Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 10 1891/1991
Lanesboro - It is said that some Lanesboro gentlemen contemplate the erection of a small summer hotel, or restaurant house on the big island in the river between Windsor and Lanesboro. Such an institution would doubtless be well patronized by the numerous excursion parties who take passage on the numerous small steamers that ply on the river during the summer.
Susquehanna - The baseball season opened suspiciously. A dozen games have been played and not a single umpire has been mobbed.
Montrose - Another argument in favor of water works was found in the sad and untimely death of Leo Lacey of West Auburn last week, of typhoid fever. It was directly caused, we are informed by a leading physician, by drinking impure water from some source. Leo was a student at Montrose High School and resided with Prof. B.E. James. [Reported elsewhere]. The water question has finally been settled in Montrose, and the work of putting in the system will commence soon as possible.
Susquehanna County- Jury for the trial of Elmer Washburn who murdered Cyrus Payne, an aged recluse of Jackson Twp. on Oct 27, 1922. Elmer was not yet 14-years old and lived with his foster mother, Mrs. Ella Washburn, in the same neighborhood as Mr. Payne. Elmer was found guilty of murder in the second degree. Not many details of his life are known to us, except that he learned the trade of fabric cutting in prison and worked at it after his release. He died about 10 years ago and is buried in Oswego, NY. Pictured are the jurors for the trial. First row: left to right; they are: Fred Wilmarth, Harford; Edwin Keller. Rush; Lynn Jerrauld, Lenox; Bart Nevill, Little Meadows; Thomas J. Buckley, Franklin; John T. O'Neill, Montrose. Second row: Tipstaff Handrick Miles, Montrose; Frank Perry, Great Bend; Dr. F.B. Miller, Brooklyn, Coe H. Steams, Kingsley; Clarence E. Shay, New Milford; John Hefferan, Montrose; David Robinove, Montrose; Tipstaff R.G. Scott, Montrose. The two men in the extreme rear are Attorneys Elbert L. Davis and Chas. L. VanScoten, the former being associated with Attorney Doherty in the defense, and the latter with District Attorney Ferguson in the prosecution.
Lathrop - Last Monday morning Mr. Philander Bronson's big dog Rover left the family and team which he is extremely fond of and going back to the depot, took a position beside Mrs. Woosley's trunk [left there by Mr. Bronson] and like a true sentinel stood guard till the afternoon train took it away. Then Mrs. Woolsey told him he was relieved. Then alone he took up his line of march for home, arrived laughing just in time for his supper.
News Briefs - The Wayne County Herald says: Teaching hygiene to boys with their pockets full of cigarettes and girls with their mouths full of gum, both of which are injurious to the health, is one of the humbugs of our present common school education.
Compiled By: Betty Smith