Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 27 1890/1990
Silver Lake- The Mud Lakers had an easy task in defeating the Hawleyton boys last Saturday. N. Rodgers with both wild and ineffective, and his support was decidedly loose. The local players fielded superbly and balled hard while the visitors played without any dash or go. The Hawleyton boys are a very pleasant lot of gentlemen, and all right, but they won't do to play ball with the Mud Lake boys. Dr. Tiffany made three two-base hits, but muffed one fly, and, then pounded the ball unmercifully. A. Rodgers surprised everybody by his effective pitching. Hawleyton’s hardest hitters could do nothing with him, except Ed Webb, batting a few foul balls and Anciel was bothered some by the attraction on that big rock in the field. Nute, the catcher, got a bad crack on the head from a ball, and suffered some from loss of blood, but he would not give up. He said that he would rather lose some blood than lose the game. The attendance was large. They would like to entertain the Montrose boys for nine innings, or Rush, or some club in this county. They say Broome Co. won't do them up this fall. Score, 27-3. Umpire Edson Hill.
Harford - The old residence of Obadiah Carpenter, later that of his son, Col. Amherst Carpenter, is being dismantled. Is another old landmark going? The house is probably 80 years old, and was built on the Attleborough plan, high between joints, two stories, and eaves projecting about six inches. Keep an eye for old documents or relics, friends, while tearing down.
Susquehanna - The Presbyterian Church choir has, it is said, disbanded. "Leaves have their time to fall" and this seems to be about the time. Residents in the vicinity of the electric light works complain of showers of oil from the exhaust pipes of the Westinghouse engines.
Auburn - School commenced at Auburn Corners on Monday, under the supervision of M.S. Cronk, of Fairdale, to continue five months. We look for a successful term, as Mr. Cronk is said to be a first-class instructor.
News Brief - Miscellaneous: Charles Gordon and Martin Hewes, two Civil War veteran soldiers of Sullivan County, marched to Susquehanna, a distance of 90 miles, to attend the soldiers' reunion. AND The Tunkhannock New Age says the river has not been so high before since June of last year, at the time of the Johnstown Flood. AND Temperance societies have recommended the use of Sancuta coffee, claiming that all necessary stimulants are found in it without any injurious effects upon the brain and nervous system.
Compiled By: Betty Smith