Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 04 1898/1998
South Gibson - The people of South Gibson and vicinity are greatly interested in the proposed railroad from Nicholson to Lanesboro and held a very enthusiastic meeting in G.A.R. Hall. At the meeting $150 was raised, making a total fund of $220 to be used in making a preliminary survey and obtaining a charter. At the meeting Hon. Wm. Maxey was elected chairman, Wm. Tobias and Wm. Shafer, committee on subscriptions, reported a large increase in the subscription list. Mr. Maxey gave some statistics showing how the population of the rural districts is depleted and that the township of Gibson has fallen off over 300 in the past ten years on account of so many drifting to the cities and railroad.
Upsonville - The men of the congregation met at parsonage and with the aid of a buzz saw cut up a good pile of wood for the pastor.
Herrick Centre - G. S. Tingley is laying a foundation for a store and postoffice building. AND Mack Sparks has sold his interest in the Herrick Cheese company to Stephen Carpenter.
Lynn - Eggs are ten cents a dozen at the Lynn stores.
Brooklyn - The ladies of the Presbyterian church will give a Colonial evening entertainment on Friday evening. An old-fashioned singing school and apple cut will be two pleasing features of the performance. AND The dwelling house of Hubert Johnson was destroyed by fire on Monday night. Scarcely anything was saved except the piano.
Susquehanna - a sewing machine agent was recently attacked by a fierce wildcat near Melrose; the only way the animal avoided buying a machine was by climbing a tree. AND The Canawacta House is to be enlarged and generally improved.
New Milford - Albert Heitzman will soon take up his residence, entering again in partnership with B. Carpenter in the grist mill. AND Miss Maye Seymore has a position as saleslady at Hills, McLean & Haskins, at Binghamton.
Rush - A strong delegation of witnesses in the Pepper murder case attended the meeting of the Grand Jury on Monday.
Silver Lake - Daniel J. Quinn, who was killed by the cars at Owego last week, was a former resident of this county, a son of John Quinn, a veteran of the late war.
West Bridgewater - Report of the Sprout school for the month ending March 15th: Those not absent during the month were: Thomas Groves, Charles Sprout, Arthur Bush, Alfred Lindsey, Shedric, Ethel & Dora Horton. Those receiving 100 percent in spelling: Carlton Hawley, Mabel Decker, Arthur Bush, Alfred Lindsey, Sirle Baxter, Elsie Imhoff, Thomas Groves, Shedric & Ethel Horton. Those receiving 100 percent in deportment were: Horace Baxter, Dora Horton, Nellie & Alfred Lindsey, Stuart and Charles Sprout, Flossie Brotzman, Elsie & Herman Imhoff, Susie Brotzman, Arthur Bush.
Montrose - An officer of the State Pure Food Commission visited Montrose last week and called upon the grocers to inspect the goods sold by them. In most of the stores he found some goods not permitted under the pure-food laws. In nearly every instance it was a case of goods coming from the manufacturers improperly labeled and no fault attached to the dealers here. They were glad to be informed as to what goods would not pass muster.
Forest City - It is rumored that the stone to be used in the erection of the new capitol building in Harrisburg will be taken from the quarry near Forest City. Stone from this quarry has been used in the Binghamton Court House and in the Hotel Jermyn building in Scranton.
Lanesboro - H.C. Chamberlain says he has sold nearly a car-load of the new Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines.
Baseball News: When the captain of the various professional baseball teams assemble their men for the customary practice preliminary to the regular opening of the season, they should understand that the most important study to begin with is literary and intellectual rather than athletic. In other words, the prerequisite of a successful season in 1898 is a thorough under-standing of the rules and an accommodation of the ball player's state of mind and habit of play to their intention. If any player thinks that the new rules are too rigid and too restrictive of the liberty that he has been enjoying for some years, he should change his mind and perceive that they in no wise overstep the requirements of sport. If a player thinks that it is suppression of liberty to be forbidden to pit his opinion against the umpire's, and that the order for him, when declared out, to retire to his seat in silence, is a violation of the principle of free speech, let him remember that he is hired to play and not to talk. All the talking this year is to be done by the umpire. We hope for less talking and better playing.
Compiled By: Betty Smith