Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 09 1915/2015
Montrose – Along with the dust of the past week come complaints of autoists shooting up Public Avenue with cut-off wide open and disturbing the peace and harmony of the neighborhood. While there is a good grade at this point, it would seem that any autoist who is proud of the hill-climbing proclivities of his machine would rather take the grade quietly. Often the man at the wheel seems to prefer opening up the cut-off, which to the pedestrian causes the most handsome machine to take on the rattletrap design of a tractor. The auto, like man, is most pleasing and impressive when going quietly. The world has no use for a blusterer. ALSO Rough & Ready Fire Co. has given orders for 40 new handsome suits to tailor R. B. Smith. The suits are blue, trimmed with black, and adorned with silver buttons. They will have caps to match. There is a strong movement on foot for a department parade this year, and no doubt the handsome young men of Rough & Ready will be in line for it. ALSO Samuel Hunting Sayre, grand regent of the Royal Arcanum, of Virginia, died at his home in North Hampton, VA. He was a native of Montrose. His wife was a great granddaughter of Lewis Morris, a signer of the Declaration of Independence.
Tunkhannock – At the license court at Tunkhannock this week the following hotels were refused [liquor] licenses: Three hotels at Nicholson, two at Factoryville, one each at Mill City, LaGrange, Beaumont, Forkston, Noxen, Laceyville, Skinner’s Eddy and Mehoopany, two at Lake Winola and two at Meshoppen. This completes the list except the four hotels at Tunkhannock, which will probably be refused licenses today, making Wyoming “dry” as the proverbial covered bridge. Judge Terry comes up for re-election this fall, and the “wets” will have a chance to show their strength, also the “drys.”
Dimock – The Dimock W.C.T.U. will hold a public meeting on Monday evening, April 12th, at the Baptist church. Everybody, men and women, young men and maidens who are opposed to the legalized liquor traffic, come and join the W.C.T.U. and help the forces along for National Constitutional Prohibition. We would like to take in fifty new members that evening. Ask your friends to come and join us. A good program is being prepared, with special music. There is important business to be transacted.
South Gibson – The graded school closed Thursday, April 1, with exercises at the school house. The graduates were Mildred Estabrook, Helen Gardner and Taylor Manning. Much credit is due Mr. Ransom and Miss Follett for the earnestness shown in their work. We hope for their return another year.
Springville – A large number of former patrons have signed an agreement to dispense with their telephones on the Bell system, owing to a raise in rental fees.
South Montrose – Our school has closed on account of scarlet fever. It will not reopen. Mrs. A. H. Jones has the mumps.
West Bridgewater – Matthew McKeeby is spending a few days with his parents, teaching his father to run the auto.
Rush – Last Saturday twenty-nine young people tried the entrance examinations for the Rush High School.
Thompson – A musical wonder, a trick player on the violin by the name of Fitch, passed through town Monday night, stopping off a few hours between trains. His performance on the violin imitating birds, animals and, in fact, everything exceeded anything in that line that was ever in Thompson or for miles around. ALSO At a meeting of the school board it was decided to continue employing four teachers and to do four years’ school work in the high school. Prof. Roland C. Dayton of Rush, has been engaged for principal, Miss Gertrude Southworth retained for vice principal, Miss Nellie Aldrich for the primary. The intermediate has not yet been decided upon.
Susquehanna – We are to have a theatre to cost between forty and fifty thousand dollars. It will have a seating capacity of twelve hundred.
Forest City – James Miskell, who started his base ball career at Forest City, will join the Richmond, Va. team in the International league as soon as the season is finished at St. Joseph’s college, Baltimore, where he made good. Miskell has picked up in hitting and is clouting the sphere hard. It is predicted that he will soon appear as a star in the Major league. ALSO It is thought that the settling of St. Agnes church is now at an end, and the officials of the church have plans for its restoration and will soon start the work. It is proposed to raise the building and use the first floor for entertainments and a meeting place for the church societies. A new stone entrance will lead to the second floor, the interior of which will be refinished and new pews are to be secured. The rear part of the church has been damaged to such an extent that it will be necessary to tear down and rebuild. The repairs will be expensive and elaborate.
Clifford – James C. Wells, a life-long resident of this township, died at his home near Elkdale on Friday morning, aged seventy-six years. He is survived by his wife and three sons, L. J., of Clifford; Fred, of Pittston; and Rupert, of Olyphant. The deceased was for many years assessor of Clifford township, holding the office at the time of his death. He was a man of exemplary habits, honest in all his dealings, a model citizen, husband and father. He was a man of ripe intelligence and good judgment and always interested in matters for the welfare of the township and his influence was always at the command of any worthy enterprise. No death in the community, for many years, has occasioned such wide spread and sincere sorrow.
News Briefs: Easter day in Susquehanna county was one of unusual brightness and comparative warmth while all along the Atlantic coast a fierce snowstorm raged. Philadelphia had over a foot and a half of snow fall on Saturday and Boston and New York suffered from the blizzard. Even as near as Scranton there was a snowfall on Saturday. Montrose, that has always been credited with so much coldness—was basking in the balmy rays of the sun, although a stiff breeze blew. As far south as Asheville, NC, that noted winter resort, there was a foot of snow on the ground. The loss of lives on the Atlantic coast was in the neighborhood of 75. ALSO Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Pinchot arrived at the Hague on March 29. He is acting as special agent for the State department, in Washington, in the European War Zone. He was presented to the Dutch foreign minister. They will at once proceed to North eastern France where Mr. Pinchot will act as special agent for the distribution to the indigent French people within the German lines. The Germans refused to permit Mr. Pinchot to remain in Belgium because his sister is Lady Allen Johnstone, wife of a former British minister to Denmark.
Compiled By: Betty Smith