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April 06 1923/2023

Dimock – The terrific wind of Wednesday blew down Leslie Barnes’ silo, tipped over one of the covered school wagons and caused a tree to fall on the roof of Fred Thomas’ house, breaking a portion of the corner.

Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. – March sure went out like a lion as we had some high winds and the thermometer at zero the last week of the month.

Heart Lake – People skated on the lake April 1st, rather unusual. Also harvested ice April 3. Ice 14 inches thick.

Jackson – Chas. C. Bookstaver, aged 77 years, a lifelong resident, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. F. M. Pease, March 23, 1923. For years he was a blacksmith in New Milford and Jackson. He was an old soldier, a member Co. H, 141st Regiment and the Brooklyn G. A. R.

Susquehanna – Chief of Police H. L Stockholm and Erie Detective Robert S. Inglis, of this place, brought W. H. Stewart to Montrose and placed him in jail. Stewart is charged with breaking and entering the home of Edward L. Button, at Oakland, and stealing goods to the value of $200. Mrs. Button, who was also here yesterday, alleges she had directed Stewart to break into the home and remove the goods, which belonged to her, she having left her husband. ALSO While here recently, according to reliable information, County Commissioner Harmon Stone made it quite plain that the Commissioners are expecting state aid on several roads planned for this county, and that some of the roads may be built this year, says the Transcript. Two of the roads, which come first on the program, are the Oakland-Great Bend and the Lanesboro roads. Those who talked with Commissioner Stone believe that he had these two roads in mind when he stated that “some state aid roads are to be built in the county this summer.”

Franklin Forks – Don’t forget the chicken pie dinner at the Alliance Hall, April 11. A free-will offering will be taken, proceeds to apply on pastor’s salary.

Forest City – A button strike was on Tuesday at the Coalbrook Colliery. It will continue until all employees have become members of the union, it is claimed.

Montrose – “The Call of Wohelo” will be given by the local Camp Fire Girls, at Ideal Theatre, next Wednesday evening, commencing at 8 o’clock. This is a benefit play for the camp and local people are invited to assist the young ladies in furthering their plans by purchasing tickets. ALSO W. C. Cruser has purchased the large building on Mill street, formerly known as the Catlin boarding house, and will thoroughly renovate and remodel it into an apartment house, The change will include new entrances, new floors, a shifting of some partitions, new plumbing, electric fixtures. There will be four apartments.

Thompson – Miss Gertrude Butler, of Keuka College, Selden Butler, of Bucknell University, Miss Helen Craft, of South River, NJ, Miss Susie Hubbard, of Hallstead, Miss Susie Hathaway, of Binghamton and Willard Callender, of Bucknell University, were all home for Easter vacation.

South Montrose – The South Montrose Mfg. Co. is making from eighteen to twenty thousand coat and pant hangers per day, right along, and are finding ready sale.

Upper Lake, New Milford Twp. – Little Jack Carpenter was seriously ill last Thursday, having taken some kerosene by mistake.

Brooklyn – Born to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Otto, of this place, Saturday, March 31, 1923, an eleven-pound daughter. ALSO Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Kent celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, March 19, 1923. They were married in New Milford, March 19, 1873. Mr. Kent’s grandparents were among the early settlers of Brooklyn township.

Springville – Douglas Lathrop has been elected cashier of the First National Bank of Springville. Mr. Lathrop has been employed in the bank for the past ten and one-half years. He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Lathrop.

South Gibson – Our community was saddened by the death of Mrs. Mary J. Fackler on March 14, following a brief illness of ”flu.” Mrs. Fackler leaves one son, Homer and wife, and two grandchildren, all of Long Beach, Cal.; also two sisters, Dora and Ruby Follett, of South Gibson, and a host of friends who mourn her loss in the home, in the church and community at large. She was a ray of sunshine wherever she went.

Incidents related to the first hanging in Susquehanna County were reported in the Tunkhannock Democrat, by Atty. Joseph Wood: (Oliver Harper, of Harpersville, [Harpursville] NY was murdered by Jason Treadwell, about a mile from Lanesboro, in May of 1824—Stocker ’s History, pg 573.) “The hanging was news all about the country, and evidently the hanging took place out in the open, for men traveled many miles to be present, and among them was one John Mott, from over in Lemon township, who took it over the hills to Montrose, on foot, to see Treadwell tread the air on account of killing Harper. Mrs. Charles Farrell of Warren St., Tunkhannock, is the granddaughter of Sheriff Samuel Gregory, of Montrose, who kicked Treadwell off. The mother of Mrs. Farrell recalled the day that the hanging of Treadwell took place up there in Susquehanna county, and the great crowds drawn thither by the unusual event. Then an old lady, on third street, formerly a resident of Susquehanna county, recalled the legend that Treadwell played the fiddle immediately preceding his swinging off, and it was a selection of his own composition, so that it came to be known as “Treadwell’s March.” You can well imagine the stir that was occasioned by the murder, the capture, the trial and the hanging of this man Treadwell. A full, accurate and detailed account of the event appears, I am told, in the history of Susquehanna County, published some years since. It was this jaunt of John Mott’s over the hills and far away that brought the thing up and caused this rattling of the dry bones of the man who killed Harper over in the County of Susquehanna.”arpr over in the County of Susquehanna

News Brief: Not a great deal of maple syrup is being made this spring, but what has been sold, locally, is of excellent quality and the prevailing price is $2 a gallon.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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