Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 07 1911/2011
Forest City - Little Margaret Pike, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pike, of North Main Street, was run down by a trip of mine cars, on Hudson street, Tuesday noon, while on her way from school, and sustained terrible injuries. She will lose her left arm near the shoulder, and the accident may prove fatal. The children got to the Hudson street crossing as a long trip of empty mine cars reached the same point. Engineer Frank Meddleton was pushing the trip and M. Dribnock was trainman. The girl was hit by the first car and before Mr. Meddleton was aware of the accident and could stop the engine, several of the cars had gone over the child, mangling her left arm and foot. She was taken to Emergency hospital in the company ambulance and the news, today, from the bedside was encouraging and prospects of her recovery are much improved. If no complications set in the arm will probably be saved.
Montrose - The plant of the American Metal Edge Box Co., which is to be located in the building owned by the Beach Manufacturing Co., near their foundry, expects to open on May 15. It will not manufacture boxes, as has been the impression, but the product is a metal strip largely used in the making of boxes. The company will give employment to a number of local young men from 15 to 18 years of age. Samuel P. Hess, of Wilmington, Del., the superintendent of the plant, arrived Wednesday. Mr. Hess is a graduate of Lehigh University.
New Milford - The many friends of Claud Hardy, son of D. N. Hardy, will be pleased to learn that he has received an appointment as professor of English in the University of Chicago.
Harford - Mrs. Wm. Hepburn has purchased a new "Ideal" loom and is prepared to do weaving at moderate prices.
West Auburn - Bruce Swisher is the owner of a horse that is remarkably intelligent. One evening recently Mr. Swisher left the animal tied in front of A. F. Lacey's store while he, with his wife and daughter, called at the central office of the West Auburn Telephone Co., where his father is employed. About 9 o'clock they heard a horse and carriage come up to the door, and after waiting a few minutes, and no one getting out of the vehicle, they went out and found their horse had broken the tie strap and got loose. But instead of taking the direct road home, it had gone in the opposite direction, crossed a bridge, turned the wagon around in front of the office, and was patiently waiting for the family to make their appearance. Could an automobile beat that? We guess not.
Little Meadows - P. L. Touhey, of Warrenham, has bought the Thomas Cunningham property here, where he will conduct a hammer factory.
Dimock - In the town of Dimock there was a circle of five boys, each one over 80 years of age. In order that they might keep in touch with each other, and that the twilight of their lives might be all the more pleasant, they sometimes met in a circle at their several homes. The social interactions of these meetings were thoroughly enjoyed by each one. On Thursday, March 30, 1911, this pleasant little circle was broken, for death came and took one of their number away. The death of Albert Chase marked the first break in the circle. Two of the old boys were present at the funeral service, to pay the last rite to the remains of their departed friend. In his death, however, a much stronger and closer tie was broken, and that was the band of love which bound him to his family. Mr. Chase was born at Litchfield, Conn., Nov. 7, 1824, and came to this part of the country with his parents when he was six years of age. His parents settled on a farm in Bridgewater, near Montrose. In Feb. 1858, he was married to Miss Hannah M. Spencer at Brooklyn, Pa. Thus, for over 53 years Mr. and Mrs. Chase lived in loving union with each other, on a farm in Bridgewater, until they moved to their present home in Dimock, over 25 years ago.
Hallstead - G. M. Carpenter received a carload of automobiles last week, which he had sold through his agency to parties in that vicinity.
Brooklyn - Dr. B. F. Miller, the Brooklyn veterinarian, has lately started a hospital for the treatment of animals, and is meeting with a liberal patronage. By taking the animals to his home he is able to give them constant attention and insure more rapid recovery than if able to give them only an occasional visit. The young veterinarian is one of the hardest worked men in the country, and is giving good satisfaction.
Susquehanna and Wyoming Counties - The Moses Shields stone properties (quarries), located in the two counties, were advertised to be sold at bankrupt sale in the court house, in Montrose, yesterday. They were bid in for $1,200, subject to a mortgage of $25,000. The buyers were R. L. Grambs, Fred E. Beers and Mr. Dimock, of Scranton, who were acting for creditors.
Clifford - A very enjoyable entertainment, which was largely attended, was given in the school building by the school children, Tuesday evening, March 28. It marked the closing of the fourth term of school taught by Miss Grace Churchill, in that place. Souvenirs were distributed among the students. Merl Colvin, Helen Kennedy and Rachel Stage received the honors for perfect attendance, and Alfred Wells and Victor Snyder for perfect spelling lessons.
Herrick Center - School reopened Monday after having been closed the greater part of last week on account of scarletina.
Hop Bottom - Bully for Hop Bottom. She is to have a water company financed by some of the people of the borough and vicinity. Luther S. Ely, Milton W. Palmer, Edson M. Tiffany, Marshall McVicar and M. W. Stephens are named in the application for charter.
Uniondale - There was a large turnout at the Grange entertainment at Herrick last Saturday evening. What makes you think so? Because the popular Uniondale band furnished the music, and the Grangers know what the people like. Say, wasn't that pumpkin pie fine? My, I came near "bustin my buttons."
News Brief - Mrs. Sarah Jackson, of Forty Fort, Luzerne county, has declared that she had refused all of the 150 men who had offered to marry her in response to an advertisement. Practically all of them, she declared, wanted her to maintain them and give them a home. If she marries at all now, she says, she will wed some one of Forty Fort whose habits she knows.
Compiled By: Betty Smith