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April 12 1912/2012

Bridgewater - Mrs. J. Green and Annie Andre attended the sale at Mrs. Nelson Birchard’s, April 8. There was a large crowd and cows brought $80, potatoes $1.45 a bushel and chickens 60 cents each. ALSO Mrs. Sarah Mitchell, aged 93 years, the oldest resident of Nichols, NY, died last week. She was formerly Miss Sarah Stephens, of Bridgewater

Heart Lake - Two small children of H. E. Taylor were badly burned last Friday. The family had moved to the Gardner farm, owned by E. Griffing, from Franklin, and in the confusion of entering a new home an oil can had been left in the kitchen near the stove. The children, a boy of three years and a girl of seventeen months, left a little while alone, poured oil into the hot stove. The can of oil ignited, and the subsequent explosion scattered oil over their clothing, burning each severely before the startled parents came to the rescue. Dr. Wilson was summoned and found the little girl seriously burned about the face and the boy about the abdomen, but the outlook is for the recovery of both. Miss Alice Kelly is caring for the little sufferers.

Dimock - The Dimock school, with Miss Ethel Thomas as teacher, closed April 5, 1912. The scholars perfect in attendance were Lena Bailey, Lillian Thornton, Martha Cronk, Leon Crisman, Ernest Benninger, Raphael Dolan, Lena Bailey, Lillian Thornton, Martha Cronk and Leon Crisman were not tardy during the entire year.

Springville - D. D. Layton has commenced demolishing the old store building and will erect an up--to--date building on the premises. ALSO Isaac Button, an aged resident of East Lynn, died Monday afternoon of general debility, aged about 85 years. Some years ago he made all the arrangements for his funeral with Undertaker Tuttle, who had charge of the funeral on Wednesday, with interment in Strickland Hill cemetery.

Forest City - Martin J. McAndrew, who has had charge of the Farrell hotel for several years, retired from the business on April 1st and S. J. O’Neill has become proprietor. Mr. O’Neill will remove his family to the hostelry in a short time and his change of residence will make a vacancy on the borough council. ALSO The rebuilding of the trestle at the Forest City breaker was started last week.

Royal, Clifford Twp. - Some parties from Carbondale are unroofing or uncovering a large block of flag stone on the side hill a little way south of here. Some of the heavy blasts of powder jar our town making windows, china and glassware jingle. The stone will be carted to Carbondale for sidewalks and other purposes.

Lanesboro and Montrose - Monday morning, Pat Joyce, Harry Howell, James Gallagher, Edward Kelley and Frank Kelley were placed on trial for burglarizing the Buckley store in Lanesboro and by the Wednesday evening following, they had been tried, found guilty and Joyce, Gallagher and Howell lodged in the Eastern Penitentiary at Philadelphia, for safe keeping. They entered Buckley’s store about a month ago and a telltale glove dropped in the store, the mate of which was found in Joyce’s pocket at their rendezvous, where the stolen goods were found, connected him directly with the crime. The case assumed a dramatic appearance when Joyce was brought in for sentence. After a sentence of not more than ten years nor less than five years had been pronounced, Joyce “sassed” the Judge who immediately modified the sentence. “Your sentence is for not more than ten years nor less than nine years.” Not long after, on April 5, Joyce escaped by scaling the jail wall of the jail. After jumping to the ground he made a dash down Prospect street and across the fields to Ball’s woods. The sheriff soon spread the news of the escape to all parts of the county by telephone, offering a reward of $25 for his capture. He then started with a posse of men to search. The prisoner was finally captured two miles north of Small’s Hotel below Lawsville, 20 hours from the time he made his escape. Much credit is due to the telephone operators along the lines for their persistent effort in locating the prisoner. The reward was paid.

Elk Lake - W. H. Tanner is building an addition to his store for the better accommodation of his customers.

Hallstead - Galbraith T. Rogers, the aviator who passed over Susquehanna County last summer, was killed in an accident at Long Beach, California, last week. Aviator Rogers made a stop at Hallstead in his cross country trip, where he was greeted by a great many citizens and where a great many school children wrote their names upon his aeroplane.

Brandt - The farmers of the neighborhood are happy now that the Stevens Point Creamery has re--opened and saves the disagreeable trip to Susquehanna.

Laceyville - The Laceyville Messenger writes up a family difference, thusly: A Laceyville man, who complained that his wife spent too much time on her hair puffs, was rightly rebuked by the good woman, telling him that he spent much more time on his cigar puffs.

Kingsley - We are informed that B. A. Oakley and Phil Burbank, of Brooklyn, will build for Coe Stearns and brother, a large hotel here, which will be used to care for the business expected in connection with the cut-off on the D. L. and W. Railroad.

Franklin Forks - William Dacy’s house burned Sunday afternoon. The household goods were partly burned. The fire started from the stove pipe. No insurance. ALSO The Webster brothers are making quite a quantity of maple sugar and syrup.

South Harford - A party was held at G. T. Carey’s on Tuesday evening for the school children. A good time is reported by the youngsters. Peanuts, candy and oranges were served.

News Briefs - Watch out for the T. G. S. & Co. gymnasium suits; very chic and up-to-date in every particular. ALSO With the admission of New Mexico and Arizona into the union of states, two more stars must be added to the union or blue field of the national flag. Under the law the change cannot be made, however, before July 4 next, notwithstanding actual statehood will be accomplished before that date.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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