Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 11 1898/1998
Forest Lake - The whistle of the merry plowman and the frogs are features of the present time. AND Miss Gracie Shelp has just bought a new Carpenter organ of Mr. John Howard, agent for those instruments and who is selling them like hot cakes. Mr. Howard comes to us well recommended.
Montrose -The electric light poles having been erected, wires are now being put up and the work of getting the plant ready is being pushed in all directions. AND Among the numerous views reproduced at the Methodist-Episcopal Church tonight by the Electromotiscope, will be the Inauguration of President McKinley, Niagara Falls, The Horse Market, New York Fire Department and Battleship Maine as she appeared in Havana Harbor, prior to the explosion. The Electromoti-scope is the latest Thomas A. Edison's 1898 model and a more perfect machine than the Vitascope or Animotiscope, and it gives the most wonderful, awe-inspiring and yet delightful entertainment it is possible to conceive. A leading feature of the entertainment will be the fine phonograph which will reproduce the sounds of life corresponding to the views. Admission: reserved seats, 35 cents; general admission, 25 cents; children, 15 cents.
Auburn - A double wedding here on Thursday of last week, and still there's more to follow. These happy couples were Charles Green and Miss Jennie Severcool; and Dana Stevens and Miss Estella White. May their remaining days be as happy as their wedding day.
Ararat - Dr.'s Cole, of Jackson, and McNamara, of Thomson, performed a very successful operation on Mrs. Eugene Stone last week for the removal of an abscess that has been troubling her for a long time.
Susquehanna - On Tuesday morning a team belonging to John Nye, of Jackson, attached to a lumber wagon, ran away when on East Main St. Dashing rapidly down that street they turned into Erie Avenue, and when near the Drinker foot bridge, went down a 10 ft. embankment to the creek. The team escaped injury, but the wagon was somewhat damaged. AND Jim Hurley, of this place, has challenged Jim Robinson, of Port Jervis, to spar him for the [boxing] championship of the Erie Railway. In any event, Jim will be the victor.
Forest City - Rev. G. B. Stone, a few days since, pulled a shad from the Lackawanna river near the railroad station. To prove that the shad was not a sucker, he had it photographed.
Lawsville - I. H. Travis has started his meat wagon and will be pleased to furnish you with nice fresh meats.
Clifford - It is said the Misses Belcher will go to Klondike, as missionaries to the gold fields. The young ladies have two brothers in the Klondike.
Brooklyn - The Brooklyn school closed March 25th. The graduating class numbered 8 members. Cady Weston, pres.; Florence Watrous, sec.; Raymond Gere, Mabel Nash, Glenn Tiffany, Nellie Terry, Berwyn Gere, Jennie Tiffany. The program consisted of essays and orations by the members of the class, interspersed by solos, choruses and instrumental music which made a very interesting entertainment.
Hallstead - A small but enthusiastic company of Prohibitionists gathered in the office of the Messenger and effected a union for the advancement of the principles of the Prohibition party. Among those present were some of our best residents.
Kingsley - Miss Louise Sophia and Ruth McConnell entered Bloomsburg Normal, Saturday, in time to begin the spring term.
Bridgewater Twp. - Report of the North School, month ending April 2d: Perfect attendance - Agnes Hollister, Minerva Green, Bessie Holbrook, Ralph Vaughn, Glen Taylor, Eugene Hollister, Enie Holbrook, Walter Fancher, Ernest Green, John Clark. Absent one day - John Carr. Those receiving 100 per cent in spelling were Ralph Vaughn, John Carr, Ray Hallstead, Robert Shipman, Charlie Lindsey, Agnes Hollister, Minerva Green, Bessie Holbrook, Glen Taylor, Walter Fancher, Enie Holbrook, Eugene Hollister, John Clark, Ernest Green. Those receiving 100 percent in deportment were Bessie Holbrook, Minerva Green, Agnes Hollister, Ralph Vaughn, Delbert Tyler, John Carr, Ray Hallstead, Sarah Hollister, Ernest Green, Eugene Hollister, Walter Fancher, Enie Holbrook.
Harford - Mrs. Lucretia Tiffany, aged 81 years, got a carpet into the loom and wove 4 and 5/8ths yards, 4 consecutive days, the second week in March.
Uniondale - Married, at the home of the bride's parents, by Rev. H. J. Crane on April 6th, 1898, Miss May Bell Bennett and Frank L. Rounds.
Compiled By: Betty Smith