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April 07 1916/2016

Jackson – On Thursday, March 30, as Mrs. Lulu Penington, of this place, was walking along the Erie tracks, about two miles north of Herrick Center, she was assaulted by two foreigners, who chocked and robbed her of a small sum of money which she had. Her screams attracted the attention of the section hands, who were working a short distance away and they reached the spot in time to catch the two men, who had concealed themselves in the bushes. They were taken to Uniondale, and given a hearing before Squire Lowry, where they pled guilty and were taken to Montrose to await the action of the grand jury.

Montrose – I. W. Oakley, who delights in working with hammer and saw, has just completed a beautiful cabinet clock. It is made of quartered oak, the case being beautifully designed by the maker, and was made entirely by Mr. Oakley with the exception of the movement. It is very handsome and is well worth a visit to his store to see.  He has now started to construct another clock which is to be operated by electricity. Both clocks are on the “grandfather” style, being some seven feet tall, but are more in keeping with modern ideas. ALSO The regular monthly meeting of the Montrose Suffrage club will be held at the office of Attorney Sue M. Strous, on Wednesday evening, April 12th, at 7:30 o’clock.

Fairdale – The extremely popular schoolmaster, Harold E. Pierson, who has for three years taught the school at Fairdale, was married on Thursday evening, March 30, 1916, at the Fairdale parsonage, by Rev. Fred C. Bulgin.  The bride, Miss Dora Palmer, who was very prettily dressed for the occasion in a dress of Copenhagen blue silk, is from Spring Hill, PA. Mr. Pierson is a native of East rush. In addition to his duties as school teacher, he has filled the office of postmaster, at Fairdale.  After the wedding a reception was held for the young people, in Grange Hall, at Fairdale. The terrible condition of the roads prevented many who ardently longed to be present from attending—but in spite of this, a very pleasant time was enjoyed.

Liberty Twp. – David Banker, one of the best known farmers of the county, died at the home of his brother, Charles Banker, April 1, 1916. His age was 75 years. The deceased was known among cattle breeders through this section of the country, his purebred Devon stock having won prizes at many local and state fairs, notably Philadelphia and Syracuse, and stock from his farm and that of his brother, the late Jeremiah Banker, with whom he was associated in cattle-breeding, was shipped to practically every state in the union.  He was a life-long resident of Franklin township, residing on the farm cleared in the primeval forest by his father, the late David Banker, the farm being in the family for 90 years.  Interment in the Upsonville cemetery.

Craig Hill, Auburn Twp. – Several of the farmers were busy last week hauling lime and feed from Meshoppen. Trips were made daily with but little shoveling. ALSO We have missed the honk, honk of the automobile for several weeks. Can it be that owing to the high price of gasoline that they are going out of style?

Williams’ Pond – A wood-bee was held for Nick Williams on Saturday. Eighteen of the neighboring men were in attendance and a goodly lot of wood cut.

Forest Lake – Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Raynor are moving to Silver Lake, where Mr. Raynor has accepted a position at Sheldoncroft.

Nicholson – Editor Henry T. Birchard, of the Nicholson Record, who was reported as a candidate for the Republican nomination for the Legislature in Wyoming County, characterizes the story as a “pipe dream.” Henry ran for representative once in Susquehanna county and spoke of the experience as like being run over by an ice wagon.

Lathrop - Mrs. R. T. Everson held a banquet for the Enterprise Book club, Thursday evening, March 30. Owing to the condition of the roads, only part of the members were present. An enjoyable evening was spent and a good program rendered.

Franklin Forks – John Webster has put his sugar camp in order, ready for the sap to run, but for some reason it does not start up briskly.

Flynn – The Guiton & Curley wood cutters have finished cutting the wood for the Middletown creamery.

Choconut Valley – The large body of snow which has blocked the roads for a long time is fast disappearing with the warm weather and hot sun. If we get a hard rain soon fears are entertained of a big flood along the valley.

Glenwood – Glenwood is to have a grocery store in the near future.  Walter Carpenter, of Lenoxville, has bought the blacksmith shop of Chas. Conrad and expects to have it remodeled and up-to-date in a short time.  We wish him success, as a store in this town is needed.

Lynn, Springville Twp. – Our boys have organized a baseball team for the season, comprised of the following officers: C. A. Taylor, Pres.; William Sherman, Vice Pres.; Robert Smales, Captain; Walter Hartman, Secretary; Ralph Loomis, Treasurer.  Without doubt this will be a hard team to beat.

Harford – Elijah Carney Harding was born Feb. 15, 1830, at this place, the son of Stephen and Anna Harding, and died March 7, 1916, aged 86 years. Mr. Harding was born and brought up and always lived in this place, where his father settled in 1800 on Christmas Day. He was married to Sarah Green in 1854 and seven children were born, six of whom are still living. Elijah served nine months in the Civil War as a private in Co. E, 177th Regiment, Pennsylvania Drafted Militia Infantry.

Fair Hill, Jessup Twp. – Wm. Mulkey’s people have moved to New York State on the Wapsening Creek, near the Stone Jug, instead of Wyalusing Creek, near the stone bridge.

Little Meadows – W. D. Minkler, of this place, is planning to resume bus service between Little Meadows and Binghamton as soon as the roads will permit. His automobile bus line was greatly appreciated last year and did a good business. The service will be greatly improved this year.

200 Years Ago – NOTICE.  THOSE persons who are indebted to me for the tuition of their children (in the first part of the year 1815) are requested to call and settle their bills; for the old paper has got badly worn, and I do not wish to have [it] recorded on a Justice’s docket. C. CARR, Montrose, April 8th. 1816.  ALSO  MILITIA NOTICE. In obedience to the 17th sect. of the Militia Law, passed in 1814, the several Colonels within the bounds of the 2d Brigade, 8th Division Pennsylvania Militia, are hereby directed to have their Regimental or Battalion trainings on the following days, viz: The first Battalion in the 70th Regiment, commanded by Col. Isaac Dimmick, on Monday the 13th day of May next: The second Battalion, on Tuesday the 14th. The second Battalion in the 76th Regt. Commanded by Col. Frederick Bailey, on Wednesday the 15th:  The first Battalion, on Thursday the 16th. The first Battalion in the 2nd Regiment, commanded by Col. Isaac Bowman, on Friday the 17th:  The second Battalion, on Saturday the 18th. The Colonels to designate the places for Training, with the privilege of meeting by Regiments on either of the days above mentioned for the Trainings of their Battalions.  ISAAC POST, Inspector 2nd Brigade, 8th Division, P.M. Montrose, April 2, 1816.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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