Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
April 08 1910/2010
Dimock - John W. Donahue was quite seriously injured while driving a lively team. One of the animals was a colt and it jumped over the pole and became entangled in the harness. In the mix-up that followed Mr. Donahue was pulled from the wagon, the team breaking loose, and he was thrown heavily to the ground. He pluckily held on to the horses, which did not run far, and even after assistance arrived, although suffering great pain, he drove the fractious team into the barn. Dr. Gardner was summoned and it was found that one or more ribs had been disjointed from the spinal column.
Brooklyn - A delightful time was spent in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lodowick Bailey, March 22, when about 40 of their friends gathered at their home in honor of their golden wedding anniversary. Mr. Bailey enjoys the unique distinction of having been born and having spent all his life, 78 years, on the same farm without being absent from home for more than two weeks at one time. It is here that he took his young bride, who was Louisa A. Giles, and it is here all their lives have been spent. Four children were born to them. ALSO F. B. Jewett has purchased L. S. Ely's old house and will move it to the lot between the hardware store and O. M. Doloway's house and will remodel it into a cozy dwelling.
Montrose - The Board of Health met on April 4th and adopted an ordinance that prohibits the loaning of books from the public school or public library, to any individual or any family having a communicable disease. ALSO Maurice J. O'Brien, who for several years has been connected with the firm of F. W. Hart & Co., has relinquished his position and gone into business for himself. He is located in the O'Brien building and is prepared to do undertaking and will soon have a large line of furniture to sell. He is a graduate in embalming and an experienced undertaker.
Forest City - The contract for erecting a new poor house, to take the place of the one recently destroyed by fire, was let to E. A. Bloxham. The building will be of two stories, containing 12 rooms, 28 by 38 feet in size. The contract price was $1620. Architect Buckland, of Carbondale, planned the building. AND Raymond Wolfert, 7 years old, was drowned in a cave hole full of water last Saturday morning. When he fell in an older brother, James, was with him, who immediately ran for assistance. The boy was dead, having sunk from sight, when help arrived.
Thompson - Thompson Camp, United Sportsmen of America, organized Wednesday evening with the following officers: Pres. F. D. Wrighter; Vice Pres, R. F. Howard; Secretary, C. A. Lamont; Treas. H. T. Wright; Exec. Comm., Allan D. Miller, W. F. Spencer, L. N. Spencer, C. B. Jenkins, C. Z. Pickering.
Little Meadows - The barn belonging to Joseph Russell was totally destroyed by fire Thursday morning about 7 o'clock. The horses and wagons belonging to Mr. Russell's son, a rural [mail] carrier, were saved. Two loads of hay were put in the barn the day before and it is thought that some one slept in the barn that night and accidentally set the hay on fire.
Hallstead - Mrs. Patrick Leary died at her home here on Monday. Mrs. Leary fell down stairs the preceding Wednesday, breaking her leg and severely cutting herself about the head and body. She was past 80 and owing to her heavy weight her injuries were especially severe. Correspondents to the dailies tried to make a murder story out of it, but an investigation proved it to be an accident.
Birchardville - George Owen and family have moved into the house owned by his son, William, and Mr. Bradshaw, of Great Bend, has moved into the house vacated by Mr. Owen; Wm. Owen has moved the shop on his place to a new location and is fixing it up for his father to use as a blacksmith shop. Thomas Flynn has moved from Friendsville to the house owned by H. C. Cruise and rented the blacksmith shop owned by the Red Men.
Harford - If you would like to see what excellent work one who is totally blind can do, you should call on Miss Anna Quinlan and examine the cane chairs which she has re-seated and if you have work of that kind to be done, remember her.
Clifford - Arthur Williams, D. H. Coleman and M. D. Daniels were in Forest City, Saturday, listening to testimony in regard to some roads in Clifford township. M. D. says, judging from the testimony of some of the witnesses, the hills stand perpendicular and some lean over. If you must go down, invest your money in guy ropes and lock chains at the top of the hill, and if you're dry, drink water at the bottom, and don't eat onions, for if you are found dead at the bottom they will say you was drunk at the top and that you ate the onions to cover the scent of the McHenry, so your mourning widow cannot recover from the township money enough to get another man heroic enough to break his neck going down those pesky hills.
Springville - Considerable excitement was caused on Saturday by the finding of Edward Button, a well known farmer, lying at the point of death at the foot of the stairs in his home. From his incoherent talk when found it was thought he had been beaten to a point near death. The disappearance of a cousin, the same day, was also regarded as evidence of foul play, but this was later satisfactorily explained. A bloody axe handle next to the body was explained as being dropped at the side of the wounded man when the body was discovered and the blood stains were caused in this way. His wife and children did not live with him and the parties with whom he had resided [presumably the cousin] had moved to another farm the day of the accident.
Susquehanna/New Milford - G. A. Browning, foreman of the Susquehanna Transcript Office, has secured control of the New Milford Advertiser and will take charge soon. He will move his family to that place. Mr. Browning was for several years foreman of the Republican office in Montrose and a most capable printer and businessman. The best of wishes is extended him in his new venture.
Hopbottom - The Hopbottom National Bank has issued a statement after 19 days of business which shows deposits amounting to over $34,000 and its number of depositors have reached the 200 mark. The bank has shown a remarkable advancement for the brief time it has been doing business and its home is a handsome, well constructed and designed building, equipped with the most modern facilities for transacting business.
Compiled By: Betty Smith