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April 06 1917/2017

Thompson – Mrs. C.B. Jenkins died at her home on East Jackson Street, of pneumonia, March 30th.  In the death of Mrs. Jenkins everyone in Thompson feels they have lost a friend; everyone is a mourner. She was a woman noted for her deep Christian principles, her untiring acts of benevolence and her ever ready sympathizing hand of kindness extended to all about her when in sorrow or trouble of any kind. We all loved her and feel that a place is vacant that can never be filled. Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved husband and sorrowing friends.

Forest City – The mines of the Clinton colliery were closed down Tuesday, the men going out on account of a disagreement over the working conditions at the washery. The difficulty was mainly due to Sunday and night work. ALSO Anthony Opeka, who has been here on a 60 day furlough, will leave this week to join his regiment, the 19th U.S. infantry, stationed in the Panama canal zone. ALSO Boys from 6 to 10 years of age may be seen picking cigar and cigarette stubs from the streets in the early morning.  This pernicious practice has been followed too long for the health of the youth who are thus taught to smoke.

Dundaff – David N. Snyder expressed a desire to again smell powder in case Germany should invade America. Mr. Snyder is a veteran of the Civil War and served from the start of that great conflict to the fall of 1863. The scene of his operation was in the southwest, his regiment, the 77th PA, being one of the few eastern regiments under Gen. Grant in his campaign in Kentucky and Tennessee. Mr. Snyder served under General Buel in the famous McCook brigade, also. He had four brothers in the service. Mr. Snyder is alert and erect for one of his age and might be taken for a man of middle age. Politically he is opposed to President Wilson but believes in forgetting politics when the nation is threatened with war clouds as at the present.

Uniondale – Morgan Daniels is in receipt of a letter from his nephew, Foster Williams, who is in Uncle Sam’s Navy and treads the deck of the large battleship, the Pennsylvania, the largest in the world. All correspondence hitherto has been censored by the naval authorities and no place could be assigned by the crew as their abiding place only “somewhere in the Navy.”

Great Bend – At the close of the tent meeting of the Daughter of Veterans, the members gave a variety shower to their first bride in the order, Mrs. Rena Wilmot Sandall. It was a great surprise to her.

Lathrop Twp. – Nearly everyone who has sugar maples are tapping them this spring, owing to the high price of sugar.

Dimock – The new high school building will be dedicated tomorrow. This building, a gift from Messrs. Percy Ballantine and Francis H. Cope, Jr., is one of the best equipped school buildings in Northeastern Pennsylvania.

Lynn Station, Springville Twp. – The community was greatly shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. Dyer Taylor, at her home here.  She had been sick for some time, but was better and around the house again.  It is reported that the final summons came while the lady was playing the piano. She was a splendid neighbor and friend to everybody.

Brooklyn – Guy A. Tiffany, a former resident of this place, was found dead in Gahagan’s Hotel, Scranton. Deceased was 68 years old and a veteran of the Civil War, serving in Co. F, Fourth Regt., U.S. Infantry. In his pockets were found a pension certificate showing he was entitled to $17 per month and letters from Herrick Center, Kingsley, New Milford and other places, answering his advertisement applying for work as a farm hand.  One son, William Tiffany, has been stationed on the Mexican border.

Montrose – M. Lee Swackhamer, for some years in charge of the Borden plant at Hamden, NY, has been transferred to Whitesville, NY. Mr. Swackhamer was a former superintendent of the Borden milk station in Montrose and a printer at one time in The Republican office. ALSO Theda Bara will star at the C-Nic, Saturday afternoon and evening, in “Her Double Life.”

Friendsville – Dr. Hubert A. Bolan, formerly of Philadelphia, died at his late home here on March 28. Death was due to consumption. Deceased was 45 years of age. He came of a prominent Philadelphia family and was a refined and scholarly man, and a physician of rare skill. He came to Friendsville for his health about three years ago, in the hope that the country atmosphere and surroundings would prolong his life. His remains were taken to Philadelphia for interment.

News of the War – U.S. Called to Join War; Wilson asks [for] 500,000 men. The President, in calling the nation to arms, makes it clear war for American rights is against German Government only—not against German people or against Austria and other allies of central powers. An American armed ship was sunk as his message is read. Factories are reporting that it is impossible to supply the demand for flags. The wave of patriotism sweeping over the country has created a big demand for “Old Glory” and the tri-colored bunting waves from nearly every business place and residence. It was an inspiring sight, Monday morning, to see the great display of flags. In Montrose: It is safe to say that never in the town’s history were there more flags waving, the streets in perspective appearing as a waving mass of color. The town’s bells and whistles rang and tooted long on Monday in patriotic fervor, to show that the sturdy yeomanry were still ready to accept the gage of battle with a foreign foe. The whistles at the Turner Construction Co. works, which is building the new McKeage foundry, blew long and loud. When the request was sent around to blow the whistles, Supt. Davison said that there was no fire under the boiler, but after a moment’s thought replied: “I’ll get up steam myself.” He did. One hundred and twenty pounds of it. At noon the whistle cord was tied down, and the gol-darned whistle blew until—the steam gave out.

200 Years Ago from the Montrose Centinel, April 5, 1817.

*MASONIC NOTICE. The members of the new Lodge at Montrose are requested to meet at the house of Chapman Carr at Montrose on Friday the 11th instant at one o’clock in the afternoon on business of importance.

*Lists of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Montrose, April 1st 1817John W. Robinson, John Robinson, John Reynolds 2, John Heywood, John Robertson, John W. White, James Wells jnr., John Bennet 2, John M. Brownson, Jacob Roberts, Justin Clark, John Phiney, John Brown, Jacob Brown, Jonas Fuller, David Dimock, Davis Dimock, Dennis Granger, David Shearer, David Doulittle, Amos Brownson, Abigail Darby, Abigail Foster, Anna Smith, Abel Davison, Richard Chapman, Richard Foster 2, Ezra Brown, Elisha Brownson, Eden Palmer, Elias Bennet, Cyntha H. Agard, Henry Eldridge, Naomia Benjamin, Salmon Thomas, Wm. C. Turrel, Wm. Lawrence, Billings Babcock, Benajah Chatfield, Ishi Norton, Luther Snow, Levi Shove, Wm. Lathrop & Ichabod Terry, Erastus Catlin & Jonah Brewster, James W. Hill & Wm. Kerr.

C. CARR, Dept. P. M.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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