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April 06 1900/2000

Jones Lake (now Lake Montrose) - Work has been resumed at the woolen mill. AND About the dirtiest band of Gypsies that we ever looked upon struck town last week and went into camp near Jones' lake. After spending one night there, they were notified by the authorities to move on, and they moved.

Great Bend - The pastor of a Great Bend church announced "Hades" as his subject for an evening discourse. The people thought it was to be a talk on home matters, and turned out en masse.

Brackney - An effort will be made before the State Board of Pardons, at Harrisburg this month, to secure the pardon of John Kelly, now undergoing sentence for manslaughter for the killing of Leon Gage in August '96.

Montrose - Wallace Nash, proprietor of South View Gardens, has taken a large contract to raise tomato plants for the Montrose Co- operative Canning Company, whose charter notice appears in today's paper, to furnish those intending to raise tomatoes for the cannery. The canning company directors have engaged Mr. E. B. Gill, of North Collins, NY, a practical processor of over 17 years experience.

Lynn - L. P. Silkman, professional nurse, is caring for Mr. Hillis, of Rush, who is very sick with typhoid fever.

New Milford - At 12:15 o'clock on Wednesday morning the large stable connected with the Jay House was found to be on fire and an alarm brought the fire company and citizens promptly to the scene. The barn was already a mass of flames, and nothing could stay their progress until the barn, and a blacksmith shop adjoining it, were totally destroyed, together with their contents. One of the most horrible features of the fire was the burning of seven horses. William Patterson succeeded in rescuing several cows from the burning building, but all efforts to save the poor horses were unavailing. The barn belonged to the Charles Jay estate, and the blacksmith shop was the property of Dr. D. C. Ainey, and was conducted by E. Townsend, who lost his books and his tools.

Strickland Hill [Springville Twp.] - The Strickland Hill school closed on April 2. In the evening many gathered at the schoolhouse to enjoy the literary program which had been arranged for the occasion. It was complete in every respect and all present seemed to enjoy it very much. Much credit is due the teacher, Miss Della Seeley, and all who took part in the same. Miss Seeley is a talent- ed and thorough teacher and all will be glad to see her back again.

Hallstead - The new chair factory will be located on land purchased of J. H. VanLoan, near the Lackawanna depot. The main building will be 274 by 44 ft. in dimension and two stories in height. The dry kiln will be 17 x 70 and the power house 20 x 30 ft. in dimension.

Clifford - Miss Lena and Bertha Owens gave a party to a number of their friends on March 29. Games, songs, music and refreshments made the evening pass merrily and pleasantly. Among those in attendance were the following--Messrs. Scott Manzer, John Kirkley, Silas Bowell, Bennie Anthony, John Briggs, Will Butler, Glen Morgan, Clair Lewis, Mr. Follen, Carl Peck, Hubbard Payne, Geo. Payne, Will Moses, Harry Anthony, Prof. R. M. Archibald and Misses Lizzie Moses, Ethel Resseguie, Mabel Harding, Constance Follon, Beatrice Howell, Louise Morgan and Edna Manzer.

Hopbottom - School closed April 5th and the Commencement exercises were held in the Universalist church, Friday evening. There were two graduates, Miss Kate Maher and Miss Millie Gray.

Friendsville - The old Carmalt house was burned at noon Saturday, March 31. Chas. Schoonmaker was living in it. AND Mrs. Mary Ryan, an old resident of this place, died the 29th of March.

Herrick Centre - Friday, while the team of Oscar Hine, of East Ararat, was tied at the upper end of town, it broke loose and started for home at a lively pace, but one horse being the better runner, it soon got tangled in a fence where it was captured. The buggy was badly wrecked.

Susquehanna - A special to last week's Binghamton Herald from Susquehanna says - "The Transcript and Ledger building at this place is a total loss, caused by fire. The damage is over $5000 with $3500 insurance. "The fire started at 11:45 o'clock this forenoon. The press used by the two papers is on the ground floor of the building, which is two stories high and of brick veneering. The employees of the Transcript were putting the forms on the press when a boy tipped over a bottle of benzine, spilling the contents. Soon after another employee entered the room, bearing a lighted lamp, not knowing the benzine had been tipped over. The light came in contact with the benzine fumes and at once there was a loud "puff" and the entire building was ablaze with the flames. The alarm was at once rung and Erie hose and the Keystone Hook and Ladder company responded. Five streams were turned on the fire but it was of no avail. The flames were still burning at 2 o'clock. This week: The Susquehanna Transcript-Ledger will be published from a new office established in the old electric light building at Susquehanna, while a new building is being erected on the site of the one burned last week.

NEWS BRIEF - The approach of Easter Sunday has started a wholesale slaughter of birds throughout the country. New York milliners alone demand 20,000 songsters, with which to trim the hats of customers according to the dictates of Easter fashion. The worst feature is that songsters and insect destroying birds are not exception to the general rule. All are included, and, in fact, meadowlarks, bluebirds and robins are especially desired, as they make such "pretty trimming." Until the women of the country refuse to buy bird millinery there will be no decrease of this wholesale tragedy of the fields and woods, and until the Easter bonnet is without its feathered corpse it will never symbolize the spirit of the day on which it is worn.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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