Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 01 1910/2010
Flowery Valley - March 22, being the 7th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hill, their friends and neighbors to the number of abut 30 gathered at their home for a surprise, which proved to be genuine. At a late hour they all sat down to a bountiful dinner, such as the people of Franklin Forks and Laurel Lake know how to prepare, and after a good social time all departed for their homes.
South Gibson -The silent reaper has again entered our community and taken one just budding into young manhood, and one who has outlived the allotted time of man. Raymond Penny, aged 15 years, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Penney, died March 16, after an illness of a few days of brain fever. Raymond was a young man of promise, loved and respected by all his schoolmates and acquaintances. Albert Follett, a veteran of the [Civil] war, died at his home here March 25, after a severe illness of three weeks. During his illness his wife and daughter were taken very sick and Mrs. Follett is critically ill. The G.A.R. Post, of which he was a member, held a service at the grave in South Gibson cemetery. [Albert belonged to Co. D, 188th PA Volunteers and 152nd PA Volunteers, Battery F, Third Artillery]
Clifford - The jingle of the quoits can be heard evenings under the gaslight on the corner.
Harford - Ray Allen was thrown from his horse and injured so that he was unable to teach school for several days.
Susquehanna - Clarence E. Titsworth has joined the ranks of automobilists, having purchased a Buick automobile of N. E. Bissell.
Montrose - There was never a bigger demand for real estate in Montrose than at the present time. Every desirable building lot is under surveillance. Within the past three years real estate has advanced in some instances from 25 to 100 percent. The outlook for the summer season in the way of "boarders" is ahead of anything within previous years. Many boarding houses are already booked for the entire season.
Great Bend - "Clapper" Crandall, a well-known character about town, was seriously wounded Sunday evening at the "Patch," his assailant being alleged as one Muncia Cappadapa, a workman. Crandall received a bad wound in the side from a 38-calibre revolver, and a slight wound in the arm. The two men got in a heated argument over a woman of the "Patch" and the shooting was the consequence. It appears that Crandall and the woman were enjoying a "can" party at the eastern end of the bridge and had a quantity of cider in a pail, which they were drinking, when Cappadapa came along. Both were rivals for favors from the lady in question, in fact it is alleged the woman is Cappadapa's wife. After the shooting, which followed a heated argument, the assailant disappeared and was later found at his home. He was arrested after some resistance. ALSO Messrs. Charles and Joseph Chapot, with their families, yesterday left Great Bend to make their home at Newark, N.J. They have closed their business, the Great Bend Chamois Factory, and will open one in Newark. A number of workmen will follow them to their new location. Its loss is a serious one to the town.
Forest Lake - Amelia Taylor, widow of J. D. Taylor, deceased, on Friday last filed in the Orphans' Court her claim and inventory for $5,000 under the Act of April 1st, 1909. This is the first claim filed in Susquehanna county under the new law, by a widow taking against the will of her deceased husband. The decedent left a will which was duly probated, but the widow, through her attorney, J. M. Kelly, promptly filed papers refusing to accept the provisions of the will, and claiming her right under the intestate laws, which laws only apply in cases where the decedent left no issue.
South Montrose - M. L. Lake, the stock buyer, has lately sold a hog to Wm. Trostel of Laceyville, a butcher, that weighed 539 lbs. It was sold for 11 cents a pound, making the total price $59.29. Mr. Lake has sold a number of others at the same rate, but they were not as heavy as this huge porker.
Forest City - George Robinson, aged 28 years, was kicked in the face by a horse on the farm of J. J. Geuther, near here, on Wednesday of last week. The accident happened in the barn, and the injured man was taken to the Emergency Hospital, Carbondale, where every effort to save his life was made. He died, however, the same night. The funeral was held from the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Robinson, at Browndale. A brother Jason and two sisters, Mrs. J. J. Geuther and Mrs. Henry McAvoy survive.
Rushboro - Chester Brown and family will move to Lestershire this week, he having been steward for several years at the Auburn and Rush poor farm. F. G. LaRue will move in to take charge of the farm. V. E. Pierson has purchased the LaRue farm.
Laurel Lake - Ben Scott has gone to Denver, Colorado for his health.
Thompson - Miss Beatrice Harpur, who has been the efficient clerk at the postoffice for over three years, has resigned the position, and Miss Addie Queker has taken the place. "And thereby hangs a tale."
Springville - H. B. Kilts met with a serious mishap last Thursday up in the Chase quarry in Dimock. In drilling out an unexploded blast the charge ignited, sending a heavy churn drill into the air, breaking his left arm, besides lacerating his hand quite badly. He was brought to his home here and Dr. H. B. Lathrop reduced the fracture and made him as comfortable as possible.
Birchardville- Several of the housekeepers in our vicinity have purchased a vacuum cleaner, which will lessen the labor of house cleaning.
Franklin Forks - The Snake Creek Telephone Co. is putting cross-arms on their poles in order to string one more set of wires.
Lake Montrose - Frank A. Warner, of Binghamton, closed the sale of his house and 22 acres of land, this side of Mott's mill, to W. A. Lathrop, whose farm adjoins. It was for many years the home of the late Albert Warner. Mr. Lathrop will tear down the old house, one of the oldest landmarks in that neighborhood.
Compiled By: Betty Smith