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April 05 1912/2012

Montrose - The death of Daniel D. Lathrop ends an interesting and useful career. Born Dec. 25th, 1833, in Rush, the 8th son of a family of eleven children, his father being Rev. William Lathrop, Jr. a Baptist preacher. He secured his education at the county schools and later taught several terms. Before the close of the Civil War he enlisted as a ship carpenter, but saw no action. Three of his brothers met death on the battlefield. His first wife was Emma Handrick and he married, second, Mrs. Sallie M. Sherwood. He was one of the first official court stenographers in the county, taking up the study of “phronography,” as it was then called, in 1851. He took up the study of Civil Engineering and as he was a competent mathematician his reputation for care and accuracy in surveying and mapping was soon well established. In recent years he took a special course in mechanical drawing to more fully equip himself for this class of work. In 1902 he started the work, during leisure moments, of writing the New Testament in shorthand, concludeing the task in 1907. Thus closes the earthly record of a man who so performed his day of work that when the Master called him from his labor, he responded unabashed and confident. ALSO Harry Patrick took possession of the Horseshoe Cigar Store and Billiard Parlors, which he has purchased of H. B. Camp.

South Gibson - Col. A. Bedford, who has been for a few months looking over the picket lines of some three or four counties, has returned and reports that all is well, but advises all progressive voters to be on the alert. He anticipates a hot, old time during the coming months. He says, “Keep posted boys; Teddy’s in the field!

South Auburn - Mrs. Mort Grow pleasantly entertained a number of ladies at a rag bee last Wednesday. They sewed over forty pounds of rags for her.

Hallstead - A number of young men have made applications to the Lackawanna officials, at Scranton, for positions as firemen on the road. Among the applicants were: Will Russell, Leon Huffman, John Rifenbury and George Ward. ALSO Hallstead has three cases of scarlet fever. The High School has been closed for the week and the building is being thoroughly fumigated by the Board of Health.

Brackney - G. Carlton Shafer is adding to the beauty of Camp Susquehannock by an avenue of maple trees, running from the Club House down to the lake.

Dimock - James E. Dolan sold the old Dolan homestead, one--half mile below Dimock, to T. R. Jones, a manufacturer of miners’ caps, of Wilkes-Barre, the first of the week. ALSO The school house near Harmon Stone’s, in Dimock, caught fire between the hours and 3 and 4 o’clock, Tuesday morning of last week, and burned to the ground.

Lathrop - G. A. Sweet recently visited his daughter Mrs. Foster Dyer, of Endicott, NY. While there he visited the Susquehanna Valley Home at Binghamton and brought a boy home with him. There are 175 boys and girls under 16 years of age, being cared for there at the present time.

South Montrose - It is reported that H. R. Decker is to remodel the old Coolville school house into a dwelling house. ALSO The South Montrose slat mill is the largest plant of the kind in the United States, turning out 20,000 slats [for trunks] a day.

Crystal Lake - Work has been started on a new hotel at Crystal Lake on the site of Crystal Inn, which was destroyed by fire a few months ago. The place will be conducted by the owner, William Coffin. The new building will be a three-story wooden structure, 40 x 50 feet. Contractor James Lorenson, of Carbondale, is building the hotel, which will be ready for occupancy June 1st.

Great Bend - The river is rising steadily, caused by the rains and the flats along the river are submerged.

Brooklyn - C. L. Stephens has moved his wagon shop tools to his home, about a mile south of the village, and the shop in town is now vacant.

Susquehanna - The Blue Ridge Metal Manufacturing Co. plant, which burned down a few weeks ago, will probably be rebuilt. Much of the machinery that went through the fire can be repaired. It is planned to erect a one-story factory building 100 feet long and so constructed that an addition can be made as business warrants.

Birchardville - Birchardville can boast of two millinery shops, one at Mrs. Lena Fessenden’s and the other at Slauson & Robinson’s.

Uniondale - On March 27, W. E. Gibson was 70 years of age. He had gone to a neighbors unaware that he was to be tendered a warm reception on his return. Seeing lights in the house and about the premises he hurried home to find in possession, D. B. Gibson and Family, C. E. Gibson and wife, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Wilcox, of Pleasant Mount, Floyd Allen and Emory Washburn. Supper was soon prepared and a fine collation it was. Many useful articles were left by the visitors as tokens and reminders to the host, who felt that he was captured. Mr. Gibson is a veteran of the Civil War and survives four brothers who were engaged in defense of their country. Long may he be in our midst is the hearty wish of all.

Forest City - Bargain for Star Soap wrappers. 6 dinner plates or 6 cups and saucers or 3 plates and 3 cups and saucers for only 50 wrappers. Regular value, 150 wrappers. This is the best semi--porcelain ware, beautifully decorated in floral designs in color. Can be obtained only by bringing Star Soap wrappers to W. J. Jones, Furniture Dealer, Forest City. Sponsored by the Procter & Gamble Distributing Co.

News Brief - Friends of the temperance cause are invited to be present at a Women’s Christian Temperance Union Rally at the Library, in Montrose, Tuesday evening, April 9th, at 7:30. One feature of the program will be a roll call of active and honorary members to be responded to by short items of temperance news. Come, and bring your friends.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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