Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 01 1904/2004
Glenwood - One Mr. Fisk, living near here, an old man past 80 years, was taken to the hospital, as his bills were running beyond all precedent--care and doctor bills reached nearly $125 since last fall, which has caused the poor masters to levy an extra mill tax to help them out. AND Maple sugar will soon be on the market again, as there are several fine sugar bushes in this community. Then sugar parties will be all the go.
Little Meadows - The men pushing the survey of the Pittsburg, Binghamton & Eastern railway now declare that the road will be built at an early day. This is the road that will pass through Little Meadows. AND Prominent businessman Frank Palmer died at his home March 20, 1904. Mr. Palmer had mills here and at Aploachin. He was 49 years of age.
Friendsville - The people of the vicinity are anxiously watching the progress made in completing the plans for the Binghamton & Southern railroad. The route lies through Forest Lake township, about two miles from this place.
Uniondale - Miss Daisy Bronson, retiring librarian, tendered a farewell reception to members of the executive committee. Miss Elizabeth Smith has been elected librarian for the coming year.
Franklin Forks - Mr. Melvin and Miss Ellen entertained the Webster brothers [and] Cromwell brothers, at their home on Monday evening. Refreshments were served.
Susquehanna - The Methodist church has given up the idea of a new church edifice for the present. The old one will be repaired. AND It is feared that a baseball club will be organized here.
Laurel Lake, Silver Lake Twp. - J. B. Mahoney sold a big maple tree to John H. Shay, which cut into 18 cords of 16" wood. How is that for a good old Democratic sapling?
Jackson Valley, Middletown Twp. - Our school closed Saturday with an entertainment. The teacher was presented with an Easter Lilly in full bloom, raised by A. Jones.
Birchardville - There was a mad dog passed through this place recently. He bit several dogs on his way from Choconut and there are several dogs that ought to be killed, yet the owners don't think so--they have killed a number up Choconut way. We hope there will be no more mad dogs.
Montrose - The uniforms from A. G. Spalding & Brother that will be used by our ball team have arrived and are exhibited in the window of F. D. Morris & Co. The uniform is of pearl gray with jerseys and stockings of black with cardinal stripes. A large old English M adorns the left side of the shirts and if new clothes will win games Montrose will win them all. AND The ladies of the AME Zion church will give an Easter supper for the benefit of said church. They solicit the patronage of their many friends and public to help them in their endeavor, on Monday and Tuesday evening, April 4th and 5th at 5:30. Menu: Ham and eggs, coffee, bread and butter, scalloped potatoes, pickles. Ice cram and confectionery at moderate prices.
Forest City - About 2 o'clock Monday morning a band of robbers entered the Forest City postoffice and carried away stamps, money, etc., amounting to in the neighborhood of $80. An attempt was made to blow open the safe and the report from the explosive they used could be heard for blocks around, it sounding from a distance like a pistol shot. The burglars left no clue as to their identity.
Hallstead/Great Bend - Last Friday evening the north end of the county bridge connecting Hallstead and Great Bend was carried away by the breaking of an ice gorge, or really two gorges. The upper jam was located near Susquehanna and was dislocated by the elements about 3 o'clock. It moved rapidly down the river to Hickory Grove where the second gorge that had formed was encountered. Ice in a river moves with an awful force and the impetus carried away the barrier and thus augmented the moving mass approached the bridge and snapped off the north end as if it were a pipe stem. The shallow water between Great Bend and Kirkwood afforded an opportunity for another jam, and the result was the backing up of the water on the low end in that section. Wm. Hunt had the water in his barn over the heads of his cows but rescued them before the water became too high. Telegraph and telephone poles and wires were destroyed and thousands of dollars were lost in a short space of time. The bridge has recently been repaired and the commissioners have already taken steps to repair the damage that, we understand, will be paid by the State. (The only means of conveyance between Great Bend and Hallstead is by boat and those who own boats are reaping a harvest from those whom necessity compels to cross the river between the two towns. One chap on Monday, when the price demanded reached one dollar the round trip, captured 14 good plunks of the realm. The price on Tuesday dropped to fifty cents, over and back).
Lanesboro/Oakland - The ice and water in the river did considerable damage in this vicinity. At Lanesboro, on Friday afternoon, it carried along the dismantled steamer "Idlewild," two barges at the dock, all the property of Fred H. Pride, of Susquehanna. On the Oakland side of the river the main portion of Holdridge's grist mill was carried down stream; the portion torn out was two stores and contained wood working machines; the remainder of the mill is badly wrecked.
Upsonville [Franklin Twp.] - Richard Tobey, Jr. is visiting his relatives in this vicinity. He has been in the employ of J. P. Morgan, a very wealthy New Yorker. In his travels he saw many places worthy of note; he tells us of the exhibit of their fine dogs. They expect to reach the World's Fair at St. Louis, Mo., later on in the season.
Heart Lake - The Aid Society met on Thursday last at the home of Wm. Goff; about 30 enjoyed the bountiful dinner provided by Mrs. Goff; quilting and sewing carpet rags furnished work for those present. The next meeting will occur April 7 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Melhuish and a warm sugar social will be held in the evening, to which all are cordially invited.
News Brief: A law was passed in 1797 requiring that each loaf of bread must weigh a full pound--16 ounces. The fact that this law is still in force was brought to light last week when a York county baker was arrested on the charge of selling bread that weighed but 14 ounces to the loaf. Now that they have been warned, the bakers throughout the state will do well hereafter to see that their customers get a pound loaf or they may meet a fate similar to that of the York county man. The public likes light bread, but does not want the lightness to be so pronounced that it is noticeable on the scales.
Compiled By: Betty Smith