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April 11 1901/2001

Brooklyn - The telephone line from Brooklyn to Hopbottom is now completed. The ringing of the telephone bell in the Brooklyn office at the feed store of Waldie & Terry, about noon on Thursday, the ll, told the story that the phone was in place and the connections completed. This line has been projected and built by Waldie & Terry and is a first class line in every respect. Mr. S. B. Eldridge, our enterprising postmaster, has fitted up a fine both in his office where a 'phone will be placed for the accommodation of the public. The construction of the line, the selection of the 'phones, the wiring of the offices, and arrangement of all the electrical apparatus has been done under the supervision of George H. Terry. The working of the 'phones is so perfect that the ticking of a watch at Foster [Hopbottom] can be distinctly heard at the Brooklyn office, which speaks well for his skill as a student of electricity, and of which he is justly proud. Now let some other enterprising citizens build a line to Montrose.

Harford - The jurymen from Harford returned on the I l and say they were discharged on account of no business on hand. lt is also reported at Kingsley, that Sheriff Maxey had no county boarder, that sounds well for the county. Some of the people at Kingsley took pity on the sheriff and sent up a boarder for a few days.

New Milford - Columbia Hose Co. No. 1 are making arrangements for a supper and fair to be held sometime in May, the purpose of which is to raise funds for the purchase of uniforms.

St. Joseph - Frogs in the Choconut Creek have begun to shake offtheir winter drowsiness and pipe th,e joyous announcement of spring. AND The Easter Service in St. Joseph's church was very impressive and largely attended. The High Altar was elaborate in its decorations of flowers and lighted tapers. The rector, Fr. J. J. Lally, delivered a splendid Easter sermon. The Easter music was exceptionally fine this year. Leonard's Mass in E flat being sung, under the capable management of Miss M. C. O'Reilly, the organist. The chorus singing was strong and the solos well rendered by the following: Misses Eliza (uinn, Mame and Anna Hevey, Mame Mooney, Anna O'Connell, Daisy and Margaret Kelly and Messrs. James Nolan, John Quinn, F. Hevey and P. Thayne.

Hallstead - A wheel [bicycle] was stolen from the porch of J. Simrel on Main street last Friday morning about 7 o'clock, by a tramp. He went towards New Milford. AND Page Lyman had the misfortune to lose his Shepherd dog "Cop". Page was called away to attend the t'uneral of his mother and was gone a number of days, and Cop seemed very lonely without his master, as he is a very knowing dog. They thought he might have tried to t'ollow Page and got lost but they can't find any trace of him.

Susquehanna - The pastor of a vicinity church recently introduced the game of crokinole at the social gatherings of the congregation and some of the membership is kicking lustily in consequence. They place crokinole with cards and other alleged devices of the devil. AND While walking along Front Street on Saturday evening, Miss Coletta Boyle was struck by a stone thrown by someone standing on the embankment near Christ Episcopal Church and paint'ully injured. The stone was probably thrown at two non-union boiler makers who were walking in the middle of the street.

Transue - Our school closed on the 3d inst. The teacher, Giles Seeley, presented his scholars with photographs of himself. He will long be remembered.

Montrose - John Gallagher, a young man well known in this place, now a resident of Binghamton, has just found his mother whom he had not seen since he was 6 years old and placed in a Catholic Home in Boston, owing to the fact that she was unable to support her family. Young Gallagher, when quite a boy, was taken and cared for until he was 21, by a family named Cokely, near Elk Lake. During the war with Spain he "donned the blue," and served honorably and well as a soldier in the United States Army, joining the same in Montrose during the summer when Wm. H. Shouse, of Tennessee, conducted a recruiting office here. Returning from the war, Gallagher--unlike other boys who received hearty welcome to comfortable homes, sought and found employment in Binghamton, with a firm where he is still engaged. He often wondered about the whereabouts of his mother, and two weeks ago dreamed that he saw her alive and well. A new hope of finding her took possession of him and he related the dream to a reported of one of the city papers, who gave it special notice and in a few days the Boston papers copied the account. A letter soon reached Gallagher from his own mother and he will make her a short visit as soon as he can conveniently do so.

Lyon Street, Clifford - The George Lyon farm was sold at public sale April l0th and struck offto Alvah Bennett at $1600, 115 acres, with good buildings.

Forest City - According to the tlonesdale Independent, Editor J. R. Budd, of the Forest City News, smiled with Honesdale friends one day last week. We had supposed Bro. Budd was a prohibitionist, until this announcement.

Uniondale - Miss Faye Smith gave a party to her friends on her ninth birthday. The guests were Blanche Churchill, Bernice Hubbard, Edna and Luella Burdick, Geneva Spoor, Eve Turner and Olive Norton.

Forest Lake - Hugh Chalker, of Nebraska, is visiting his son, Frank, and calling on old triends in this place.

Auburn - John W. Lott, while assisting in setting fence posts, was struck by a beetle in the hands of Owen Carver, and had two fingers of his right hand taken off. He is 94 years.

Glenwood - Don't miss the grand entertainment to be given at the M.E. church, Monday evening, April 22, by Robert H. Hendershot and son of Chicago, the drummer boy of the civil war who enlisted when only eleven years of age.

News Brief - John Davenport, aged 74 years, of Hunlock's Creek, PA, was arrested for inventing and using an electrical ghost to frighten Dolly Williams, aged 22, into accepting him as her husband. AND The Oklahoma Opportunity is a book descriptive of the Kiowa, Comanche and Apache Reservations in Oklahoma to be opened this summer with 2,000,000 acres available for pubic settlement. This publication contains complete information as to soil and climate, a sectionized map of the district, conditions of entry and the Act of Congress opening the Reservation. The great Rock Island Route is the only line running to and through the reservation. The Oklahoma Opportunity and the Western Trail, giving more facts of interest to Homeseekers, will be sent free by John Sebastian, G.P.A., Chicago.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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