Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
April 02 1915/2015
Brooklyn – The first jitney car to pass over the State Road went south toward Scranton, Wednesday morning. It was a new car, painted yellow, and was in charge of the chauffeur and was capable of carrying about fifteen passengers. ALSO The first serious accident to occur on the Scranton & Binghamton trolley line happened Saturday afternoon. A large trolley pole, on which Charles Strickland was working, rolled from the platform and caught Mr. Strickland’s leg against the frozen bank of earth, crushing both bones in the left leg below the knee. While the men were looking after Mr. Strickland a pike-pole, which had been left standing against a nearby pole, fell and struck a member of the pole gang on the head and felled him to the ground, rendering him unconscious for some time and cutting a bad wound in his scalp. Dr. T. O. Williams was called and administered first aid treatment to both men and later they were sent to their homes in Nicholson, where both are doing well at this writing.
Forest City – Chief [of police] Jones and the Burgess recently adopted uniforms for the entire force, consisting of dark blue serge, with cap, belt and star, with the number of the officer on the star, ranking according to the years of service. The uniforms will be provided without cost to the tax payers by money raised through a contest instituted by awarding a golden star to the member of the force securing the largest amount of votes. A lively hustle ensued over this contest and the prized star was won by Joe Cost, who has been an efficient officer on the force for the past seven years. Joe now proudly wears the golden badge presented by Chief Jones for turning in the most cash for the new uniforms, given by Joe’s many friends and admirers.
Rush – The seventh annual commencement of the Rush High school will be held Friday evening, with a program in which a few of the graduates will participate. Bernice L. Ainey will give an oration on “The Flag;” Russell S. Dayton will give an oration on “The Panama Canal;” another oration “From Hope to Hope” will be given by Mildred Stockholm and the final oration, by Harold A. Dayton, “Qualifications of a Self-Governed People.” The president of the class, Russell Dayton, will also speak before the awarding of diplomas. ALSO Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Devine have taken charge of the [Rush-Auburn] poor house.
Meshoppen – The Meshoppen ferry was put into operation last week. The boat has been rebuilt for the summer’s work.
Montrose – Two or three new cases of scarlet fever having developed, the schools in Montrose were closed this week. It being deemed wise to leave no stone unturned to abate what might prove an epidemic. At a meeting of the Board of Health, Tuesday, it was also thought advisable that the churches and places of amusement, etc., remain closed for a few days for developments. The few cases in Montrose are of a very light form. Notice to Catholics: Under the direction of the Board of Health, and consent of Right Rev. Bishop Hoban, of Scranton, there will be no public Easter services or other services in St. Mary’s church, owing to the epidemic here, until further notice.
Susquehanna – Robert J. Terboss died at the Arnot-Ogden hospital, Elmira, NY, Friday, as a result of the injuries he received by falling from a ladder in the Erie car shops at Elmira, while in the performance of his duty as an electrician.
Clifford – John Bolton, one of the oldest residents of the township, died at his home Monday afternoon. He had resided on the farm, where he died, for 80 years. He is survived by his wife. The funeral was held Thursday at 1 o’clock, Rev. Garman of the Methodist church officiating. Interment in Clifford cemetery. Mr. Bolton would have been 83 years old on July 7 next.
Harford – A meeting was held at the High school building, Tuesday evening, in regard to a new school building. An $8000 building could be erected by bonding the town for 16 years and it would increase the tax only $4 per year. A vote was taken and a majority present favored the idea. It will be necessary to hold a special election to enable the school directors to go ahead with the work.
New Milford – Landlord E. L. Yaw, who has conducted a hotel at Hopbottom for some time past, yesterday assumed charge of the Walker House here, which he will conduct as a temperance house. Mr. Yaw makes a fine landlord and has made many friends in the county. He is a retired New York city policeman, having entered the service when Roosevelt was police commissioner. ALSO The stork visited the following homes on Monday: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aldrich, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown, and left a son at the first named and a daughter at each of the other two.
Williams Pond, Bridgewater Twp. – The ever good-natured James Webb, of this place, has been recently engaged in producing syrup from a grove of sugar maples on his farm and knowing that postoffice employees and newspaper men were sometimes addicted to its use, he presented them with a generous supply the latter part of last week. The sweetest phrases we could coin in extending thanks would ne’er equal that sweet richness of the gift, nor the kind and thoughtful generosity of the giver.
Gibson – Divine service at the Universalist church has been changed from 11 a.m. to 2:30. The pastor, Rev. R. S. Kellerman, will occupy the pulpit. There will be a special service, floral decorations, reception of members and an appropriate sermon.
Ainey, Springville Twp. – Miss Mary E. Squire is the happy possessor of a Shetland pony, a present from her father, Wm. Squire.
Alford – Carl Aldrich, son of A. D. Aldrich, expects to locate in Clark’s Summit as a veterinary surgeon in the near future. ALSO A. D. Richardson has purchased a fine large black horse to replace the one he lost when his son, Glenn, went over the embankment last Sept.
Great Bend – Mrs. O. A. Tuthill received a box of orange blossoms from here sister, who is now at the Panama Exposition.
Message for Easter Sunday prepared by Rev. Frederick A. Alden, pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Montrose: This is a strange Easter Sunday for Montrose, perhaps the strangest in all her history. No sound of the Church bell calls the worshippers to the public worship of God. No sound of Anthems tell of the people’s praise on the day of resurrection. Circumstances, over which we have no control, dictated by desire for the welfare of the community and the safeguarding of its health and life, cause us to remain at home. The greater need than for the spirit of Easter in our hearts and in our homes, an Easter that brings more clearly than ever the spirits and meaning of this glad message spoken first so many centuries ago. “He is risen.” Perhaps these few words, if you read them this morning, may be helpful in our Easter meditation.
Compiled By: Betty Smith