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April 01 1899/1999

South Gibson - The following students passed examination for graduation: Fora Belcher, Bertha Owens, Portia Bennett, Lizzie Moses, Earl Maxey, Geo. Payne, Carl Peck, Clair Lewis, John McNamara, William Moses, Randall Belcher, Howard Michael. Graduating exercises will be held in the M.E. church Wednesday eve, April 6.

Forest City - For the second time within one year the large school house at Vandling has been reduced to ashes. It burned Saturday.

North Jackson - William Fox, a son of Walter Fox, of North Jackson, this county, who left home about a month since, was killed Tuesday morning at Gulf Summit, by being struck by the milk train just as he alighted from a freight train going in the opposite direction. His body was taken to Susquehanna. His age was about 19 years.

Hallstead - The Century Club held its final meeting for this season, Monday. A flashlight picture was taken by L. B. Vanness, photographer.

Ararat - The man killed at Ararat, as a result of Landlord Leach's marksmanship, has been identified through the Pinkerton detective agency as William Barry, alias Jack Brady, a noted crook who has made his headquarters in New York most of the time since entering upon a criminal career. For years he has operated throughout the eastern States. The coroner's jury in the case rendered its verdict to the effect that a band of six strangers opened fire upon residents of that township and that the said townsmen "fired back," and in this affray an unknown man was killed, whether by the hands of one of his own party or by those of the residents, the jury is unable to state.

New Milford - Col. Charles C. Pratt was at the State capitol a portion of last week. Col. Pratt is said to be the handsomest man on the Governor's staff.

Susquehanna - Following is the Class of '99: Anna Mae Ash, Alice J. Bloxham, Harry Burrhus, Ethel Emery, L. K. Fisher, Lela Mae Howard, Alice F. Mitchell, R. Bruce Moore, Mamie Matilda Metzger, Gertrude Phillipi, Ira H. Spencer, Lottie Francis Townsend.

Lawsville - The Baptist Aid met at creamery hall on Thursday evening, March 30th. There was a large attendance and the proceeds of the supper was $12. The blocks for the name quilt were brought in together with the names and the money. The whole amount of money with the names was $100.40. Miss Ella Stanford having the most names--605--won the quilt.

Hopbottom - E.M. Loomis has opened a hardware store in this place.

Springville - Ed. S. Avery was setting up cigars to the boys last week because he had taken unto himself a wife in the person of Miss Belle Crisman.

Silver Lake - The lake is still frozen over, furnishing a bridge to the postoffice, which is very unusual at this time of the year.

Birchardville - The entertainment held at Griffis school, in Jessup, March 25th, with Nellie Hewitt, instructor, was a grand success. A stormy night but a full house.

Jackson - Charles Holmes has gone to Boone, Iowa, to visit his brother, Dr. Ed Holmes.

Brooklyn - One of the American soldiers who met death in battle near Manila recently was a former resident of this county, Herman Adams. He was the son of Rev. F. E. Adams, at one time pastor of the Universalist church, Brooklyn, and went west several years ago. When the war with Spain broke out he enlisted in one of the western regiments.

Montrose - The person who took a Marlin Magazine Rifle, 22-calibre, from the Independent Republican office, April 1st, will please return the same. The time has arrived for contributions on "beautiful spring" and we need it. AND The Baptist congregation, at its recent meeting, resolved to go ahead and build a new brick church, at a cost of about $7500.

Shew and Eagan: The condemned murderers of Jackson Pepper are both in excellent health and spirits. Although the day appointed for their execution is but a few weeks off, the fact does not appear to depress them to any noticeable extent, and both men cling to the hope that their sentences will be commuted to life imprisonment or at least that they will be respited before the 18th of May. Shew spends much of his time in making paper flowers, hanging baskets and other fancy work; it is said that he has orders for more baskets than he will have time to make should there be no change in the date fixed for his execution. Eagan whiles the hours away by eagerly devouring everything printed in the newspapers and it is said that there are few men hereabouts better posted as to the news of the day than is he. In a recent interview with a reporter of the Susquehanna Transcript, Shew expressed no regret for his own sad fate but told of his sorrow for his family and friends whom he has dishonored. Among other things Shew said: "The law, I suppose, can take any body but the soul is beyond its reach." Eagan is said to have gained 22 pounds since his trial. The cases of Shew and Eagan will be reviewed by the board of pardons at Harrisburg this month.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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