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April 05 1907/2007

Glenwood - Former Congressman Galusha A. Grow died at his home in Glenwood, Sunday afternoon, as a result of a general breakdown attributed to old age. Mr. Grow was elected to congress from the Wilmot district, of Pa., as the youngest member of that body in 1851, and after retirement from public life for 30 years, he re-entered the House of Representatives as congressman-at-large from Pennsylvania, 14 years ago. He retired four years ago, his public service in the house extending over the longest period, although not continuous service, of any man who ever sat in that body. His retirement was celebrated at Montrose with a big demonstration. During the ante-bellum days he was one of the best-known men in the United States and in 1864 he came within one vote of being nominated for vice-president in place of Andrew Johnson, who became president on the death of Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Grow was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives in 1861 and occupied that position during the first two years of the war until his retirement from congress in 1864. Mr. Grow's greatest public service was as the "Father of the Homestead Act," through which measure many million acres of western farm lands were opened up to settlement by homesteaders, an act which had been credited with doing more than any other one thing for the development of the great West. Mr. Grow was the last surviving member of a family of six children. He never married.

Gibson - Little Thomas Cameron, while playing with other children at throwing stones into the water, lost his balance and fell into the rolling waters, which carried him rapidly down stream. He was rescued by Sherwood Ball, who, on hearing the screams of the children, jumped from the shop window and caught the boy as he passed by.

Susquehanna - The Erie has ordered three locomotives of the American Locomotive Co., which will weigh 410,000 pounds each and will be the three largest in the world. The engines will be used between Susquehanna and Hornell. AND Prof. Killian, of the Susquehanna Public schools, after 42 days under quarantine at his home on Broad Street, occasioned by the illness of his daughter with scarlet fever, is able to go out, as the quarantine has been discontinued by the health authorities.

Hallstead - Edwin R. Weeks, the impersonator, has returned to his home in Binghamton from a tour of the New England States where he has been filling engagements, the season being now closed. The "Castle" so prettily located along the road which leads to the top of Mt. Manotonome, at Hallstead, is Mr. Weeks' summer home.

Flynn, Middletown Twp. - James Conboy has purchased a horse and wagon for creamery purposes. AND Edward Gillin lost an old family horse one day last week, 35 years old and highly prized by the family.

Oakley, Harford Twp. - Mrs. Whitman and Ralph are just getting an attack of mumps. AND M. C. Young sold his horse to a Mr. Betts, last week, for $75.80.

Brookdale, Liberty Twp. - The Brookdale Chemical Co. has closed its factory for an indefinite period.

Brooklyn - Nearly a year ago a Village Improvement Society was organized in our town, which has been the means of removing some unsightly fences, and encouraged several residents to improve their property by painting buildings and giving better care to lawns and shrubbery. Last fall, through their efforts, about a dozen street lamps were set up and a man was engaged to fill and clean them. But it is a matter to be regretted that persons who agreed to light these lamps on dark or moonless nights do not attend to it with regularity. Consequently our streets are often without sufficient light on cloudy nights. We hope the Society will remind people of their duty, and that in the coming summer they may secure still further village improvements.

South Montrose - J. B. Sheen recently received a pair of richly bred Berkshire pigs from the Aldoro Farm at Rosston, Pa. They bear the aristocratic names of the Duke and Earl of Montrose.

Montrose - The Misses O'Neill have taken possession of the Wm. M. Post house, South Main Street, and will open it to summer boarders. It is a fine place for that. AND A. E. Badgely and little daughter, of Binghamton, were in town Friday. Mr. Badgely has the contract for the erection of the Historical building in Montrose and is preparing to push the work. He is sure to complete the building within the contract time--by August--and it will be a beauty.

Jail Break - While the two prisoners in the jail were in the jail yard for exercise Sunday, Walter Brugler affected his escape, at evening. As near as we can learn, he took a board he found in the yard, took it up to his cell, which was about even with the top of the jail yard wall, and some six feet from the wall. Then he took the bed blankets, torn into strips, tied together, thus making a sort of rope, one end of which he fastened at his cell window. He then went back down into the yard, climbed up the top to the board mentioned, walked on to the top of the wall with its upper end still fast, put the rope down the outside of the wall, slid down it and dropped to the ground outside the wall, and to--freedom. Brugler was to have been tried next week for the robbery of Cooley & Son's store, last summer. Sheriff Pritchard offered a reward of $50. It is reported that Brugler took breakfast at Charles Mead's near Heart Lake, Monday morning.

Heart Lake - Several from here attended the April Fool social at New Milford Monday evening and all report a very pleasant time and thanks to Carl and Guy for taking the loads.

Fairdale - A few days ago while B. A. Risley was trying to catch a pig, he struck his hand on a rusty spike, making a bad wound, but by prompt treatment the poison was taken out and it soon healed.

Harford - In connection with the medicine show held at the Odd Fellows Hall last week the largest number of votes and prizes were awarded as follows: Miss Myrtie Forsyth, the most popular young lady in Harford, and the little daughter of Lenn Brainard, the finest baby

News Brief: The "honk-honk" of the automobile is a welcome sound after the long and tedious winter.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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