Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
The Messenger, Montrose, Susquehanna Co., Penn., April, 1821. Cost is $2.00 per annum. The above newspaper contains articles from April, May and June of 1821. We hope to resume the 1818 and 1918 newspapers as soon as possible and hope you enjoy the news from 197 Years Ago.
Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of the Susquehanna Academy, to meet on Saturday the twenty-first instant, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Academy, for the purpose of choosing Trustees for the ensuing year. DAVIS DIMOCK, Sec.
NOTICE. Whereas information has been given to me that divers persons have been in the habit of cutting and carrying off timber from the lands of the estate of George Clymer, deceased--Now notice is hereby given, that, in every instance hereafter where it shall be done, upon information thereof, a prosecution will be commenced for the damages. C. CATLIN, Agent for the heirs of Geo. Clymer, dec.
BRITANNIA DISTILLERY, Silver Lake Township. The subscribers will pay cash at the following rates, for INDIAN CORN & RYE, fifty cents per bushel--and for OATS, 25 cents per bushel. Apply on Saturdays and Mondays to ROGERS! BROWN & CLARKE.
WANTED, As an Apprentice to the Printing Business, a lad, about 13 or 14 years of age, of good moral habits, and who has received a good, English education. Apply at this office.
IRON FOR CASH. Juniatta Bar Iron, of first rate quality, at $7 p. cwt. Plowshare Moulds, at $7 50 per cwt. To be had of CHARLES INNIS, Richmond Hill, Silver Lake.
PENSIONERS. Returns have been received from the War Department for the following persons, viz. Daniel Chamberlin, Israel Hewitt, John Whitely, Jonathan Newman, Jedediah Adams, Isaac Doud, Simeon Wylie, Jonathan Edwards, Elias Bennett, John Eldred, Timothy Hall, Robert Nichols, Hezekiah Leach, Silvanus Wade. Pensions not allowed: David Taylor, David Sherer. Returned for a transfer, Samuel Woodruff. CHARLES CATLIN, Montrose.
At a meeting of a number of the citizens of Susquehanna county, held at the house of Daniel Curtis, for the purpose of considering proper measures to be adopted relative to the approaching military election, Mr. Charles Catlin was appointed Chairman, and Mr. Bela Jones, Secretary. When it was resolved, that Isaac Post be supported as the candidate for the office of Brigadier General. That Major Edward Packer be supported as the Candidate for the office of Brigade Inspector. That Col. John Buckingham be supported as the candidate for the office of Colonel of the 76th regiment. That Captain Daniel Lathrop be supported as the candidate for Lieutenant Colonel of the 76th regiment. That Bela Jones be supported as the candidate for Major of the 2nd Battalion of the 76th regiment--and That the proceedings of the meeting be published in the Montrose Gazette and Messenger.
BLACKSMITHING. Benjamin Sayre respectfully informs the Public that he has commenced the BLACKSMITHING business in Montrose, where he will carry it on in all its various branches, and at the lowest possible rate for Cash. Horses shod for One Dollar, and other work in proportion. Ploughshare Moulds, and Iron of every description, sold very low for Cash.
DIED, on Thursday evening last, Mrs. Cooley, wife of Jacob Cooley, of Bridgewater township.
WANTED, As an apprentice to the Printing Business, A lad, about 13 or 14 years of age, of good moral habits, and who has received a good English education. Apply at this Office.
STRAYED OR STOLEN, From the subscriber, in the village of Montrose, a dark brindle cow, white faced, one lopped horn, rather low in flesh, six or seven years old. Who ever will give information where she may be found, shall be liberally rewarded. TIMOTHY FOOT, Montrose
STRAYED STEER. STRAYED into the premises of the Subscriber, a THREE YEAR OLD RED STEER, about the first of last month. The owner is requested to call, pay charges, and take him away. WALTER LATHROP, Springville
MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, &c. &c. The subscriber respectfully informs the Public, that he expects a fresh supply of Genuine Medicines, Paints, Dye Stuffs &c. by Thursday or Friday next from the city of New York, where he had them put up under his own inspection, and can recommend them as being of the very best quality, and perfectly fresh, as they were taken from the ship packages while he was there. ANSON DART. Montrose.
TEN DOLLARS REWARD. The above Reward will be given for the apprehension and delivery to the jail of Susquehanna County, a man by the name of JAMES COOK, who escaped from the subscriber on the 7th inst. Said Cook has lately resided in Rush Township, in Susquehanna County, and is a deserter from the United States army. He is about 23 years of age, a decent, well looking young man, but a dangerous man in society. Every member is interested in his apprehension, as the crime with which he is charged is one of great magnitude. JABEZ A. BIRCHARD, Constable of Middletown.
NOTICE. A PERSON competent to teach the Latin and Greek Languages, the higher branches of Mathematics, English Grammar, Geography, &c. is wanted to take charge of the Susquehanna Academy as principal teacher thereof. Application to be made to D. Dimock, Esq. President of the Board of Trustees at Montrose. By order of the Board of Trustees. WILLIAM JESSUP, Sec.
JAMES EVANS, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, from England, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the Public in general, that He has taken the store directly opposite Messrs Hawley and Tompkins' store at Chenango Point, where he carries on the above business in all its various branches:--Repeating, Horizontal, Patent Lever, and Duplex Watches carefully cleaned and repaired at the shortest notice. Those who will please to favour him with their orders, are assured that they will be thankfully received, and executed in the best manner. A general assortment of elegant Jewellery, &c. Chenango Point, New York.
DIED, last evening, Rebecca, wife of Mr. Samuel Warner, of Bridgewater, aged 37. Her death was very sudden and unexpected.
Compiled By: Betty Smith