Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
September 23 1904/2004
Harford - We once again have a harness shop in our town, George Tiffany having opened one in the Osborn building.
Susquehanna - The entire force of 150 union boilermakers, employed in the Erie shops, were locked out on Tuesday morning. There had been no trouble at the shop and this action was unexpected. As they arrived for work each man was met at the door and dismissed and paid off at 8'clock. While no explanation was made by the shop officials, it is understood to be the first step in an "open shop" policy that the Erie is trying to force.
Brooklyn - Building an addition to the High School and engaging an extra teacher is strongly talked. The lower rooms are crowded.
Upsonville - Three suspicious looking persons were seen on our streets with not a first-class team and market wagon on Tuesday evening. The same night about 10 bushels of potatoes were dug from the field of E.J. Lindsey, and some hens from G. H. Brownson's hennery.
Strickland Hill, Springville Twp. - Burton H. Shoemaker and wife, of Lincoln, Neb., have been visiting his brother O.T. Shoemaker and other friends here. Mr. Shoemaker and family went to Nebraska some 41 years ago, he having made but one visit to his boyhood home in that time, which was about 21 years hence. AND Between one and two o'clock Monday morning the large new dwelling house of Alva Button, near Card pond in Springville Twp, was discovered on fire. The flames had made such a rapid headway that the inmates were just able to escape by jumping from the porch in their night clothes. Mr. Button, however, succeeded in saving a box, containing about $100 in cash. The house and its contents were worth in the neighborhood of $1500, with no insurance.
North Bridgewater - Hard frost the morning of Sept. 22. AND Samuel Warriner is preparing to build a fine residence on his farm, for his summer home.
Lanesboro - It is reported that coal has been discovered in a range of mountains near Canawacta creek, above Lanesboro, and parties from Susquehanna and Forest City are completing arrangements to begin operations at once. AND In Glenwood, the prospects for a find of coal is very promising on the farm of M. Cadden. Slate, sulphur and coal have been found at a depth of 27 feet in digging a well on the farm.
Montrose - Harrington's Mills has been very attractively re-painted--in fact, "It's gay." The work was under the supervision of James Smith. The new sign that spans the main entrance of the mill shows Mr. Hedden at his best in lettering. AND "Harry Lumley, the local ballplayer who is making good with a vengeance at Brooklyn, has become the recipient, perhaps unconscious, of another honor in the baseball world--an honor, in fact, which could not be left out of the past master's outfit." says a Lestershire writer. "He has been made a character in the Merriwell series of weekly novels for boys. In the line-up of the team appears his name although the author got crossed on the position the famous ball players plays and listed him for third. Still this crowning honor of all will not be disparaged because of a little slip of the pen. Lum is in a fair way to have a soda biscuit and a necktie named after him if he continues in his present winning ways." Lumley is well remembered by the Montrose lovers of the game, having played with the team one season several years ago. AND An alarm of fire a little after 4 A.M. called out the firemen to find that the beautiful new home of A.R. Anthony, on Lake Ave., was on fire. Mr. Pennypacker, Commander Richards, and other neighbors were the first to arrive, while Miss Mary Sayre ran down to the Court House and rang the alarm bell. The upper part of the house is badly damaged. The family will move into Mrs. Post's residence on High Street.
New Milford - E.S. Garratt, E.S. Hayden, F.N. Gillespie and Geo. P. McConnell, have gone to the big woods of Oregon, where they intend to camp in tents through the winter and look the country over, with a view of taking up timber claims, if the prospects prove favorable.
Hopbottom - Roberts Brothers' store was opened on Saturday with a fine display of goods.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - It is surprising how some of the old bachelors are learning to cake walk.
Birchardville - Rev. W. C. Tilden has been pastor of the Baptist church for the past 50 years and during his pastorate he has performed more than 700 marriage ceremonies and preached at 876 funeral services. An old horse of his that recently died, he had driven more than 60,000 miles in Susquehanna county. He was at one time county superintendent of schools.
Great Bend - The county commissioners were here last week looking the bridge over and investigating the matter of trying to recover some of the ironwork of the old span, which lies in the bed of the river at different points. We trust that our county fathers will see the wisdom of having the permanent span put in before the cold weather comes on and makes such work more difficult
Lakeside - Bert Oliver, who operates the traction engine owned by the Moses Shields stone company, while watching the game of ball between Hallstead and New Milford, was struck in the face by a "foul tip," the ball striking him squarely on his nose and crushing it badly. Dr. Hull was present and took Mr. Oliver to his office and patched up the injured member.
News Briefs: A telephone arrangement, by which a person speaking may also see the face of the person at the other end of the line, has been invented by J.B. Fowler of Portland, Oregon. AND Bunnell & Pierson's new ad will appear next week. It will tell you about New York millinery, at unapproachable prices. AND It is not generally known, but it is nevertheless a fact, that Scranton has the largest button manufactory in the world, and that in all parts of the world its buttons are being sewed on garments. AND Paris has decided that tall, thin women shall be the style this year.
Compiled By: Betty Smith