Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
April 07 1922/2022
Millinery for Sale: Mrs. C. J. Roberts will be at Brooklyn on April 12, with an attractive new line of Easter millinery for ladies, misses and children; Mrs. Stuart C. Button will be in Springville, at her home, with a new line of spring and summer hats. Will also trim and remodel hats.
Hop Bottom – A reception was given in the M. E. church in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. West. A large number of friends were in attendance. A pastel painting was presented as a token of esteem. They leave soon for their new home in Fairdale.
Middletown - Middletown is very badly hit by the influenza, many whole families being sick in bed, among them being James Farrell, wife and four children, the nurse in attendance going home ill; in O. F. McDonough’s family five are ill; Martin Golden and son, William; Thos. Guiton and family; at Harry Watson’s four are ill; Jerry Lane and son; P. O’Brien and house-keeper; Mrs. T. Degnan and orphan girl; John Maloney, wife and orphan; Wm. Reilly. Five in the family of Walter Coleman are ill with influenza and pneumonia and are sorely afflicted. Miss Kate Coleman ministers to all of them and is rendering a splendid service.
South Montrose – This newspaper’s editors were treated to some very fine maple sugar Friday, being remembered by Mrs. J. W. Bunnell, who was delivering both syrup and sugar to customers here. Mr. and Mrs. Bunnell are experts in fine maple products, being exceedingly particular with every detail from the time the sap leaves the tree until the product is in the hand of the purchaser.
New Milford – The town is to have a new industry. Frank Moulthrop, of Fort Plane, NY has formed a partnership with Glenn C. Dean and they will establish a silk weaving mill in the N. B. Burdick building. The mill will weave what is known as silk jersey cloth of the better kind, used in the manufacture of skirts, gloves, etc.
Dimock - A. L. Estus, who recently sold his hotel property, has gone into partnership with Mr. Hart in the Hart & Bushnell meat market at Montrose. Mr. Estus bought out Mr. Bushnell and commenced his work immediately. He will move is family to Montrose soon.
South Auburn – Grover Mowry, of this place and Miss Lyda Arnts, of Laceyville, were married Saturday, March 18, at the home of the bride’s grandparents. Rev. Lester Guier performed the ceremony. They will begin house-keeping on the farm recently purchased near Pleasant Valley.
Hallstead – Engineer Britton McKeeby, of this place, is now manipulating the throttle on the local freight between Binghamton and Scranton.
Rush – Charles E. Jagger was arrested for violation of the scarlet fever quarantine law, and appeared before Justice of the Peace Comstock, pleading guilty and paying the fine.
Montrose – W. C. Cruser has sold the greater part of his “Warner farm” on Lake Avenue, to Lewis Briggs. General D. D. Warner purchased this farm in early years, resided there and raised a large family. In 1905 W. C. Cruser purchased the farm from the heirs and in 1911 had part of the farm plotted and laid out in building lots, a considerable number of which were sold and some houses built. Mr. Cruser retains some of the lots, but that which is more particularly farming land, together with the house and big farm barn, goes to Mr. Briggs.
Harford – All the farmers are making butter for a few days, owing to the milk strike.
Susquehanna – Mrs. E. N. French, one of the oldest and most estimable residents of this place, died at the family home, corner of Jackson Ave. and Grant street, on March 17th. Her death, the third among the elderly residents of the community within the past weeks, breaks another tie which united the old Susquehanna with the present. She was Martha Birdsall, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Birdsall, pioneer residents of the Jackson district. Those of you who day after day and night after night, have journeyed up and down Grand Street and Jackson avenue, could not but have noticed, numberless times, Mr. and Mrs. French in and about their home. Companions and lovers to the end of the journey. The earthly ties are broken but their devoted spirits are still as one. Mr. French, two sons, Harry, of Lanesboro, and Frank, of Susquehanna, together with five grand and seven great grand-children survive her.
Forest City – Chief of Police, J. W. Jones and Special Officer, Leonard Payne, captured two men engaged in the manufacture of intoxicating liquors. They had been doing business for some time and their place of business was near the shoe factory. They gave their names as Peter Paulenski and John Bielizua. The officers removed a large copper still, about 9 quarts of “hootch” and an oil stove. AND A ten round boxing match is scheduled in Lukas hall, April 12, when Kid Stanulas and Battling Gill contest for honors.
Gelatt – Rufus Barnes, an aged resident of Gelatt, and a veteran of the Civil war, died at his home, March 15, of blood poisoning. He was one of the most highly regarded residents of Gelatt and vicinity. He was engaged in the milling business with his son, Lynn, and is survived by sons Lynn and George, his wife died a number of years ago. Two members of Myron French Post, G. A. R. were present and also members of the Gelatt Grange.
Crystal Lake – The most severe wind and ice storm of the season swept this place last Friday, ripped off shingles, broke fruit trees, and played havoc with the telephone lines. ALSO S. H. Whitmore has 140,000 feet of lumber here and is ready to build a large number of cottages when the weather permits.
Ararat – The Ararat Band will have uniforms this season.
200 Years Ago from the Susquehanna County Herald, April 6, 1822.
Married, at Springville, on the 4th inst. by J. W. Raynsford, Esq., Mr. Phinehas Arms, Jr., of Bridgewater, to Miss Maria Bolles, daughter of Mr. John Bolles, of the former place.
Important – Pirates Captured. We learn from the Boston Daily Advertiser, of Tuesday, that Captain Seabury, of the brig Joseph, at Holmes’s Hole, from Cuba, reports that he was boarded in sight of Cape Antonio on the 8th instant by the United States brig Enterprise, and was informed that she had captured, that morning, eight piratical vessels, and had their crews, amounting to about 160 men, then in possession.
Compiled By: Betty Smith