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April 09 1920/2020

Montrose – The Heath manufacturing company, formerly of Johnson City, NY and makers of the world famous Heath Drum Sanders, will locate in Montrose, buying from Beach Mfg. Co. the warehouse at the northeast corner of Mill and High streets and the factory building on the opposite corner, which was occupied by the McCausland Engineering Co., together with all machinery. Employees of McCausland will continue in the employ of Heath. Montrose is known, wherever the wood-working trade has developed, as the home of wood-working machinery through the products of the Beach Mfg. Co. [The scroll saw was invented by Henry L. Beach in 1867 and by 1870 was in production. One of his saws is currently on display at the Susquehanna County Historical Society.]

New Milford – Fred W. Dean, one of the best known farmers of this place, died April 5, 1920. Few men were better known in the county. An aggressive, energetic type of man, his untiring industry and enterprise brought him in contact with many citizens. He was a man of considerable originality and fearless in the expression of his ideas, and it did not concern him greatly whether his ideas met with popular approval, he clung to his convictions tenaciously and upheld them. A hard-worker, honest and upright, he scorned the man who endeavored to profit at the expense of others.

Fairdale – Herman Olmstead and family have moved to this place from Bellefonte, PA, where he was farm bureau agent for a number of years.

Great Bend – A petition was presented to the city council of Binghamton for the privilege of operating an auto truck and bus line to this place, with the intention of continuing it eventually to Montrose. A truck line between these two places would be a great convenience.

Herrick Center – On March 25th, Dr. A. L. Craft performed a very difficult operation, at his office here, for a double hair-lip and cleft palate. The operation was very successful and was done by the late method for that deformity.

Brooklyn – Miss Frances Ely, who teaches school in Long Island, and Mrs. Frances Bowker, of Columbia College, are visiting their parents in this place.

Rushville – About 45 of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Linaberry tendered them a farewell party last week. The evening was spent in games. All report a fine time. Mr. Linaberry is moving his family to a farm on Jersey Hill [Auburn Twp.]

Forest Lake – Mrs. A. L. Day has gone to Iowa for a two months’ visit with her son, Bert Day. ALSO At Fair Hill there was a fair turnout at church on Easter Sunday, the first preaching since the 11thof January and the rural delivery man came over the hill the last day of March, the first time since the first week in February, due to the blockage of roads by snow storms.

Harford – The Dort car has a great many friends in this county, where it has been proven as a good roadster after years of hard service. F. O. Miller, of this place, is the county representative. ALSO The Creamery is putting on an annex in which Italian cheese will be manufactured. Lee Forsythe will remain the foreman. ALSO J. W. Rettberg, the Rawleigh man, from Hop Bottom, was in town last week.

Susquehanna – The H. G. & H. Stores Company, with two grocery stores here, is opening a meat market in connection with the store in the Persons’ building on Main street. John Stonebach will have charge of the market. ALSO Editor Baker, of the Transcript, is all worked up over a clock just placed in one of the display winders in Susquehanna, which runs, apparently without the customary “innards.” Of course other places in the county have had these clocks for some time, but Editor Baker has been so busy of late working on a plan to bail out the Susquehanna river, to provide level land enough for a tennis court for his town that he has, very likely, overlooked the progress made by his neighbors. [It seems that the editors of county newspapers had a friendly and humorous banter that occasionally appeared in their columns—this being one example.]

Flowery Valley, Auburn Twp. – We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Overfield, of Shannon Hill, on the birth of a son on March 28th. Also to Mr. and Mr. Clarence Stroud, of Endicott, NY, to whom a son was born on March 27th. Both ladies were South Auburn girls.

Kingsley – Miss Anna McCarthy went to Scranton to hear [Enrico] Caruso.

Springville – Miss Hazle Scott, a navy nurse stationed at Norfolk, VA, spent the Eastertide with her mother, Mrs. Olney Whitney.

Lenoxville – Flossie Allen closed a very successful term of school at the Green Grove district on Friday.

Little Meadows – William John O’Mara, of Endicott and Martha Cecelia Hartigan, of Little Meadows, recently obtained a marriage license.

Jackson – Miss Gertrude Pease is assisting at the telephone exchange during the absence of Mrs. Curtis. AND The M. E. Ladies’ Aid will have a social in the church parlors, April 9th. Syrup and biscuits will be served. AND The sugar house of Charles Potter caught fire March 25thand for a time threatened to be consumed and also greatly endangered the dwelling house near by. Fortunately it was discovered in time and a thorough drenching of sap and a timely downpour of rain saved the buildings.

St. Josephs – An eloquent sermon was delivered on Easter Sunday by the pastor, Rev. M. J. Cawley. The church was prettily decorated for Easter with lilies, carnations and a variety of palms, sent by a friend from Florida.

News Brief: You can tell New York people by the frequency with which they consult their watches. New York State is observing the daylight saving plan, and Pennsylvania “ain’t.” It keeps the New Yorker busy figuring what time it really is and whether he is going to miss his train. ALSO A teacher in the Dalton schools lost her action in court to compel the school district to pay her for the time the school was closed because of the “flu” epidemic in 1918. The judge stated that the law was against the teacher in 1918, but at present it was with her. An Act was passed in 1919, which compels school districts to compensate teachers when schools are closed through no fault of the teaching corps.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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