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April 02 1909/2009

Montrose - The will of the late Charles A. Smith, of Hazleton, was probated in Wilkes-Barre and by its terms he left his entire estate, a fortune of $17,000, to his brother William L. Smith, of Montrose. Charles was born here in 1849 and spent his early years in Montrose, being a son of the late William W. Smith, a prominent cabinet maker and undertaker. At the age of 18 he became a telegraph operator for the Lehigh Valley R.R. He located at Hazleton in 1867 and lived there ever since. His wife died several weeks ago. Friends of William Smith are gratified that he is to receive this bequest because he has been handicapped since childhood by imperfect eyesight, amounting almost to blindness.

Hallstead - President Taft nominated James T. DuBois, Hallstead, to be consul general at Singapore, Straits Settlements. Mr. DuBois has had many years experience in foreign consular service, but for the past number of years, since the latter part of McKinley's administration, he has been editor of laws in the Department of State at Washington. He has served the government at Aix-la-Chapelle and Leipzig, Germany, and in 1883 was sent to Callo, Peru and again in 1897 was sent to St. Gall, Switzerland, as consul general.

South New Milford - Now is the time to fill the mud holes in the road and use a little Armstrong work to help the water away from the road. If every farmer would take an interest in better roads and help keep them in good shape, the taxes raised would go farther when expended and there are hundreds of loads of dirt [that] go out of the roads because men won't spend a few moments with the hoe to turn the water aside.

Auburn - The third annual commencement exercises of the Auburn High School will be held Friday evening, April 9. Reserved seats are now on sale--25 and 35 cents. The baccalaureate sermon to the Class of '09 will be delivered in the high school building on Sunday evening, April 4, at 7:30 by Rev. Wm. Shaw.

Little Meadows - In the latest mercantile appraisement the following businesses are listed in Little Meadows: A. D. Brown & Co., General Merchandise; William Purtell, Retail; Thomas Fitzmartin, Cigars and Palmer & Son, Mill Feeds.

Lynn - W. P. Sheldon has been investing in a fine new turnout consisting of a splendid bay pacing mare with a record of 2-11, with buggy and harness to match. Turn out boys and give Sheldon the road for he says he's got to have it.

Ainey - Amanda Strickland's term of school closed last Thursday. Mildred Lord attended school every day and was not tardy once. Claude Strickland and Mattie Johnson did not miss a day since Christmas. Miss Strickland has been a successful teacher and very thorough in her work.

Foster (Hopbottom) - The High School commencement exercises will take place on Tuesday evening, April 7, and will be held in the Universalist church. The graduating class consists of seven young ladies. Adams' orchestra of Factoryville will furnish music for the occasion.

Rush - The directors of the Rush Creamery Co. have arranged for the patrons to haul the butter to Montrose station. This is not satisfactory to all of them.

Forest City - Forest City has been largely represented in Montrose this week, during the Grand Jury session here, chiefly because of the troubles among the liquor sellers, which trouble has been brewing for a year or two. As near as we can learn the situation, the retailers became of the opinion that the wholesalers were retailing drinks to about everybody who called for them. This cut off the business of the retailers and they made complaint; then complaints were made that some of the retailers were selling illegally, and so it came to pass that pretty nearly all the dealers in Forest City were hauled before the Grand jury for investigation and unless the Grand Jury is exceedingly good to them there will be more heard of the matter in court later on.

Forest Lake - While H. B. Stone and son were breaking a colt--having it hitched in with another horse, it became unmanageable and ran away, and the team finally went off one side of the road and down an embankment ten feet among some trees. The horses broke lose from the wagon and ran a little ways when they were stopped by a tree and were unhurt, but Mr. Stone received several cuts and bruises. It was an exciting ride.

Herrick Centre - Commencement exercises, Friday April 2, at 8 p.m. in the M. E. church. The class of '09 is composed of two members--Floyd R. Avery and Beulah I. Philips, who have adopted as their motto the small but mighty in meaning word--"Excelsior." Royal purple and milk white are its colors--while the pansy is the class flower.

Watrous Corners, Bridgewater Twp. - A band of gypsies are here camping. They had three handsome house wagons besides four other wagons.

Thompson - Thompson is well represented on the grand jury this week, and we are sorry to say before it also.

Lenoxville - The buzzing saw in S. B. Hartley's mill indicates that business is booming.

Uniondale - A man from the New York Board of Health was around last week looking after the sanitary conditions of farms from which milk is shipped to New York City. He spoke like one having authority. He said we must give every cow 600 cubic ft. of air space, give the dear old bossy plenty of sunlight and fresh air. Good things for man and beast. He told us we must sweep the cobwebs down; must white-wash our stables; and keep horses and hay away from where cows are kept, etc. Farmers are the most healthy and long-lived people on earth; they drink all the milk that they want from childhood to old age. Twenty five percent of all the children born in New York die before reaching the age of 5 years; a fearful accusation against dear old bossy and the farmer. Farmers believe in good stables and clean milk as much as the New York man, but they fail to see how the milk kills in New York and prolongs life in the open country.

News Brief - Every man, who is not capable of self government, should get married.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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