 for Killian. It was pointed out that when Prof. Taylor came to Forest City nine years ago he found Russians, Italians, Bohemians, Slavs, Jews, Syrians and other nationalities attending a third class school. By hard work he brought the school up to a first grade high school in a few years’ time, and it stands today as one of the very best schools in this region.
Montrose – A Montrose young man, G. Carlton Shaver, owner of Camp Susquehannock, is now holder, with King Smith, of the National indoor tennis doubles championship. Messrs. Smith and Shafer played a brilliant series of games at the big tournament in New York city last Saturday and came out victors. ALSO Robert Welden, who lately enlisted in the aviation service, has been sent to Camp Winfield Scott, Cal. ALSO A right sharp young winter has developed this week. There are four or five inches of snow on the level, and more falling. Its lightness indicates it will not carpet the ground long.
Franklin Hill – A fairly large quantity of maple syrup has been made in this vicinity. Lately the run has been quite good. Among those tapping their sugar bush are Frank Wilson, Ralph Kerr, John Webster and Charles McKinney.
Auburn Twp. – Dogs attacked the flock of sheep of James McAvoy recently. Out of ten sheep and three goats only four escaped, two of the goats also being victims.
Nicholson – The Nicholson High School building was burned to the ground on Friday morning. The building was discovered in flames at about 4 o’clock, and being a two-story frame structure was speedily consumed. The loss is placed at about $20,000, an insurance of $10,000 being carried on it. It was erected about 20 years ago. Origin of fire is unknown.
Springville – A choral society has recently been organized here with about 25 members, under the efficient leadership of Mrs. Harry Turrell. Rehearsals are held each Tuesday evening in the High school auditorium. Miss Emma Avery is the accompanist.
East Kingsley – The maple sugar season just closed was a good one, sap being unusually sweet. Within a radius of two miles of here there were seven camps worked. W.H. Wilmarth’s camp led them all, producing 60 gallons of fine syrup from 150 trees.
Gelatt, Gibson Twp. – George Page has the biggest sale in county’s history. 53 head of Holsteins bring $16,000. Fred S. Williams, of Gelatt, bought a $600 cow, and Manzer Benson, of Jackson, got one for $575. The yearlings and calves were all daughters and sons of the famous $10,000 bull, King Pontiac Alcartra Pietje, owned by A.E. Robinson & Son. Frank E. Resseguie, of South Gibson, bought Mr. Page’s interest in King Pontiac at a private sale and what he paid, they say, would buy a good farm. Mr. Page was pleased that the highest priced animals were bought by his neighbors, nicely showing their faith in him as a breeder of high-class cattle.
Silver Lake – Misses Norene and May Coleman have returned to their home in Middletown after teaching school in the Snow Hollow and Laurel Lake schools, which were closed on Saturday last.
Hallstead – An auto bus has started making regular trips between here and Binghamton, carrying passengers. This with train service gives good connections with no long waits.
Dimock – Wallace Fish, who is past 82 years old, seems to be smart for a man of his age, doing his chores, chopping his fire wood, and also attending his large garden in the summer time, besides making daily trips to the store and postoffice.
Susquehanna – Quite an excitement was caused about 8 o’clock Monday night by the blowing of the fire whistle and the lighting up of the sky from a fire close to the Erie shops. It came from a train backing into another one, ready to start out. The caboose was set on fire, and burned fiercely till consumed, but the fire company got the hose on it after some trouble, as the cars were in a bad shape to reach and soon got the fire under control and prevented more of the cars from catching fire, although others were very near burning from the intense heat. ALSO Several troop trains passed thru here last Sunday and many of the soldiers left the cars and engaged in drilling on Main street. Much praise was head in regard to their soldierly bearing and fine marching.
Harford – The many friends and admirers of F.O. Miller will be interested to know that the has purchased the interests of the other partners in the Harford Supply Co., and will continue at the old stand as sole proprietor. Mr. Miller has the necessary attributes of a successful merchant.
Uniondale – The borough council has appointed Chas. Carpenter supervisor for this year; and work on the roads will be started at once. There is some pressure being brought to bear to have the borough tax valuation increased, as the present tax revenue is insufficient to take care of the many demands made on it, while the price of materials and labor used by the borough have steadily advanced. The borough is badly in need of a stone crusher and it is hoped that there will not too much protest made to the contemplated project.
The Montrose Centinel, 200 Years Ago for April 12, 1818 is not included in this week’s article. The Historical Society’s research and reference rooms are packed (including microfilm) and will be moving to the first floor and basement the week of April 9th. We hope to resume our regular hours in the near future. Please consult our website www.susqcohistsoc.org or call 570-278-1622 for updates on hours or closings.
Compiled By: Betty Smith