Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 05 1918/2018
New Milford – The Scranton and Binghamton trolley line, which is in operation between Scranton and Montrose, and which we have been led to believe would come through New Milford, Hallstead and Great Bend, when completed to the Parlor City, is in danger of being lost to this section. Strong pressure is being brought to bear to have the road built by the Snake Creek route from Tiffany to Conklin. Montrose would be the greatest loser by this change of route, as it would divert a large amount of business that now goes to that town. This matter should be taken up by the business men of Montrose, New Milford, Hallstead and Great Bend and an effort made to prevent the original route being changed.
Ararat – Allen Brooks, having enlisted in the coast artillery, is now stationed at Cape Henry, Va.
Franklin Hill – David Campbell, the popular mail carrier, has been laid up for some time with injuries received in a collision with a telephone pole while passing another rig in an icy spot.
Montrose – Mrs. R.L. Bush, county director of the Liberty Loan in which the women are organized, has been very fortunate in securing the services of Miss Eliza Brewster as secretary for the drive, which commences Saturday. Miss Brewster is most competent in any position of this nature. She was for some years private secretary to Mrs. Chas. M. Schwab. ALSO The barbers here announce that after April 15th the price of hair-cutting is to be 35 cents. This has been the prevailing price in other cities ad towns for some time, brought about by the high prices of labor and supplies used by the tonsorial artists.
Brooklyn – Dr. F.B. Miller will not locate in Stroudsburg. The veterinarian spent a week in that place, and while the field was good, with better highways than we have, he found the stock incomparable to our county and the people also were not like the home folks, and he decided promptly that Brooklyn was the best place. Dr. Miller has traveled all over this country and foreign lands, so does not easily get homesick. But he must be shown that there is a better spot on earth than Brooklyn.
Harford – Some of the good citizens of the town are agitating the advisability of having a community cow, as we are cut off on all corners of our supply of milk. It might be a working proposition. ALSO Those who attended the Easter services in the M.E. church were charmed with the musical program, which was under the direction of Prof. J.A. Sophia, and the eye was attracted by the tasteful evergreens, Easter lilies, roses, daffodils, jonquils, sweet peas, etc. furnished by Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Whitney. ALSO Beginning last Monday the pupils of Harford high school have voted to have school commence at 7:45 and close at 12 p.m. to allow the older boys to help at home in the afternoon.
Susquehanna – Last week an Erie bowling team, composed of Daniel Conners, Andrew Axtell, Harry Kane and Wm. Felske, under the management of Asst. Secretary John Springsteen, of the Y.M.C.A., met and won two of three games from the Port Jervis team. Games were played at the Y.M.C.A. in Binghamton. ALSO The Catholics of this place are to build one of the largest convents and schools in the Scranton diocese. A meeting of the men of St. John’s congregation was called and a decision was made to purchase the building lots at the corner of Broad Ave. and Grand St., of the Sabin estate. The price was $6,000. It is planned to erect buildings to cost about $100,000.
Uniondale – Foster Williams, a nephew of Morgan D. Daniels, is in the aviation training camp, at Miama, Fla. He writes that recently, in 7 hours and 42 minutes, 4,889 shells were fired at imaginary German airplanes. Miama, in 1890, was a town of only 100 inhabitants, but now counts over 20,000, exclusive of the military and is one of the finest towns in the state and a grand place for an aviation camp.
Auburn Four Corners – A man representing himself as manager of the New York Ice Cream and Creamery company appeared two or three months ago, bought real estate and made a big splash in the way of business. He leased the creamery at this place and also at Sankey, and bought all the milk that came—thousands of pounds. He hired butter makers to care for the milk. About 6 weeks of such work caused him to disappear owing for every cent’s worth of milk taken in. The farmers are wondering if they have been duped.
Thompson – Miss Marguerite Gelatt, who went to New York to take up her life work after a course in nurse training, writes that she has passed her three month probationers’ term, received her outfit and has been enrolled in the New York city hospital for 3 years. Miss Gelatt is the youngest student that was ever there.
Forest City – Conductor H.E. Johnson, of Carbondale, spent Sunday with his son, A.G. Johnson. Mr. Johnson is one of the oldest conductors on the Delaware and Hudson railroad. At one time he was conductor on the accommodation train on the Jefferson branch and remembers when Forest City was nothing but a forest.
Springville – Douglas Lathrop, son of Dr. and Mrs. H.B. Lathrop, was in town on Tuesday. Mr. Lathrop, who is pursuing his first year of studies in medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, has joined the reserve officers training corps at that institution. This organization gives a portion of each day to military training and may lead to a lieutenancy.
200 Years Ago from the Montrose Centinel, April 4, 1818.
*MARRIED – On the 29th ult., by Joshua W Raynsford Esq., Mr. Israel B. Gregory to Miss Polly Lindsley, all of Bridgewater township.
*DIED – In this town on Wednesday evening last, after a short but distressing illness, Mr. Zacheriah Price, about 56 years old. Mr. Price removed to this place but a short time since from Wysox, Bradford County.
*SAYRE & MULFORD Give notice to the public that they have on hand an excellent assortment of GOODS, among which are Cog. Brandy, Young Hyson, Hyson Skin and Bohea Teas, Sweet scented Virginia tobacco, by the lb. or keg, Maccoboy and Scotch Snuff by the jar or bladder, all of an excellent quality; they have just received and are now receiving a good assortment of Hollow ware (from Salesbury [Salisbury?] furnice [furnace?] Con.) Stone ware and Crockery, Iron and Steel, together with almost every other article called for in the country, which they offer very low for ready pay. Montrose, Feb. 14, 1818.
N.B. All persons having unsettled accounts more than three months are requested to call and make immediate settlement or they will be under the necessity of commencing a prosecution which would be very unpleasant.
Compiled By: Betty Smith